Do you agree with me that these laws should be put in to place in the UK?
2012-11-04 13:23:47 UTC
1. Abolition of all speed cameras.
2. No speed limit on motorways.
3. All citizens without a criminal record should be allowed to own fire arms.
4. Confirmed illegal immigrants who's passports can't be found should be kept imprisoned until their deportation can be sorted (rather than release them on bail like they do now).
5. Car insurance companies can only charge a maximum of £1000 a year.
6. There should be complete and total freedom of speech.
7. Females should not be allowed to serve in the military or police unless they can pass the same physical tests as males.
8. Cannabis should be legalised and taxed.
9. Prostitution should be legalised and taxed.
10. Citizens who kill trespassers on their property should not be prosecuted.
11. Drug addicts should be put in to rehabs where they are kept there against their will until they are cured.
12. TV licensing should be abolished.
Nineteen answers:
2012-11-04 13:31:45 UTC
the first 3 are stupid.

Guns are not needed they cause more harm than they stop.

Speed limits save lives.

Speed cameras save lives.
2012-11-04 15:04:42 UTC
1. Abolition of all speed cameras.

No. They have done a lot to reduce fatalities due to stupid drivers.

2. No speed limit on motorways.

No, unless it only applied to those who had passed a much tougher driving test than the current one, and then there is still the environmental damage (more fuel burned) and more congestion due to more bunching (more vehicles per hour reaching the same pinch point so more queues).

3. All citizens without a criminal record should be allowed to own fire arms.

No. Very little gain and lots of problems (e.g. look at the USA's record for gun accidents, never mind deliberate misuse).

4. Confirmed illegal immigrants who's passports can't be found should be kept imprisoned until their deportation can be sorted (rather than release them on bail like they do now).

Possible, but do we know how many answer that bail now and how much it would cost to jail a lot of them who would have answered their bail anyway?

5. Car insurance companies can only charge a maximum of £1000 a year.

Do you really mean any policy whose real cost was over £1000 should just not be available, or that insurers should be forced to offer subsidised policies to high-risk drivers (presumably paid from the money they make from low-risk ones, who would therefore be charged more)?

6. There should be complete and total freedom of speech.

Including adults trying to seduce chidren?

7. Females should not be allowed to serve in the military or police unless they can pass the same physical tests as males.

I think the police and military are the best judges of their own requirements.

8. Cannabis should be legalised and taxed.

If legalised it should be taxed. Unsure about legalising it.

9. Prostitution should be legalised and taxed.

It is legal. Do you mean making brothels legal? Or soliciting in the streets?

10. Citizens who kill trespassers on their property should not be prosecuted.

No. I don't think someone accidentally getting lost and wandering off a right of way across a moor or field justifies killing them.

11. Drug addicts should be put in to rehabs where they are kept there against their will until they are cured.

Define cured. Surely you only know if they are not cured if they go back on drugs after being released?

12. TV licensing should be abolished.

No. Too much advertising on TV as it is.
2012-11-04 13:31:25 UTC
Just a few issues

1. Abolition of all speed cameras. (Why it enforces speed)

2. No speed limit on motorways.(Why we have the speed limits for a reason, also in the event that somebody gets hit or accidents occur there would still have to be a standard in which somebody was negligent, criminal negligence in these situations is also an issue which would mean a line is drawn)

3. All citizens without a criminal record should be allowed to own fire arms.(And of the mentally ill? Clearly more restrictions are needed and what about those with light criminal records, driving offences, offences when children ect)

4. Confirmed illegal immigrants who's passports can't be found should be kept imprisoned until their deportation can be sorted (rather than release them on bail like they do now).(Criminal standard for proof is an issue here (beyond all reasonable doubt or satisfied so that you are sure as is often now said instead))

5. Car insurance companies can only charge a maximum of £1000 a year. (Now I so wish this was the case my previous years insurance being £2500 however the company needs to be able to make money)

6. There should be complete and total freedom of speech. (What about issues of extreme political belief, fake science in classrooms, or examples such as those seen by the Westboro Baptist Chruch. would this be total free speech of speech or would this include me being able to express it anywhere?) What about if I defame, or threaten?

7. Females should not be allowed to serve in the military or police unless they can pass the same physical tests as males. I find no issue although I assume you mean active service.

