It's fine - but you have options in terms of other ways to fix this.
The utilities can't shut off your stuff for being late, if there is someone with disabilities or chronic illness in the home. Speak to them. Your water bill is a municipal bill, and there may be a discount program as well.
You are likely to qualify for some other programs, so get in touch with the local social services and have them do an assessment. You don't have to struggle like this - between your husband and your daughter, there will be help available, and the utility bills can be put off temporarily.
Getting these benefits isn't begging- we all pay into it, and your husband too, just so you don't have to resort to GoFundMe. You have NOT failed - you are flagging under the pressure of two disabilities most people don't have. Failing is never getting a job, much less two, and having your kids taken by CPS because you can be bothered to raise them.
You're good people, facing a huge challenge, and our society is set up to help you out. You just need to apply, so we know how much help you need. You paid into it, too, so it would be there.