Knowingly living with an identity that is incorrect is illegal. However what about when your identity is incorrect, but you have no way of proving your real identity because the information on who you really are does not exist. For example your identity was changed when you were a child by adults before you were old enough to understand. You don't actually know who you really are, or who your parents really were, so you have no way of correcting your incorrect identity. Every passport, driving licence and piece of documentation ever issued has your incorrect identity on it, so there is no trail of paperwork to find your real identity. Everybody who has ever known you or knows you knows you by your incorrect identity. But you know in your own mind that everything is a fabrication, and every time you complete a form or speak to your own family you are telling a lie. It is illegal to knowingly enter incorrect information on to a driving licence application or marriage certificate, but how can you put the correct information on either when you don't know what it is yourself, and even if you did know you don't have any documents to prove it.