8. Cannabis should be legalised and taxed.

9. Prostitution should be legalised and taxed.

10. Citizens who kill trespassers on their property should not be prosecuted. (what about a child popping across a farmers field. Somebody who accidently ended up on the land, a defenceless person who has been for example already restrained)

11. Drug addicts should be put in to rehabs where they are kept there against their will until they are cured. (I see this causing a lot of issues in terms of mental damage which could make the rehab worthless?)

12. TV licensing should be abolished.

Just food for thought.
Hombre Sin Nombre AKA Oggmeista
2012-11-05 00:45:11 UTC
1 No Certain cameras are an effective deterrent to speeding in dangerous zones, others though are money making policies

2 No I cannot understand how this could make such routes safer or even as safe as they are currently, higher speeds means more potential damage and less time to react to a situation

3 Definite No Why? It is my strong belief that the more guns are owned within society including the police, the more threat,fear,violence and potential crime and illegal use would take place, take the miners strike and Hillsborough disaster as prime examples of police corruption and collaboration, what do you think will happen if they have issued firearms as well?, not to mention every other joe on the street

4 unsure

5 No (how do you work that at on a car that for instance costs £50,000?

6 Yes

7 unsure (although it sounds right in principal, in practise?

8 Yes

9 Yes

10 No You say what?, What you should say if this is done in self defence otherwise this would be a not very funny joke

11 No I don't like the sound of anything that states putting some-one incarceration for anything other than a proven criminal action, how can you justify this with your views on freedom of speech?

12 Yes The principal of licence fees is wrong the BBC is the only ones to profit and people are not only watching their channel's so why should they ONLY make money for the privilege of using a television set? Make it equal share to all TV companies and it would be fair.

the problem with some of your rules is they are unfair

the problem with some of the relaxation's is that people would take advantage of them
2012-11-04 19:05:08 UTC
I was going to go through each one, then I read through 'Jon's' answer above and I pretty much agree with everything he says. Some additions / modifications:

4. Despite my woolly liberal tendencies I don't believe in a right to be at liberty pending an immigration determination or removal. Cost is at the nub of it though, it would be useful to know what proportion do surrender to bail. I suspect it's very high.

8. I am fairly decided in my view that cannabis should be legalised. There are enough drunks shambling around town to make me think I'd rather that they were on cannabis. We can scaremonger about its effect on mental health and so on, but the harm caused by putting so much profit into the hands of criminals completely outweighs the effects of a drug that is much much less socially problematic than booze. Plus, given that I'm a squeaky clean middle class chap, the fact that I could get hold of some tomorrow if I wanted shows that a ban does nothing.

9. I would support the legalisation of brothels - these are de facto tolerated in the UK anyway, just have a comedy browse of punternet - together with regulation. The setting up of 'safe zones' for street prostitution with zero tolerance elsewhere has worked well in various places around the world. It would very much help if the tax raised by the initiative went on drugs outreach.

12. I find compulsory TV licencing quite difficult to defend from a principled view, but I don't half get my money's worth from my TV licence. About twenty hours of radio, fifteen hours of telly, and got knows how many trips to the BBC News site isn't bad for about a tenner a month. Sky and Virgin are greedy fuckers too, and this move would just give them the go ahead to make even more money for doing even less.

PS This is a much more interesting question than it seemed by the time I'd got to number three. There will be very few people indeed who agree with every single one of your suggested laws, but many will strongly agree or disagree with at least a couple. So well done for starting a debate at least.

PPS What on earth is 'Apollo' going on about? The UK parliament passes legislation, which then becomes UK law. Some matters are devolved to the Scottish and Welsh legislatures.
2012-11-04 13:33:55 UTC
1) speed cameras in stupid, sly places should be abolished but i high risk areas they have been proven to help.

2) No speed limits increase the fatalities on motorways but can reduce congestion, I'd say no but higher it.

3) No because that would never work out, more people would just needlessly die.

4) I agree

5) I agree but the company needs to make money based on the risk of you claiming (they could probably spare it with their masses of profit)

6) I agree

7) I agree

8) Yes but to an extent, there should be a system put in place to know 100% if someone is high when driving like there is for alcohol.

9) I don't know where to stand on that

10) No, you should be put through a trial because if it was intentional murder (as in not self defence) then you're worse than the trespasser and should be convicted (but with less force than someone who did it to a randomer on the street)

11) Nice thought but Where would the money come from?

