What do you think of the Casey Anthony ruling?
2011-07-05 15:35:43 UTC
So I know that all of you guys are sick of hearing about this in the news, but honestly, what do you think of the Casey Anthony ruling? She was found not guilty of murder and will spend a maximum of four years in prison for providing false information.
So do you think that she was innocent or guilty? Also, do you think that she had a fair trial?
34 answers:
2011-07-05 15:47:13 UTC

just the one fact that she did not even report her child missing for so long

must at the least make the jurors think that something is up

but then again O.J. WAS found innocent so anything is possible..
2011-07-06 06:16:25 UTC
I think that it's ridiculous that she was found not guilty, however we can't change it. I think that Casey had an excellent defense team, & the jury was swayed by Jose Baez's opening statements, that basically said that Casey was a liar & a cheater, but she didn't kill her daughter. In my opinion, I think she's guilty. I can't see any other way about it. Why would you not report your daughter missing for a month? Why would you cover up your daughter's drowning if you had nothing to hide? Who killed her then? Just saying. I don't think there was any justice at all for Caylee. Bottom line, the jury did not see many of the things we saw on the news that we used to convict Casey in our minds, as those things were banned from court. No double jeopardy though, so I guess we have to accept it. I think the jury also got swayed by the fact that it was capitol punishment. They were too scared to convict her of first degree murder, because then they'd have to contemplate the death penalty. It really is kind of like another O.J.
2011-07-07 07:53:15 UTC
I think she is guilty and should have been at LEAST convicted on the manslaughter charge. Action or inaction done by one person (neglect) that leads to a death whether intentional or or not is considered "manslaughter" under the Law.

She intentionally failed to report her daughter missing for 31 days. That is gross child neglect. Even if you buy the theory that her daughter drowned in the pool and was later found and she KNEW it and FAILED to look after her daughter when she "drowned" that is STILL child neglect that COULD cause a death. That = manslaughter.

It's sick that she is going to get off and walk out into the streets with the rest of the society. I would be ashamed of myself if I was on that jury. No, matter of fact, I would have hung the hell out of that jury. There is no way I woulda voted Not guilty on all counts but lying. It's laughable they found her "guilty" of lying yet what was she lying about?

It's a scary world we live in when some people need to see the crime where everything points to who did it and WHY yet people have gone to jail for decades only later to be exonerated all because someone gave a failed eyewitness account.


Luckily KARMA doesn't need a 12 person jury when she comes back to get ya!
Check yer Oil
2011-07-05 18:50:01 UTC
I think she had a fair trial. I have trouble seeing her as totally innocent! Maybe the whole family did cover up an accident ( or at least the Dad) I don't know but the jury did not see enough evidence.

I do think shows like Nancy Grace make it harder to convict these types of cases because when every little thing comes out on a show for like 3 years- It probably makes it harder to prove the case in front of people who heard it all in the media all ready and maybe were expecting more!
2011-07-06 10:30:39 UTC
It is just sad really. I have no doubt that she either did it, knows who did and/or had some involvement. I think the prosecutors did an outstanding job but there was just too much "reasonable doubt" so the only thing the jury could choose was "not guilty."

Check out the article I read from a local Florida Law Firm discussing why exactly the jury had to go with "not guilty" by reason of reasonable doubt.
2011-07-06 09:54:43 UTC
@Jessee--YAY!! U sed it perfect! I'm NOT sick of hearing it--it was only YESTERDAY and it was the trial of the century more or less--this, after the OJ which I also followed have destroyed my faith in our judicial system.

Did the jury get 'reasonable' doubt mixed up w/ 'beyond a shadow' of a doubt? Did they understand it's OKAY to convict based upon 'circumstantial' evidence? Did they need a smoking gun or video or photo of her smothering the baby or WHAT??

I knew from the get-go she was her ACTIONS: NEVER reported the child missing--her MOTHER had to do it! Partying, buying lingerie to celebrate her new-found freedom to sleep over w/ her man (who didn't want children around); the tattoo, the lack of concern & no participation w/ searching for the child. All these things are NOT what an innocent parent would do.

IF I needed further proof... Here it is...

