i got fired today, my first job ever, i worked there 6 months now, the thing im inquiring about is that when i was working with them they set guidelines to me that were not kept on their end and ended up in me getting terminated due to this....see i missed x amount of days, they told me i could miss alot more than x amount of days before i'd have to worry about any recourse whatsoever a strait quote from them, yet this morning i show up after a day i called in, and im "terminated" no further explination given, wtf? i feel cheated, and i dont hate these people even if it is just gone but i mean, wtf... if i ever thought for a second i'd lose it for calling i wouldnt have, i feel like i was lied to, and then just pushed out the door, should i look into calling a lawyer? its not a union job just fyi...if that matters, i have no clue on this kinda thing, it was my first job and i actually SORTA needed it, but not really i guess *sigh* just feels wrong, they tell me this, and then do that!