Water Powered Car Inventor Murdered.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Water Powered Car Inventor Murdered.?
Sixteen answers:
2007-07-18 13:03:13 UTC
we saw this engine back in the 80's at EPCOT Center in Disney World in Florida......GM said they owned this patent but they weren't building it because it wasn't perfected......sounded like hogwash back then as it does now...why would they show it and brag about it .....if it wasn't possible....

of course he was murdered.....with his invention.... it would put the oil industry into a panic .......

and the idiots saying you must be a nut or something are probably prepubescents....

video discussing his invention
2007-07-18 13:25:57 UTC
i believe you. i read this somewhere, but i didn't,t know someone was murdered, all closed doors, try emailing your letter to the" daily mail" in the UK. they usually take up all these stories, and have their own people investigate, unless they have been told , not to go there, wish you the best of luck, i suppose when all resources have dried up, we will use this energy, but till then god only knows why we are using earths resource. i am a mere grandma . maybe to ? well not sure,
2007-07-18 12:53:09 UTC
Not an urban legend. I'll post another link of a guy that currently drives a water car.

There's another guy in Pennsylvania that drives one of his own design.

You sceptics out there don't know the nature of the beast we're up against. I personally have invented an engine/transmission that has the potential of 100 miles to the gallon using gasoline/butanol/methanol/alcohol, but don't have the money or backing to build a prototype. I tried to interest GM in the design, but they gave me the brush.

Oil is a politically protected industry.
2015-08-12 03:14:33 UTC
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Water Powered Car Inventor Murdered.?

What he did was he combined water and electricity. It turns into a gas called HHO, which can power a car for 100 miles a gallon on...water. Yes, essentially free power. All it costs is 1500$ to equip your car, and you'd never have to go to a gas station again.

He was from Grove City, Ohio,...
2007-07-18 16:37:41 UTC
I care very much but there are some things that seem a bit incredible. That would mean the conspiracy was so huge that even the news media was in on it? The minute some puppy falls down a well the whole nation hears about it, but a car running on water . . . that's not news? Why the secrecy? And why not take the billion dollars? I surely hope this isn't true. Do I believe our goverment "disappears" people? Yes. I don't like to think about it too much, but yes. People do care. Don't sell them short by any evidence you see on this website, okay?


I did find this story on the web. I haven't had much time to go through it, but one of the things it states was:

"The Franklin County coroner ruled that Meyer, who had high blood pressure, died of a brain aneurysm. Absent any proof of foul play, the police went with the coroner's report.

The only detectable drugs were the pain reliever lidocaine and phenytoin, which is used to treat seizures."

Edit 2:

Here is a YouTube link:
2016-11-10 11:59:38 UTC
Water Powered Car Inventor
2014-12-25 15:19:12 UTC
Technology Submission -State of the Art - Novel Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech - Featured Development


Atypical InFlow Thermodynamic
Technology Proposal Submission
Novel Fueled Motor Engine Type

*State of the art Innovative concept Top system Higher efficient percent. Power by bar, for Air-Planes, Sea-Boats, Land-Transport & Dynamic Power-Plant Generation.
-Have similar system of the Aeolipile Heron Steam device from Alexandria 10-70 AD. -New Form-Function Motor-Engine Device. Next Step, Epic Design Change, Broken-Seal Revelation. -Desirable Power-Plant Innovation.

YouTube; * Atypical New • GEARTURBINE / Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Thrust Way Type - Non Waste Looses

-This innovative concept consists of hull and core where are held all 8 bteps of the work-flow which make the concept functional. The core has several gears and turbines which are responsible for these 8 steps (5 of them are dedicated to the turbo stages). The first step is fuel compression, followed by 2 cold turbo levels. The fourth step is where the fuel starts burning – combustion stage, which creates thrust for the next, 5th step – thrust step, which provides power to the planetary gears and turbines and moves the system. This step is followed by two hot turbo steps and the circle is enclosed by the final 8th step – bigger turbine. All this motion in a retrodynamic circumstance effect, wich is plus higher RPM speed by self motion. The Reaction at front of the action.

*8-X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE - Way Steps:
1)1-Compression / bigger
2)2-Turbo 1 cold
3)2-Turbo 2 cold
4)2-Combustion - circular motion flames / opposites
5)2-Thrust - single turbo & planetary gears / ying yang
6)2-Turbo 2 hot
7)2-Turbo 1 hot
8)1-Turbine / bigger

-With Retrodynamic Dextrogiro vs Levogiro Phenomenon Effect. / Rotor-RPM VS InFlow / front to front; "Collision-Interaction Type" - inflow vs blades-gear-move. Technical unique dynamic innovative motion mode. [Retrodynamic Reaction = When the inflow have more velocity the rotor have more RPM Acceleration, with high (XY Position) Momentum] Which the internal flow (and rotor) duplicate its speed, when activated being in a rotor (and inflow) with [inverse] opposite Turns. The Reaction at front of the action. A very strong Novel torque power concept.