1-Dead body in Casey's trunk. (decomp fluid stains, hair w/ "death band," air tests for chloroform/decomp proved positive).

2-Parked the vehicle (Backed in) & abandoned right next to a dumpster.

3-Trash bag left in trunk as a decoy to 'cover' the human decomposition odor.

4-Corpse put into a Rectangular laundry bag; one of a 'set' of bags sold @ at Target--the mate of this bag was found in the Anthony home.

5-Unusual duct tape used to suffocate the baby--same as the duct tape at the Anthony home.

6-Heart-shaped residue on duct tape was same size/type as stickers found in Casey's bedroom.

She murdered that baby, plain as the nose on your face. The jurors are morons, idiots, retarded.

I am furious, outraged, have a desire to kill or maim them or her. I'm sure it will fade w/ time but I hope since I can't do anything about it, someone else in Orlando will.

Please PRAY she'll be sentenced to more time in prison tomorrow; in general population, where the inmates HATE baby-killers & have their own judicial systems.
2011-07-05 18:45:26 UTC
I think she was guilty. Im not surprised that she was found not guilty, however, because the prosecution failed to provide sufficient evidence that would incriminate her. They never performed the necessary DNA tests on Casey's car, or her trunk, and that was the major flaw in their case. I know everyone is irate at the fact that she was found innocent of the murder, manslaughter and child abuse charges, but I think that the general public's view of the trial has been slanted tremendously by the generally one sided media coverage. Whether or not she actually murdered her child, only she will know. In the eyes of the law, she was found to be innocent, and that's the end of it.
2011-07-08 19:15:27 UTC
I think it's ludicrous. It is really obvious that she killed that baby. And I know that she was found not guilty even though I believe she is. But the least she could have been charged with is manslaughter. And I say this because they say Caylee had drowned . If Casey was paying close attention to Caylee, she wouldn't have drowned. Just pure neglect. And also, I believe that even though they say she didn't kill Caylee, which is bull, she was an accomplice to it because she went out partying afterwards and then just started lying to her mother about where she was staying and whatnot .
2011-07-07 21:54:06 UTC
Even though the evidence "wasn't there"...I still believe she was guilty. My god, how the hell do you go a damn month without reporting her missing, getting at tattoo and partying?! That ***** should burn! I hope that someone out there will see her and beat her ***. At the end of the day she'll have to answer to why that sweet little Caylee isn't on this earth. Casey's Ex-Fiance said it right.

You can't get any lower than killing a baby.

I don't give a damn how many thumbs down I get.
2011-07-05 16:23:09 UTC
I feel for the lost soul of Caylee, whose spirit touched us all today as the verdicts were read on live tv. The prosecution pressed too hard with making this a case for capital punishment. There are other degrees of murder, manslaughter and neglect etc that were disturbingly uncharged. No one on that jury could find her guilty as charged, even if they wanted to. I'm sure they were waiting for that ONE PIECE of irrefutable evidence that would prove Casey guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That didn't happen. Now, the pretty sociopath Casey can get some counseling and get on with her life, knowing that the justice system "worked", and that her compulsive lying saved her again. She probably already has a book or movie deal. As much as we love to hate her, this case was compelling, and that's what sells.
Dan B
2011-07-05 15:41:40 UTC
First, I don't think she'll spend more than 1 year for the four offenses she was found guilty of. They each carry a 1 year max. She spent 3 years in jail awaiting trial. She'll get credit for that time.

I don't think a trial would have occurred if the death was reported right away, instead of waiting 30 days. That may have caused the prosecutor to look at this in a criminal light - strange behavior on Casey's part. I think the whole family is dysfunctional.

Fair trial - Casey thinks so, her attorney thinks so, her supporters think so. Others may think justice was not served.
Ashley Brooks
2011-07-05 19:48:27 UTC
The thing that bothers me the most is that the defense never even explained the duct tape, why if it was accidental would a 2 year old child have duct tape over their nose and mouth and another piece fo secure those two? As a parent myself I could never imagine partying for a month while my child was missing or had already passed. Yet she was out partying and living it up while her beautiful innocent two year old daughter was decomposing in a trash bag in a swamp. No one would be able to drag me out of bed none the less participate in 'hot body contests'! She is guilty as sin, those jurors were complete and utter morons to find her not guilty. RIP beautiful little Caylee
2011-07-05 23:23:04 UTC
I'm thinking WTF!?

