Can my employer require me to get h1n1 flu shot?
2009-09-18 05:56:32 UTC
I am employed by a big medical company but work in a small orthopedic surgeon office, there is a rumor that they are requiring every employee (this is 1000s of people) to get the shot and if they don't they will have to wear a surgical mask at all time in the practices. If they don't wear the mask they will be suspended from facilities for up to 2 weeks and only permitted back to work if they wear masks.

I am not getting the shot and I think it's ridiculous that they might implement this in our buildings. It's just building more and more fear from people, especially because the masks will make it known that the person does not have the shot and people might purposely avoid them because of that? That's almost discrimination. Its probably just a rumor that it will be a whole company policy, but someone actually got an email stating this stuff in it. Can they really do this?
Seven answers:
2009-09-18 06:05:42 UTC
You work in the medical field, so yes your employer can require it for health and safety reasons.
2009-09-18 13:23:16 UTC
Here are some excerpts from the below link:


Can Employers Mandate Flu Shots?

■Currently 48 states allow exemptions for those that do not believe in vaccination for religious purposes.

■Otherwise, chances are your options aren’t that great for getting out of an employer mandated flu shot. Some hospitals go as far as to demand allergy testing if you claim you are allergic to the flu shot. If you are allergic to the shot your employer may request that you go in for testing and if you prove negative to allergy, you may still be vaccinated. If positive allergy for the shot (egg proteins) is determined you then will be told you have to take an anti-viral influenza prophylactic medication for six months that has known severe side effects including depression and suicide per certain NEW hospital protocols.

What are Employee’s Rights with Mandatory Flu Shots?

Many employees that have had bad reactions to a flu shot feel that being forced to have a flu shot is against their constitutional rights. Nurses filed a lawsuit against a hospital they worked for and WON, flu shots then became optional for nurses, as the hiring contract only mandated a current measles vaccination, and even Hepatitis B was considered optional upon hiring. So you can always sue for your rights.


That being said, be aware that there is also a "severe" shortage of the H1N1 vaccination, so it is being rationed to those deemed most as risk (elderly, children, hospital employees) - so it's possible that your medical company won't fall under that category, and wouldn't be able to get their hands on enough of the vaccine anyway. The distribution of the vaccine seems to be handled differently state-to-state, so check the second link to see how your state plans to distribute its share of the vaccine.
2009-09-18 13:10:30 UTC
I don't think so. Even if the company does want to try to implement this sort of policy, it will certainly be challenged on the basis that it is unconstitutional and violates individuals' human rights.

It is not an employers place to force people to ingest anything into their bodies, and as far as the H1N1 flu shot it is untested, and not even guaranteed to work.
2009-09-18 13:15:08 UTC
States are going to require some medical professionals to get the shots.

Every jurisdiction is different; I'd check with my union, or the state health department.
ever vigilant
2009-09-18 13:15:25 UTC
You betcha they can. My wife has been a Nurse for 28 years in a neurosurgery ICU for a nationally top rated hospital and she has to also. It only makes sense to get the inoculation. You must realize, of course, that only sick or hurt people go to hospitals. There can be a great potential for spreading that disease to others..nurses..doctors..other maybe more seriously ill or hurt patients..Do everybody a favor huh..get the shot!

As far as discrimination it's not..not even close when your talking public health issues.
The Arbiter of common sense
2009-09-18 13:13:55 UTC
NO, your employer cannot require you to have a shot.

However, he is entirely in his rights and DUTIES to refuse to employ you without it.
2009-09-18 13:18:17 UTC
no. but may request you u for safeety for u 7 OTHER EMPLOYEES: PL SEE BELOW IF U MAY AFFORD TIME;

Local News: Sneedville, TN


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Saranac Lake, NY

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Birth of Obama b h may be investigated by federal prosecutor though he is on default us president wef 1.20.2009(cc us attorney general, washington dc. this can happen before obama turns up in books of history. now is time, as sovereignty of usa is at stake. Birth records of obama was alleged to be not convincing in 260 + usds court, et al legal filings. courts have delayed resolution on obscurity on obama birth: u s presidents (sitting) were investigated for violation of laws. why bh Obma as u on default, president wef 1,20. 2009 , is evading lawful investigations on obamas birth on planet earth.

--- On Fri, 9/18/09, vishwa dharma wrote:

> From: vishwa dharma

> Subject: R9.18.2009 washington dc :issue:misc including unresolved issue of birth of obama bh, the on default usa president wef 1.20. 2009 when multiple allegations were filed in legal violations in voting including obama did not try to respond to allegation that truthful legal birth records were not given to contesting candidates including the rev kamal karna k roy, f e c washington dc. the rev kamal kk roy had had lawful right to challenge obama's birth records but usdc did not take care of legal issue of u s constitutional violation that a person without evidence of true birth record and his legal citizenship @birth to be usa ,@ birth ,& continued us citizenshp of usa. dr kamal roy filed 260+ civil complaints at various us courts in most and vaious urisdiction wqherin violations took place, and @ i c justice at the hague, netherland on complains that sovereignty of usa is at stake, as obama bh was kenyan or british lawfully whereever he was born on planet earth in usa or at ouutsource usa as said obama's natural male parent was alien to USA & mother stabley ann dunham was only 18 yrs old @ delivery of live baby obama. obama's circumstance of birth were concealed by mother stanley as she was legally minor & mail mate was alien to usa. dr roy alleged in court complaints that federal prosecutors should investigate bh obama to lawfully question his birth ,& obama did participate to unlawfully evade issue when summons of waiver was sent to him and THE "HE" ignored laws. bee: 9.17.2009 issues :misc & bh obama birth on earth planet is true but the exact birth place was not found for sure. Many poerfuls, courts , et al want the issue should be closed without investigations by federal prosecutors: why?rosecutorsfederalderal prosecutor200916.2009e: 9.15.2009:london u k:misc issues:9.15.2009:KOLKATA, INDIA:: 9.14.2009e:9.14.2009 new york 9.14. 2009 new delhi India : misc issues :Re: misc issues: obama birth on planet earth under review of laws of u s constitutionocal News: Sneedville, TN: 9. 13. 2009.13 e: ISSUE : MISC: 9.13.2009: LAHORE pAKISTAN ::e: Local News: Sneedville, TN ::9.12.2009:ISSUES MISC::Local News: Sneedville, TN e: Re9.11.09:misc issues: 9:.1 0.2009 :MISC ISSUES: 0.2009 :MISC ISSUES : NY 9 9 2009 : OT misc issues :::9.9. 2009 new york issues & below noted facts:::new york city, usa: 9.9.2009: R20. 2009,but a smart violator of laws evaded the issue illegally .......... the rev dr kamal k k roy aka josephh geronimo jr is not a vip & he is an activist on "PEOPLE" in democracies, in questions of laws &/or events of societal democratic living.

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