Agree or Disagree? Hillary shouldn't be allowed in the Presidential race for the oval office because her husband embarrassed the USA with?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Agree or Disagree? Hillary shouldn't be allowed in the Presidential race for the oval office because her husband embarrassed the USA with?
241 answers:
2016-02-10 13:43:05 UTC
That is the dumbest thing I've heard. Just because her husband did something that was wrong, that shouldn't dictate what she is able or not able to do. Will I vote for her? Hell no. But that doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to do something just because her husband had an affair. He wasn't the first nor last to have an affair. It's just he was in the public eye so suddenly he is a horrible person. I forgot perfect people exist.
2016-02-09 12:39:02 UTC
You know, Bill Clinton also manages to maintain a positive approval rating despite the affair because of the fact that the Republicans have been targeting him with impeachment, leading to the people to develop sympathy for the guy.

It also resulted in a rare moment where the Democrats actually made gains in the 1998 mid-term election while Newt Gingrich's political career comes to an end as a result.
2016-02-11 00:09:35 UTC
Only in the USA would anyone have ever gotten to know about it. In the UK for example, we've had a whole clique of top politicians, army generals etc. involved in a pedophile ring (and even two possible murders of their young victims) which successive government have being trying to hush up since the 1970s. Scotland Yard was even ordered to stop investigating the matter, but rumours about it are doing such harm to the Yard's reputation that its current head has (towo days ago) formally asked a retired judge to lead an investigation about the police handling of the allegations.
2016-02-09 14:24:32 UTC
Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents and dictators all over the world are constantly getting involved in personal situations that in the USA would freak people out; it just happens that our country's peculiar heritage of Puritanism makes us such old fussbudgets and fuddie-duddies compared to so much else of the rest of the world.
2016-02-09 12:52:28 UTC
Strongly disagree! Why penalize her for something that her husband did??

And lets address he's NOT the only politician to have an affair!! Anyone remember John Edwards??
2016-02-10 14:40:55 UTC
Personally, I don't really care about Bill's trysts. I also think a lot of the blame goes on the women who allowed hime--if they refused to do him, he wouldn't have anyone but Hilary. So it's a 2-way street. Bill one hell of a president which trumps everything else. And I'd prefer Hilary over Trump who is not only going to embarrass the hell out of the USA with his damn mouth, but he could very easily bring on the next world war with is hate and refusal to compromise or try to work with others. Contrary to what Trump and his supporters believe, he is not going to be elected king or emperor; he won't have absolute power, and because of that he's going to be one very frustrated, evil ruler. Putting Trump in as president would be akin to having the Emperor (and he was a legitimate emperor) Nero back to bring down the whole country. Yes, his wife is lovely but we have yet to hear much from her and part of her job as First Lady would be to bring a more human side to the president, to do some social good--which Mrs. Obama has been excellent at--and to be able to connect with the people which the president won't be able to do on many levels. If Mrs. Trump hasn't stepped up to show she's got what it takes, she's a detriment to her husband's ambitions.
2016-02-09 14:39:05 UTC
None of that is relevant to Hillary Clinton's qualifications. Guilt by association is not an American value.

Besides, most Americans don't really give a crap about Bill Clinton's affairs, just like they didn't give a crap about JFK's. It's more delicious when a hypocritical holier-than-thou moral-values Republican gets caught.
2016-02-09 13:08:38 UTC
That's not in the constitution. And in any case it's not relevant to her ability to be president.

That being said she still shouldn't be president. Hillary Clinton is beholden to big money interests. As Secretary of State she changed her mind on a Colombia free trade deal right after she 'coincidentally' received a campaign contribution from a major oil company that does business there and is known for violating labor rights.

Hillary Clinton also campaigns dirty. She tries to smeer Bernie as wanting to get rid of Obamacare. Bernie only wants to get rid of Obamacare if it is first replaced with Medicare for All (since then Obamacare would be redundant, people don't need to buy insurance if healthcare is provided for free), which would mean everyone would have access to healthcare, it would be paid for with the progressive income tax that pays for other government programs, and none of the money would go to for-profit insurance companies. If he can't get the votes for that then he'll defend Obamacare against any Republican attempts to dismantle it.

