Why prostitution in not legalized? Really insane,don't you think?
2006-03-06 21:10:36 UTC
Why prostitution in not legalized? Really insane,don't you think?
Nine answers:
2006-03-07 16:44:13 UTC
People need someone to tell them right from wrong Amanalda? Isn't that what your parents were supposed to teach you when you were a kid? Do you honestly think the morals of this country aren't screwed up as it is? Prostitution isn't called the oldest profession in the book for nothing. It's been around since before Jesus was born. Why not go ahead and make it legal? Evidently there's not a big issue in Nevada. It generates revenue for the state and takes it off of street corners and back alleys, regulating it and making it safer. Sex workers in Nevada have to be tested monthly so it would stop the spread of STDs in prostitutes, who pass it to their customers, who pass it to someone else, etc. If that's someones chosen career, more power to them I guess. At least they're not sitting home collecting welfare. Look at the issue in black & white--isn't a housewife just a prostitute when it comes down to it? Or is it ok because she's a maid & cook and just prostitutes on the side?
2006-03-08 19:33:50 UTC
I'll try to be brief on this one, but a guy is going to have to pay for it one way or another. You either spend the money on things (i.e. haircut, clothes, dinner, movie, motel, ect.), and she'll spend her time with you possibly envolving sex. The other option is to cut through the "chase" and get to the "meat". These girls have desided to cash in, and insted of watching you spend that money they'll take it. They usually started out as the other kind of girl, but made the realization that they'd have a better time spending the money themselves. The sex is just a fringe benefit of the job.

Ladies out there, I have writen this from the male viewpoint. I am aware that it does go both ways. So please don't be offended by my views.
2006-03-06 21:23:15 UTC
Because somewhere in our government we have people who don't want to see our country's morals and values fall that low. People are crazy nowadays, and they need someone to tell them right from wrong. Prostitution is WRONG. You should never think of selling yourself for a price. There is no one who could pay it.

That's my opinion.
2006-03-06 21:56:23 UTC
It really is crazy. We all do the same thing if we have a job. We basically rent out our bodies to do some task for pay. What difference does it make if you clean up after someone, cook dinner for them or have sex with them? It's all honest work for honest pay, right?
2006-03-06 21:36:13 UTC
So some of the people here have a problem with people selling their bodies, but no problem with the government taking away your free will. I find that scary.

Everyone has rights in the US, including the right to be stupid. If people want to be stupid and sell their bodies, that's their business, not the government's.
2006-03-06 21:30:41 UTC
Because we don't want our sisters to be use for primal needs only. Besides that lust can destroy your life it is love and affection that makes relationships worthwhile It is very demeaning to use women as only a sex object and very shallow.
2006-03-06 21:11:13 UTC
Yeah...totally crazy...
2006-03-06 21:22:45 UTC
Because it basically harmful.
2006-03-06 21:11:23 UTC

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