I think she killed her but even then... Her body is in your car why? And was that story one or two, maybe that was three, oh sorry it was four. And why would you wanna make it look like a murder when it was accidental? Why Duct Tape? Why the body in the trunk? If she lied four times why would the fourth be any different? Who else would want a two year old girl dead? Is she gonna party tonight?

Well I hope karma strikes or at least guilt... but I guess she doesn't care about morals or guilt she was so happy when her daughter died (murdered). Well she will eventually get punished, you can't run from it...
Ian D
2011-07-05 15:49:35 UTC
Based on the evidence I heard through the coloring of the media, I figured Casey was guilty too. But, I respect the decision of the court and believe the jury saw some reasonable doubt and had a different perspective by being in the court room. That's good enough for me even though the outcome was not what I expected.
2011-07-07 14:25:45 UTC
I disagree with the verdict. She knows something, she has to. No normal, sane person makes up people to cover the fact that they don't know where their child is for 31 days. I think it's crap she will be getting released next Wednesday. Where is the justice for Caylee? In my opinion, she should have testified. Yes, she would have been ripped apart by the lawyers but maybe then she would have realized 'this is serious, I should tell them what I know.' The pictures of her at her sentencing with that smirk on her face makes me sick. It just screams 'I got away with it!'
2011-07-05 19:14:50 UTC
If she lied four times (that they can prove), and lied about telling people that her child was missing, then I think it should not only be a red flag but a blinking red light.

I didn't follow the case closely, but from what I could see there was no doubt she was guilty.
Mr. Wizard
2011-07-05 22:37:43 UTC
Caylee Anthony's killer walks free---and that killer will FAIL to fool God when He lays down the ultimate eternal damnation sentence....all in due time; I take solace knowing this fact.

Casey Anthony is guilty of 4 counts of lying to police, each count carrying a maximum of one year each----HOWEVER---seeing she's already been locked up for just over 3 years and will surely be credited for time served, it'd be insulting to keep her locked up for a mere 6 months; Casey will surely walk on sentencing day, next month. Legally---and it stings to say it---that's just how things will go.

I think deep down inside, Casey's defense attorney knew his client was either culpable or negligent in Caylee's death. Heck of a pickle to be in as a defense attorney--but nonetheless--as one, you got a job to do: exonerate your client or get him / her the best possible sentence deal by color of law.

But Baez could have easily sailed in getting Casey OUT of being locked up those 3 years, awaiting trial; a paralegal could score such w/out a sweat. Yet Casey was locked up till her trial's end.

And look at his overall defense work: Wasn't very savvy or strong---yet in the end, his presenting the jury w/ allegations of molestation and incest--aimed at Casey's father and brother--have well secured Casey losing her parents---her family---pretty much forever. And even if you walk free like Casey has--what good is it if you have NO FAMILY out there for you????

Jose Baez would not be MY attorney if I needed one to defend me in court.

Jose Baez knew Casey would beat the "evidence"---but nonetheless, he knew enough to know WHAT his client TRULY was. His client walks---but not w/out a price paid---one beyond any fees call for.

You see, that's the caveat of defense attorneys; there's a reason why it's not wise for any client to play them like a fool. I think in the end, Casey Anthony is about to learn that lesson.

By all legal definitions, Casey Anthony got a fair trial--just one w/ circumstantial evidence that didn't have the qualified Prosecution team to handle and present it in court; it's debatable what, if any, effective strategies they could and should have tried.

Casey Anthony, I believe, is a twisted, sick and depraved sociopath--someone who carries NO remorse, regrets or guilt for ANY of her misdeeds made---which made it all too easy for her to dispose of Caylee's body after she died due to her Casey's negligence. Also well explains why Casey likely doesn't feel a damn thing, knowing she's thrown away her parents and brother---just to gain her freedom.

One fine day---and I pray it comes VERY soon---those currently cold, turned off emotional switches will suddenly turn ON in Casey's mind.....and she'll experience the full emotional explosion of what she's done and what she's forever lost. Justice will THEN take care of business.....all in due time.
R - G
2011-07-05 17:40:10 UTC
Whether I think she was guilty or innocent is irrelevant.