12) I like the BBC and like that it's not commercialised and hasnt got adverts, it's not that much a year.
2012-11-06 09:09:03 UTC
1) Yes

2)Yes, Germany has no speed limit and they have less crashes than us

3)Yes, but you still can own a firearm with a criminal record if you don't have a sentence over 3 years (even though they do criminal record checks




7)Yes, Its a mans job

8)No, they should keep it ban with tabacco as people say "I'm ill, so they can have drugs from the doctor"

9)Yes, only with condoms so it doesn't spread diseases

10)I don't think they should be prosectuted

11)Yes, 100% get some normal people in life

12) Yes.
2012-11-04 20:12:23 UTC
1. Agree. doing a few miles over a limit does not indicate you have lost control of your car.

2. Agree. It is a proven fact - the less control you put on road users the more they care for their own safety and less accidents occur.

3.Do no agree. Why ? All people without a criminal record should be given a tax rebate -say > £5000 after 15 years. another £5000 for progressive 5 year stages. Paid for by the increased fines given to criminals.

4.I dont think there is a proven problem in this area. daily mail hype ?

5.Prefer that policys be a one page max statement of plain english. without all this carp of "legal services up to £50 million ??

6.Incitement be clearly explained in law - then i would agree with free speech.

7.Females have a valuable contribution to make in their own way. Not all issues require manly physical strength.

8.Totally agree.

9. Dont care.

10. Dont agree. The current law is appropriate.

11.Change this to corrupt MPs and I will agree.

12. Agree - because of the dishonest way it is propagated. Its a Tax, simple as that. The BBC is NOT the best news caster.
2012-11-04 14:04:08 UTC
1.agree .2 disagree new drivers doing 120 showing off ouch 3 agree 4.send them back save tax payers money 5 disagree age 17 to 20 nothing bigger than a 1300cc 20 to 25 up to 1600cc 25 to 30 up to 2000cc that would help ins premiums.6 agree 7 agree 8 should be treated like alcohol 9 agree 10 agree 11 disagree they should be sent to the army 12 agree
2012-11-04 13:37:12 UTC
No to 1, 2, 3, 7 and 10.

lol '3. All citizens without a criminal record should be allowed to own fire arms.' I, just like millions of others, wouldnae be leaving our houses knowing that any numpty (who didn't have a criminal record) was free to go and buy a gun) lol
2012-11-04 13:36:32 UTC
Ibelieve in all except 2, 10, except I don't believe everyone that happens to get on someone's property should be killed. That would depend on what they were on there for.

I too, believe in freedom.

I don't believe that everyone without a criminal record should own firearms. I mean there are mentally ill people out here. But I do believe in owning firearms

There should be a legal limit set by the government on what insurance companies charge.
2012-11-04 13:36:20 UTC
No, I don't agree with most of them.

Some are plain ridiculous, but I agree with 4 and while I disagree with 10, I think there strong mitigating circumstances which should be taken into account. If someone attacks you on your property and you kill them, fair enough. But if you kill them whilst they are running away... I think thats a bit excessive. Shooting a thief in the back and killing them, should have a £100 fine or something.

I could go though all your ideas, pulling them to pieces, but I'll just go for no. 12. How would the BBC be funded without the licence? I DETEST Advertising on TV, and paying for the licence means I can watch 3 or 4 channels without adverts. It's worth it.
2012-11-04 15:07:33 UTC
Just something to think about

4) --- where do you deport them to if you dont know where they came from?

And suppose you deport them to any another country- What if they just send them back cos THEY dont know where they came from either? All THEY know is you sent them.
2012-11-04 15:03:02 UTC
Well Jason none of them are UK laws, as we are under 'Common law', and these you post do not come under this law, our Queen takes an Coronation Oath to uphold our common law, all else are 'Statute law', you need to find out the difference.
2012-11-04 13:40:59 UTC
Sounds good to me, even though I don't live in the UK.
2012-11-04 13:25:42 UTC
Yepp, I agree with all of those, the world needs more preachers of freedom :)
2012-11-04 13:47:34 UTC
Are you out of your mind?
2012-11-04 13:28:08 UTC
Totally agree to each and everyone.
2012-11-05 01:39:39 UTC
NO. End off.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.