2011-07-12 16:02:35 UTC
I'm a incoming freshmen to a university. Over the summer I obtained the book that we would be using for a course. I have spent several hundred hours of self research and self teaching reading the whole entire book and solving every single problem in the book. It's for a course were we have to learn a certain programming language. Hence I solved every single problem onto one electronic file. I was thinking I might as well as publish my work as a solutions manual to this textbook for which there's no solutions manual for by the publishers and that it wouldn't be that hard to do. I would publish it as a free download onto the internet.
I was wondering what would be the proper way of getting input before publishing? I was thinking the best thing to do would be to stay after lecture the very first day and hand the professor a copy of the file on a CD and say something along the lines of, "Hi, my name is... Over the summer I read the whole entire textbook for the course and solved every single problem in the book. I wondering if you could let me know what you think of my work before I publish it?" I think that doing something like this would be great and the professor's facial expressions would be like "WTF you taught yourself everything on your own and wrote a solutions manual to the whole entire textbook?" and would be pretty damn impressed because he would realize he would have very little to teach me in the course if anything.
After getting his input the next time the course is in section and taking what he has to say into consideration after viewing my electronic book, I thought that this would also be a good resume builder and I could list it on my resume as being an author and include a copy of the file electronically with my resume.
I understand that this solutions manual would be a derivative work sense my solutions manual wouldn't exist had it not been for the original book. Am I still entitled to publish this document or not? All work of it is of my own with very few questions in which I had to ask for guidance in solving a problem from which someone guided me along the thought process of coming up with a solution. Like I don't really understand why this would be an issue because people solve home work problems on separate pieces of paper from textbooks and claim it as there own work all the time. This document just contains my solutions and not the actual wording of the questions or anything of the sort. I would be releasing this to the internet free of charge and wouldn't be making money off of it at all. If this is against copyright rules than how do websites like get a whole bunch of people to post there solutions to home work problems from textbooks and stuff? That site is one giant solutions manual were people contribute solutions to problems from the book.