Consumer Protection > Vehicles > Lemon Law (from attorney-general's office
If a purchased vehicle needs repeated repairs or is unsafe, it may qualify for the protection of the
lemon law. In Arkansas, a vehicle is protected under the lemon law for the Quality Assurance
Period, which is 24 months from purchase, or 24,000 miles, whichever is longer.
Arkansas' Lemon Law does NOT cover used vehicles, and vehicles may be sold "as is." However, there ARE several OTHER types of laws that can be used to help you in the event you discover that you've bought a used car lemon:
**1. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has what's called the Used Car Rule that REQUIRES dealers to provide consumers with a Buyer's Guide with warranty and other types of information. If the dealer has in any way FAILED to abide by the FTC Used Car Rule, you may have the basis for a legal claim.
**2. Each state has what are called Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices (UDAP) laws. If the dealer has, for example, made verbal promises or didn't tell you about issues relating to your used car, you may have a cause of action.
**3. The Truth in Lending Act and the Federal Odometer Act might also be valuable in obtaining lemon justice.
What is a Lemon?
A lemon is generally defined as "a vehicle that you’ve owned for less than two years that is defective". If the dealer or manufacturer either canNOT REPAIR your vehicle after NUMEROUS attempts or REFUSES to repair it, your vehicle is probably defective. If you've repeatedly brought your vehicle in for service for the SAME or SIMILAR problems, and it still is NOT fixed, you probably have a lemon.
If you’ve taken your vehicle in multiple times to get the same problem fixed, it’s probably covered by Lemon Law. Although each state is different, most Lemon Laws require that you take you vehicle in for repair between two times (for serious safety defects) and four times (for other types of problems), or that the vehicle is out of service for 30 days.
Do you have a Used Lemon? Lemon Laws may still protect you. In many states, used vehicles are covered by Used Car Lemon Laws. Even if your state doesn’t have a specific Used Car Lemon Law, it probably has other laws that are designed to protect you**.
Alex Simanovsky & Associates:
Arkansas Lemon Law Attorneys:
Get a FREE Arkansas Lemon Case Evaluation and FREE Consultation from experienced consumer protection attorneys. If your car or computer is a Lemon, you may be entitled to your money back, a replacement or a cash settlement. So you have nothing to lose, except that Lemon!
Please fill out our Free Lemon Law Case Evaluation form. One of our lemon law attorneys will review your intake quickly and respond by e-mail or phone. If you do not have all your information available, please enter your contact information and an Alex Simanovsky & Associates associate will contact you. Remember that we never charge any attorney's fees for our Lemon Law representation. You have nothing to lose, except that Lemon! The form below this paragraph asks for your Contact Information (your name, address, phone, and email address. Please enter at least ONE--day or evening-- phone contact); Vehicle Information (Year & Make; Model; Current Mileage; if it's New/Lease/Used; Date of Purchase; Warranty Type--new car, extended warranty, service contract, dealer warranty, no warranty or "as is"; Defect and Repair Information:
Complaint / Defect---> # of repair attempts---> Does the problem still exist (check box)
Engine, Transmission--0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Brakes-----------------------0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Steering & Suspension-0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Electrical System----------0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Body, Paint & Interior---- 0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Heating/ AC----------------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Leaks---------------------------0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Noises--------------------------0 1 2 3 4 5 +
Other----------------------------0 1 2 3 4 5 +
The total number of days the vehicle has been in the shop for all problems: 0 to over 45
Then, there is an area for you to type in "Comments / Additional information"
Check the Disclaimer box: "DISCLAIMER: By submitting this form, I understand that I am NOT entering into any attorney-client relationship with Alex Simanovsky & Associates. This is merely a REQUEST FOR INFORMATION. NO representation shall be undertaken without a WRITTEN terms of representation.
*When we say "FREE TO THE CONSUMER" we mean exactly that! While we don't work for free, consumers will NOT be charged any attorney's fees. We seek to recover our attorney's fees from the manufacturer and/or dealer pursu