I work full time, 10hr grave shift 4 days/wk then off 3. I have the same sched. every wk and occasional OT if asked.(its a small Co. so not much choice but Im always contacted.) So I come back from my weekend to work and I find out not just one or 2 but my whole wk has been switched around and I'd be off again then work my usual days off. I was furious!I even though technically the schedule is subject to change, thats a HUGE change and I wasnt asked or even notified of the change.I told my manager I have a prior commitment one night and cant come in. He went off about "sched. sub. to change and its been posted -which it hadnt been it was altered the day before I came in to work, and it's a write-up If i dont come in for the shift. I said ok. He called back and then said If I didnt come in it would be my last day. I didnt want to argue but sure enough i waslet me go? Ive never called in or had any write ups before. I notified him ahead of time can he still fire me for this??