And Hillary Clinton receives campaign contributions from Wall Street and even hasn't ruled out a Wall Street Secretary of Treasury. Let's not forget her past where she was paid for making speeches to Wall Street firms.

Bernie Sanders has refused campaign contributions from big businesses. CEO Martin Shkreli's contribution was donated to an HIV charity instead of being used for his campaign.

Don't vote for Hillary, vote for Bernie.
2016-02-09 11:43:43 UTC
I disagree. We do not judge people in this country for family members bad behavior.

If we start to punish women for their husband's adultery we would be no better than radical Islam who stone women for their husbands infidelity just so they can get rid of her, or stoned to death for getting rapped.
2016-02-09 11:18:23 UTC
That's false on all counts. For one example, French presidents almost always have mistresses. For another thing, she is not responsible for his behavior.
2016-02-10 19:55:15 UTC
He embarrassed the PRESIDENCY of the United States by being Impeached !

Besides his now famous line " Define ' sex ' " which in and of itself is THE most insane sentence uttered by ANY President. Good Time Party Bill, playing his Sax, seems to be what some people remember, or want to remember. To place him in the White House as the First Man, just isn't acceptable.

The truly sad part is that his lieing has become a family trait.

BOTH Bill & Hillary are " Lawyers " that supposedly graduated from very muckie muck schools. YET they have problems with the most basic understanding. The deffinition of the word " Sex " and what the words " TOP SECRET " actually mean. OH, and how secure a home computer actually is. Ask ANY HIGH SCHOOLER how secure a home computer is and believe me, they will start laughing and look at you like you're a complete MORON for asking.
Doug R
2016-02-10 18:23:38 UTC
He embarrassed the PRESIDENCY of the United States by being Impeached !

Besides his now famous line " Define ' sex ' " which in and of itself is THE most insane sentence uttered by ANY President. Good Time Party Bill, playing his Sax, seems to be what some people remember, or want to remember. To place him in the White House as the First Man, just isn't acceptable.

The truly sad part is that his lieing has become a family trait.

BOTH Bill & Hillary are " Lawyers " that supposedly graduated from very muckie muck schools. YET they have problems with the most basic understanding. The deffinition of the word " Sex " and what the words " TOP SECRET " actually mean. OH, and how secure a home computer actually is. Ask ANY HIGH SCHOOLER how secure a home computer is and believe me, they will start laughing and look at you like you're a complete MORON for asking.
2016-02-09 16:03:09 UTC
How about we bring it down to the simplest level?

Should a habitual liar be considered a good candidate to run the most powerful

country on the planet. Is there any point at all in being honest, not a thief, a coward, and totally immoral? What does it say on the dollar bill? In God we trust.

Should the President of the United States be a person of honour and integrity and have a high standard of conduct and morality? Having a high standard of morality does not mean we never make mistakes but to act like you can cheat on your wife over and over and it will not reflect on all the other responsibilities that you have is extremely poor judgement to say the least. Is not a husband responsible to love and care for and protect his wife and by so doing so also protect his children and all his close people? Is a good man going to be a good President or do we want a liar and a crook being the head of the country? If a man does not care to be honest with his wife would he be honest with anybody else when the chips are down, so to speak....It begins at home...

If you are not honest at home, you would not be honest anywhere else either... enough.... out
2016-02-09 17:28:07 UTC
That happened a long time ago. In my opinion this country was not injured by Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. Hilary was the injured party in that affair, and she has made peace with her husband. Bill Clinton is the not first powerful man to cheat on his wife while in office. Both Democratic and Republican Presidents have done that. Hilary should not be tarnished by that. She saved her marriage, and seems to have made it stronger. I'd be more concerned if she had walked away in a huff. How she handled this affair says a lot about her personality and her ability to lead. I think she handled it wisely.

I'd be more concerned about a serial monogamist like Donald Trump leading our country. That man makes my skin crawl. "To Hell In A Hand Basket" only scratches the surface as to where I believe The Donald would lead this country. And actually, while we're on the subject of ethics and morality, what about that Newt Gingrich? He left his wife for another woman right at the time she had a hysterectomy. Great guy. So morally superior to Bill Clinton, right?
2016-02-10 12:20:16 UTC
Hillary shouldn't be allowed out the house never mind the presidential race. I would rather live under the rules of the purge government than Hillarys
2016-02-11 06:16:43 UTC
I disagree! Hillary should not be President because of these facts.

