Quran chap: 5
5:43 How can they make you their judge
when they have the Torah, containing
God's judgment; then they turn away
after that. They do not acknowledge.
5:44 We have sent down the Torah, in it is
guidance and a light; the prophets who
have peacefully surrendered judged with
it for those who are Jews, as well as the
Rabbis, and the Priests, for what they
were entrusted of God's book, and they
were witness over it. So do not revere
the people but revere Me; and do not
purchase with My signs a cheap price.
Whoever does not judge with what God
has sent down, then these are the
5:45 We have decreed for them in it that a life
for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a
nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear,
and a tooth for a tooth, and wounds to be
similar; and whoever remits anything of
it, then it will cancel sins for him.
Whoever does not judge by what God
has sent down, then these are the
5:46 We followed their teaching with Jesus
the son of Mary, authenticating what was
present with him of the Torah. We gave
him the Injeel, in it is guidance and light,
and to authenticate what is present with
him of the Torah, and a guidance and
lesson for the righteous.
5:47 Let the people of the Injeel (christians) judge with
what God has sent down in it. Whoever
does not judge by what God has sent
down, then these are the vile ones.
5:48 We have sent down to you (muhemmed) the book with
truth, authenticating what is present of
the book and superseding it. So judge
between them by what God has sent
down, and do not follow their desires
from what has come to you of the truth.
For each of you We have made laws, a
structure. Had God willed, He would
have made you all one nation, but He
tests you with what He has given you, so
advance the good deeds. To God you
will return all of you, and He will inform
you regarding that in which you
5:49 You should rule among them by what
God has sent down, and do not follow
their wishes, and beware lest they divert
you away from some of what God has
sent down to you. If they turn away, then
know that God wants to inflict them
with some of their sins. Indeed, many
among the people are corrupt.
5:50 Is it the judgment of the days of
ignorance that they seek? Who is better
than God as a judge for a people that