1. Abolition of all speed cameras.
No. They have done a lot to reduce fatalities due to stupid drivers.
2. No speed limit on motorways.
No, unless it only applied to those who had passed a much tougher driving test than the current one, and then there is still the environmental damage (more fuel burned) and more congestion due to more bunching (more vehicles per hour reaching the same pinch point so more queues).
3. All citizens without a criminal record should be allowed to own fire arms.
No. Very little gain and lots of problems (e.g. look at the USA's record for gun accidents, never mind deliberate misuse).
4. Confirmed illegal immigrants who's passports can't be found should be kept imprisoned until their deportation can be sorted (rather than release them on bail like they do now).
Possible, but do we know how many answer that bail now and how much it would cost to jail a lot of them who would have answered their bail anyway?
5. Car insurance companies can only charge a maximum of £1000 a year.
Do you really mean any policy whose real cost was over £1000 should just not be available, or that insurers should be forced to offer subsidised policies to high-risk drivers (presumably paid from the money they make from low-risk ones, who would therefore be charged more)?
6. There should be complete and total freedom of speech.
Including adults trying to seduce chidren?
7. Females should not be allowed to serve in the military or police unless they can pass the same physical tests as males.
I think the police and military are the best judges of their own requirements.
8. Cannabis should be legalised and taxed.
If legalised it should be taxed. Unsure about legalising it.
9. Prostitution should be legalised and taxed.
It is legal. Do you mean making brothels legal? Or soliciting in the streets?
10. Citizens who kill trespassers on their property should not be prosecuted.
No. I don't think someone accidentally getting lost and wandering off a right of way across a moor or field justifies killing them.
11. Drug addicts should be put in to rehabs where they are kept there against their will until they are cured.
Define cured. Surely you only know if they are not cured if they go back on drugs after being released?
12. TV licensing should be abolished.
No. Too much advertising on TV as it is.