The fact is that a jury of 12 intelligent people had to weigh up the evidence, and they didn't necessarily find she was innocent. They might not necessarily have thought she was innocent, but judgement isn't about "I think". They found there was insufficient evidence to prove she did it beyond all reasonable doubt. No reliable direct witnesses, no DNA, no video/photos, only theories.

My guess is that releasing her might effectively be "death penalty by angry mob"

By the way, I'm not American & don't live in America so I might be a bit off on your terminology.
Im Listening
2011-07-05 23:42:31 UTC
I don't recall the last time I cried the way I did when the verdict was read today. Allowing a sociopathic baby killer to roam free is not justice.
2011-07-05 17:40:49 UTC
She is guilty!! Those jurors needto be shot!! If I lived in the county they did I would beat the crap out of them. I live in Orlando. If I ever see Casey I will punch her in the face. I don't care if she is a woman. She killed her daughter. Drove away from her dad and hid the bag in th trunk from him, lied about where caylee was and who she was with. Those jurors are not talking now because they don't want to talk for free. They want to make money and go on talk shows. This case is ridiculous and gross. Can't believe this horrible witch is getting off. That old lawyer they had needs to die and Baez messed up so many times in this case. It is total luck that they had a stupid jury. Baez said casey needs time to grieve. She NEVER will!!! She is a sociopathic narcissistic lying sl.ut. You all watch she will be like OJ. She will be in jail again.
2011-07-05 21:30:40 UTC
Freaking bullcrap. somebody murdered that poor little 2 year old was no accident. All the evidence points to Casey. She murdered her daughter and all the idiot jackasses in the jury are retarded and have no clue what they have done. Now poor little Caylee gets no justice. It makes me really really mad
2011-07-05 18:16:35 UTC
The jury was delivered on the short bus. It's not justice. They DO NOT understand the definition of reasonable!
White Chocolate
2011-07-06 04:47:07 UTC
She and OJ were not "found innocent." Not guilty. Big difference. They couldn't PROVE they did it.
Michael H
2011-07-05 15:40:37 UTC
I disagree with it, I believe that even if she didn't do it, she had/has knowledge of the crime.

The jury decided, and we have to respect the jury's decision.

Sir William Blackstone said, "Better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer".

Sad but true.
2011-07-05 20:09:06 UTC
I believe that her daughters death was some sort of accident, or had something else behind it; so i never thought she deserved first degree. But, she did know about it, lied multiple times, blamed others, partied and showed no emotion for her daughters death. She should have maybe gotten 2nd degree or Manslaughter at the least. I believe she had a fair trial, nothing more could be done.
2011-07-05 15:38:52 UTC
I honestly can't believe they think she's innocent... I mean, even if her daughters death was an accident, there's still obviously something wrong with her if she just went out and partied after and then kept moving around and lying to her mom about where she was.
2011-07-06 11:13:33 UTC
I agree with it. I believe it was an accident and she panicked and covered it up. While her behavior was odd, it does not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is needed to convict. Also there was no forensic evidence to prove her guilt.

I also believe, with all the media coverage it was unfair and a shocking verdict.
2011-07-05 15:45:32 UTC
i think she did a good job with the jury and got the results she wanted. i am not sure if she is or not guilty.
2011-07-05 23:53:28 UTC
That wasn't a ruling, it was a verdict. There's a difference.
2011-07-05 15:44:25 UTC
Her trial was in a court of law ... NOT on the Nancy Grace Show of horrors ... Not - guilty . But still spent 3 years in jail ... Time served and set free Thursday ...
Big John
2011-07-05 15:50:41 UTC
She had a fair trial, and the prosecution was not able to prove her guilty, therefore she's not guilty.
Laura Smith
2011-07-05 15:45:20 UTC
~ it was obvious she did it on all the story changes (ie- pool drowning accident, grandfather killed her, nanny kidnapped her while she was working)

~The ***** is guilty

~fair trial? no!
2011-07-06 17:50:08 UTC
she was guilty
2011-07-05 16:33:05 UTC
her attorney bribed the jury

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