1.) She humiliated and threatened the woman that Bill slept with. She basically ruined their careers and lives.

2.) She has no sense of security. Numerous e-mails have classified and secret material on them as Secretary Of State she should of known this even if they were not marked so. If she couldn't tell what was classified or secret she shouldn't be President.

3.) Benghazi. Four lives lost on American soil (an Embassy is considered American Soil).

4.) White Water, A lot of shady dealings there.

5.) Her tendency to take payments for things that help her and her family and then using her position to reward them.

6.) during her husbands Presidency many Bills were passed that lowered the ability of Blacks to advance in income, social position and fact incarcerated many on misdemeanors. If you think she had no input when Bill was a President your crazy enough to vote for her.

Hillary should be locked up for her lack of using a secure server which jeopardized lives and her lack of reaction on Benghazi, which did cause the death of two of the individuals if not all four.
2016-02-11 15:34:58 UTC
Bill Clinton embarrassed the Presidency. But that shouldn't be what keeps Hillary Clinton from running for President. She should be in PRISON for numerous things. She should be in prison for Benghazi. That alone should be enough to put her in prison, and even have Obama impeached. Furthermore, she couldn't keep classified emails private? Yet she's able to run? Think about it like this, Richard Nixon resigned his Presidency because he was on the brink of impeachment due to the Watergate Scandal, in which Nixon and his office tried to cover up the break in. Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure act, in which he removed the Secretary of War. Bill Clinton was impeached for cheating on his wife, Hillary Clinton. Bottomline, Hillary Clinton should be permanently exempt from running for President, or any other government positions. Benghazi and the emails aren't the only thing's she has lied about or tried to cover up
2016-02-11 07:56:48 UTC
Hillary shouldn't be allowed in politics in any capacity. She's a lying deceitful arrogant moneygrubbing crook. A body language analyst has watched her and had studied her facial expressions and has learned that Hillary has something to hide and is not a truthful person. Get her out of Washington totally.
2016-02-10 16:19:14 UTC
Her husband didn't embarrass the USA with his affairs. His affairs weren't the problem. I don't care who he was screwing. The thing that bothered me was the perjury; however, he lied about the screwing, which was nobody else's business. Whatever.

I don't think that Hillary should suffer for the infidelity of her husband. SHE was the victim of his infidelity, the American public was not.

I hope Bernie Sanders wins. But I would STILL vote for Hillary before I'd ever vote for Trump or anyone of his ilk.
2016-02-11 09:21:34 UTC
Yes, that was an embarrassment for Monica, Bill and Hillary and the Republicans enjoyed it immensely. They managed to keep this scandal in the head lines for over a year. The Clintons along with Monica Lewinsky should be left alone with this past episode, and Hillary should be judged only by her own merits. I think she would do good as president, much better than Trump or Cruz.
2016-02-10 15:24:50 UTC
Hillary should not be allowed in the Presidential race, but based on her own record of lying, cheating, and general corruptness. Hillary is only out for Hillary. She gives not one hoot about America, nor Americans. She has a criminal history that dates back to the 1970s.
2016-02-10 14:39:13 UTC

For Many Years you have had White Male Presidents in The White House

For Two Consecutive Sessions You have a Black President in The White House

Would it be so bad for You to have a Woman President in The White House ?

I know that we have never had a Black King or Queen or Prime Minister in Our Country

But we have had White Kings and Queens and a Woman Prime Minister

We know that Donald Trump has Money but He can't take it with him when he goes

We don't think that he has what it takes to be a President of Your Country

Any Potential candidate can tell lies to get to the Top Position

But Could You do any better to get to be President of The United States of America ?
2016-02-11 12:56:23 UTC
"The USA was the only Western country that had a leader with a publicized extra marital affair with a female intern half his age"

Just what are you defining as a Western country? Italy? Yes there are countries which control the press to the point where we don't know of any shenanigans carried on by political/financial leaders.

