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will u mind to see below about findings of the rev dr kamal karna k roy?
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Showing posts 1 - 1 of1 Demi divine U S
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Saranac Lake, NY
1 min ago
birth rec.obscured:Jesus (son/God):hundu GOd Krishna:Obama B,US?
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Showing posts 1 - 1 of1 Demi divine U S
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Saranac Lake, NY
1 min ago
Birth of Obama b h may be investigated by federal prosecutor though he is on default us president wef 1.20.2009(cc us attorney general, washington dc. this can happen before obama turns up in books of history. now is time, as sovereignty of usa is at stake. Birth records of obama was alleged to be not convincing in 260 + usds court, et al legal filings. courts have delayed resolution on obscurity on obama birth: u s presidents (sitting) were investigated for violation of laws. why bh Obma as u on default, president wef 1,20. 2009 , is evading lawful investigations on obamas birth on planet earth.
--- On Fri, 9/18/09, vishwa dharma
> From: vishwa dharma
> Subject: R9.18.2009 washington dc :issue:misc including unresolved issue of birth of obama bh, the on default usa president wef 1.20. 2009 when multiple allegations were filed in legal violations in voting including obama did not try to respond to allegation that truthful legal birth records were not given to contesting candidates including the rev kamal karna k roy, f e c washington dc. the rev kamal kk roy had had lawful right to challenge obama's birth records but usdc did not take care of legal issue of u s constitutional violation that a person without evidence of true birth record and his legal citizenship @birth to be usa ,@ birth ,& continued us citizenshp of usa. dr kamal roy filed 260+ civil complaints at various us courts in most and vaious urisdiction wqherin violations took place, and @ i c justice at the hague, netherland on complains that sovereignty of usa is at stake, as obama bh was kenyan or british lawfully whereever he was born on planet earth in usa or at ouutsource usa as said obama's natural male parent was alien to USA & mother stabley ann dunham was only 18 yrs old @ delivery of live baby obama. obama's circumstance of birth were concealed by mother stanley as she was legally minor & mail mate was alien to usa. dr roy alleged in court complaints that federal prosecutors should investigate bh obama to lawfully question his birth ,& obama did participate to unlawfully evade issue when summons of waiver was sent to him and THE "HE" ignored laws. bee: 9.17.2009 issues :misc & bh obama birth on earth planet is true but the exact birth place was not found for sure. Many poerfuls, courts , et al want the issue should be closed without investigations by federal prosecutors: why?rosecutorsfederalderal prosecutor200916.2009e: 9.15.2009:london u k:misc issues:9.15.2009:KOLKATA, INDIA:: 9.14.2009e:9.14.2009 new york 9.14. 2009 new delhi India : misc issues :Re: misc issues: obama birth on planet earth under review of laws of u s constitutionocal News: Sneedville, TN: 9. 13. 2009.13 e: ISSUE : MISC: 9.13.2009: LAHORE pAKISTAN ::e: Local News: Sneedville, TN ::9.12.2009:ISSUES MISC::Local News: Sneedville, TN e: Re9.11.09:misc issues: 9:.1 0.2009 :MISC ISSUES: 0.2009 :MISC ISSUES : NY 9 9 2009 : OT misc issues :::9.9. 2009 new york issues & below noted facts:::new york city, usa: 9.9.2009: R20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally .......... the rev dr kamal k k roy aka josephh geronimo jr is not a vip & he is an activist on "PEOPLE" in democracies, in questions of laws &/or events of societal democratic living.
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