-Non waste parasitic looses for; friction, cooling, lubrication & combustion. 

-Shape-Mass + Rotary-Motion = Inertia-Dynamic / Form-Function Wide [Flat] Cylindrical shape + positive dynamic rotary mass = continue Inertia positive tendency motion. Kinetic Rotating Mass.

-Combustion 2Two continue circular [Rockets] flames. [ying yang] opposite one to the other. – With 2TWO very long distance INFLOW [inside propulsion] CONDUITS. -4 TURBOS Rotary Total Thrust-Power Regeneration Power System. -Mechanical direct 2two [Small] Planetary Gears at polar position. -Like the Ying Yang Symbol/Concept. -Wide out the Rotor circumference were have much more lever [HIGH Torque] POWER THRUST. -No blade erosion by sand & very low heat target signature profile. -3 points of power thrust; 1-flow way, 2-gear, 3-turbine. *Patent; Dic. 1991 IMPI Mexico #197187 All Rights Reserved. Carlos Barrera.


·2-Imploturbocompressor; One Moving Part System Excellence Design - The InFlow Interaction comes from Macro-Flow and goes to Micro-Flow by Implossion - Only One Compression Step; Inflow, Compression and outflow at one simple circular dynamic motion Concept.

*·“Excellence in Design" because is only one moving part. Only one unique compression step. Inflow and out flow at the same one system, This invention by its nature a logic and simple conception in the dynamics flow mechanics area. The invention is a wing made of one piece in a rotating motion, contained in a pair cavity system connected by implocavity, and interacting dynamically with a flow, that passes internally "Imploded" through its simple mechanism. This flow can be gas (air) or liquid (water). And have two diferents aplications, in two diferents form-function; this one can be received (using the dynamic flow passage, as a receiver). Or it can be generated (with a power plant, generating a propulsion).

Presenting one of the many diferents examples, could specifically be this same invention applied in pair in every bar end, similar to what would be a turbine reaction or turbocompressor, and making the best profit of a exhaust gas dynamic flow, compressing a new air entrance and therefore falling into the technical field of the reaction turbines. This of course, considerating materials that are resistant to the high temperatures such as the ceramics ones. And furthermore this invention approaches more the combustion point and therefore also more to the gases expansion point, in order to search a higher expanding dynamic strength. It could, for example, be presented into an inter dynamic rotor system (aplication), supported internally and in a rotating system. And likewise being able to activate a new concept of dynamic turbine by pushing gearing, and likewise, creating a new technical field. Or can be in a more simple way by means of the system of this same invention applied to the bar end, but without a movement of interaction with the rotor, only the rotary dynamics in a static point for any type of mechanical work such as a dynamo in order to generate electricity through the dynamic strength of a flow when it is rotating at the moment it receives it, just like a pelton well do.

And when the flow that is received and that is intended to be used at best, must no necessarily by a exhausting or rejection gas, but must be a dynamic passing gas or liquid flow with the only intention to count it or to measure it. This could be possible at the passing and interacting period when it passes inside its simple mechanism. This can be in any point of the flow trajectory.

In case the flow that is received is a water falling by gravity, and a dynamo is placed on the rotary bar, the Imploturbocompressor can profit an be obtained by generating? electricity such as obtained by the pelton well, like I say before.

Or only receive the liquid flow, in order to measure its passage with a counter placed on the bar, because when this flow passes through the simple mechanism of a rotating wing made of only one piece it interacts within the implocavities system. And this flow can be air wind, with the diference of can have an horizontal position, and have wind from all the sides and all the time. The aforementioned information about this invention refers to technical applications, such as a dynamic flow receiver. (whether being gas or liquid).

Connecting the free end of the bar of this invention to a power plant (manual, electrical, mechanical, or combusting, etc...), there will be available a capacity and a position in order to generate the flow dynamics (or even better, a propulsion). This applied? to gas flows (air) or to liquid flow (water). This of course, considering the due rotating directions as well as the inclination, wings, curvature and the due dimensioning for every application of every technical field.

With the appropriate power plant and the appropriate dimensioning and number of RPM this invention is also feasible to generate an atmospheric air propulsion and the autoprolpusion of an aircraft. Being an effective and very simple system that implodes and compresses the atmospheric air permits the creation of a new concept of propulsion for aircrafts, due to its simple mechanism and innovative nature. At the place of the aircraft were the system appears and the manner how the propulsion direction can be oriented with a vectorial flow (no lobster tail) with I call "yo-yo system" (middle cut (at the shell) to move, one side loose), guided and balanced is feasible to create a new concept of TOVL-vertical take-off landing, I wish good for a wild conditions. Because the exhaust propulsion can going out radial in all the 360 vectorial positions, going out direct all the time in all the vectors direction. With his rotor cover for an better furtive fly, like going down of a bridge for example.