We have rules of eligibility to run for president. I may not like some of the candidates, but so long as they meet the requirements set forth in the constitution, my best means of keeping them from office is not to vote for them, contribute to the candidate I think is best, display bumper stickers on my car, pins on my shirt collar, etc.
2016-02-09 17:07:35 UTC
No, I think both the Clintons and the Bushes shouldn't be allowed to run for president because we're getting hereditary leaders and it's beginning to resemble a monarchy.
2016-02-09 14:35:24 UTC
Who cares about her husband that she is never with? She shouldn't be allowed in white house because of many other reasons including murder at Benghazi. I'm waiting on the indictment that will never come because the media protects her just like Obama.
2016-02-10 19:31:11 UTC
Very uneducated question. There are MANY reasons why Hillary could be excluded from running. I don't know what 3rd world country where they have no education you come from, but even 7 year old children in America know that one cannot be blamed for the actions of another. Your question indicates that you are either intellectually challenged and stunted, or a REALLY immature and foolish child asking dumb questions in an adult forum.
2016-02-11 15:47:29 UTC
I disagree. Whatever Bill did or didn't do has nothing to do with Hillary. She was just the First Lady ... and frankly, whatever happened hurt her much more than it offended the nation. As for Bill's affair being the only one widely publicized, well ... lol, Thomas Jefferson had an affair with his slave. It's become a well-known fact that Jefferson has black descendants to this day. Yet nobody would dare think that one of his descendants -- black or white -- shouldn't become president because of what he did. It's in fact rumoured that other presidents had extra-marital affairs that were never questioned; nor were these presidents called out on it or their names dragged through the mud. That's the difference. Bill Clinton did what a whole slew of powerful men did. I believe that he had enemies who cared more about their petty differences with him than they did about this nation. These enemies were the ones who embarrassed the US. If they had cared to place our nation first, they would have realized that we were being watched -- and judged -- by other nations. No other nation did so much to undermine their leader. And not many nations respect a nation that can not put their petty differences aside to make their nation stronger.
2016-02-11 21:31:24 UTC
I know other presidents had extra -- marital affairs that were never questioned, but Bill Clinton turned the White House into a whorehouse and the presidency into a soap opera . After the 1990s, there should be a law forbidding anybody named "Clinton" from running for or being elected president until 2266 ! We've had enough of that kinky, sex -- crazed husband of hers chasing women around the white house with his pants down around his ankles, and we don't need to go through that again !
2016-02-11 01:59:24 UTC
I'm not a fan of Hillary for President for a variety of reasons - much as I'd prefer her to anyone on the republican side. BUT to answer your question - should a woman who has been sinned against by her husband who has committed adultery - a crime where she is the victim - be punished for the crime committed against her. Hmm - let me think... Of course not. It's exactly like saying a wife murdered by her husband was partially responsible as well, she married him. Complete and utter rubbish.
2016-02-10 13:09:58 UTC
Killary should be eliminated from the Presidential Race based on her own merits of:

LIES told to the families of the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi.

EMAILS used to send Classified Docs she keeps LIEING about.

Better yet just research: The Clinton Chronicles: Bill and Hillary Exposed
2016-02-10 20:08:24 UTC
I really don't like Hillary as she used the fact that she is a woman to rake up votes. Like telling feminists to vote for her because woman should also have political power and status. I find this ironic because feminism itself is fighting for equality but she's using her gender to get more votes. If she really did believe in all the equality stuff she said she would've tried to win as another candidate. Btw I'm a feminist and I'm telling other feminists that just because she's a woman, doesn't mean we have to vote for her.
2016-02-09 19:35:00 UTC
2016-02-09 14:18:42 UTC
It depends. I think they should ask her about it and have some type of criteria for her answer.

For her husband to do that, clearly displays some fault in his morals and in his self-respect as the President of the United States. Therefore, they should not only ask Hillary about it, they should ask all candidates about how they would handle this type of situation and what they think about his ability to break vows made to his wife. If it is that easy for him to screw over the woman he is suppose to love most, whos to say he won't screw over a nation of strangers. If Hillary can prove to the nation that she is trust worthy, along with everyone else, why not? Think of it in the context of pregnant women going to jail. It's like saying all babies who were in the womb at the time their mother committed a crime should sentenced to the same punishment. Makes no sense.
2016-02-11 08:10:17 UTC
If that's true then shouldn't Jeb Bush or anyone else of the Bush family be banned from being the president because of George W, who caused more embarresment and damage to the U.S than any human could ever cause.