The "Imploturbocompressor", is a good option to pump water, or a gas flow, and all kinds of pipes lines dynamic moves.

Likewise, with the due form and dimensioning, and considering the liquid density and the due revolutions for this element there could be generated a propulsion (water) in order to move an aquatic ship, whether on surface or under water. Also can be a good option to pump liquid combustion for a rocket propulsion.

Making a metaphoric comparison with the intention to expose it more clearly for a better comprehension of this innovative technical detail, it would be similar to the trajectory and motion of a dynamic flow compared with a rope (extended) that passes through the system would have now a knot (without obstructing the flow), so the complete way of the flow at the imploturbocompresor system have three direct ways and bettween make two diferents turns; direct way (entrance) - turn - direct way (implocavity) - turn - direct way (exit), all this in a circular move system.

Its prudent to mention that the curves and the inclinations of the blades of a rotating wing made of this invention, is conferred by its shape and function a structural rigidity allowing it to conduct and alter appropriately the dynamic flow passing through its system.

This invention are very versatile, can be applied and used for any kind of flow, whether as gas or as a liquid, received or be generating it.? And it has different technical fields, being applied in any circumstance where the intention is to obtain an profitable work, to modify on his imploflow system.
2007-07-19 07:37:01 UTC
about how he died-?? is it possible to do this

{ I think It could be } .Its really something to to study. get a web page going where people can share information. There are a lot of people out there; that have the time and know how to gather information and put it together.
fly by night
2007-07-18 13:02:23 UTC
This sounds like a lotta nonsense. However, there is a slim chance that it could be true.

If you knew every thing that the government was involved in, you would be afraid to go to sleep at night.

Big oil companies and auto manufacturers have been known to put pressure on inventors such as your friend.

Also, whether your story is true is an entirely different story.

However, I am remaining neutral. I have always heard that anything is possible
2007-07-18 12:49:30 UTC
A fews days later they what??? Im dying to know!
2007-07-18 12:48:38 UTC
This is an old urban legend. I remember hearing it in the 70s.
2007-07-18 13:58:16 UTC
To answer a couple of your questions, yes I am interested and no I don't think it is right. I certainly think that the events you described are possible, even probable. If you get any further info on this will you please let me know it.


Edit: Here is another scary thought. If we got this thing mass produced and a large number of people started using water cars, the cities would charge $5 per gallon for water and the Feds would add a 50% surcharge. They would claim we are depleting the water supplies and that all of the aquifers will dry up by 2050. At least we will have prevented becoming inundated by the rising sea levels due to glogal warming.

Edit again: For the benefit of "Loose Change" there are an endless number of questionable or downright false official reports over the last 60 years. The list is endless but two that spring to mind are the Warren Commission report on the Kennedy assasination, and the failure of the FBI to follow leads on the Oklahoma city bombing and concealing details of some of what they did discover.
2016-03-13 02:25:05 UTC
I believe you. The problem is once the government is involved it is almost impossible to prove they've even had a hand in it. The fortunate thing for this guy is he actually had a neighbor like you who cares and is willing to speak up on his behalf. I know this doesn't really appease you, but yes our government is capable of many deceits and lies to cover their own *** and keep the American people in the dark about a lot of things. There has been technology out there for quite sometime but it has not yet been released because they feel the majority of people are not up to the task of absorbing it . The reason I know this is because I have been around a few enlightened people very high up in companies that deal with these sorts of things. Bottom line I agree with you it is heartbreaking what governments or a few people in high places will do to their own people or governments to stay in positions of power.That is truly sad. It only shows just how base humanity still is. Good for you!
2007-07-18 13:18:44 UTC
So, you're saying Bill Clinton ordered this guy killed and the invention stolen? Even I don't buy that.

And I don't buy this water car as a fact at all. Too much secrecy. No physical or data evidence beyond the gospel of the true believers. Why would someone like this NOT submit a patent, not sell patent rights to car manufacturers?

No, I'll pass on accepting this as true.


If there's a patent, then the design exists and can be used, if patent rights are paid for. This guy's estate should be making bajillions of $$ selling rights to use the patent. But it's not. IMO, that means that it doesn't exist. What's the patent #?
2007-07-18 12:50:17 UTC
How about the guy's freaking name?

Did Alex Jones give you this tip?

2007-07-18 12:49:39 UTC
Hey, nutjob, simple reason why Stan Meyer water engine doesn't exist, it's because there is nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.