If you think receiving oral sex from a reasonably attractive woman is more embarrassing than put to illegal wars on the credit cards, causing the rise of ISIS, having the biggest terrorist attack on U.S soil on your watch, even with warnings. coming into office with a budget surplus and leaving an economic crisis. And we don't even have to get started on George H.W or his grandfather who tried to bring fascism to the U.S. Then there is something seriously wrong with you.
2016-02-10 07:49:23 UTC
Note: other countries in the western world couldn't care less about the extra marital affairs of their leaders - other than to make the stuff front page of glossy mags and such as Entertainment Tonight - but never going so far as to ask that the President or whatever be chased away from his post. As for Hillary, I would not vote for her and neither would I vote for Jebb B......enough of the same old soup. Give me Bernie. Give me Trump.
2016-02-10 02:46:35 UTC
2016-02-10 16:31:31 UTC
So we should judge women through their husbands? In that case I want to know everything about the wives of the other candidates. Might as well throw in the kids too. Siblings. Oh, you're wrong. Other countries have found elected officials in the arms of those younger and not their spouses. Really. Its not confined to the US. They don't usually make that big og a deal out of it.
2016-02-09 17:52:32 UTC
your question is so off base that I suspect you're still in high school. There are laws governing who can and can't run for the presidency, and Hillary fits those requirements. It has nothing to do with any extramarital sex, it has nothing to do with her husband. Other people in the whitehouse have had extramarital trists, even had long term gf's and they still stayed the president. So what's your problem with this, and why now?
2016-02-09 18:38:06 UTC
2016-02-09 15:06:03 UTC
Disagree. Why punish Hillary for something her husband did. She had to endure living with the man. And, for the sake of not embarassing her child, she did what many couples in this country do. They worked through the problem and she obviously forgave her husband. After many couples have similar problems they realize what they lost, or almost lost, and manage to work through their problems. It's done every day.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-02-09 16:45:38 UTC
Monica Lewinsky was an adult female who was brought to Washington by a bone-to-pick Oliver North, according to a loose-lipped Linda Tripp whose husband served with North in the CIA and was also involved inhe Iran-Contra (arms for hostages) "October surprise" scandal. Lewinsky even told a friend, "I am going to Washington to earn my presidential kneepads." This is (or should have been) a completely private matter, but because it was a set-up arranged by the RNC and Oliver North, what should have been private was used as a battering ram to undermine a very popular and highly effective Democratic President.

Rank has its privileges. George Herbert Walker Bush had his love affair with a woman named Jennifer, but only Katie Couric had the courage to ask him about this extramarital liaison. Eisenhower had his long-time lover show up at his funeral with his wife Mamie. Bill Clinton engaged in consensual fellatio with a willing power-groupie adult female, and it is President Bill Clinton who felt remorse for having done so and transferred Ms. Lewinsky to a different location. Hillary and Bill then went through intensive counseling and prayer meetings to save their marriage, keeping their vows, which is more than can be said for Trump or other gay divorcees.
2016-02-10 00:28:00 UTC
While she did play a role in sweeping it under the rug/looking the other way, she still shouldn't be barred from running. I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter, neither Benghazi, Lewinsky scandal nor the emails are legitimate reasons to be barred from running.
2016-02-09 18:22:30 UTC
Personally I think the age spread was perfect. He was not the only figure with affairs, what about Berlusconi, the eyetalian? But he was very wise *** to take his BJ right there in the oval office, like that. It is a defilement. And it should be visited unto the seventh son of the seventh son. Maybe. But in the meantime, what has that got to do with her running for office?
2016-02-09 18:37:49 UTC
She shouldn't be president because she is a lying B**** that has circumvented international law and is completely aloof from the people.

That her husband got a BJ is no big deal. Do you realize how many presidents got some on the side? Do you know how much poon JFK was getting?

Really now, it has nothing to do with sex.
2016-02-10 14:25:07 UTC
"The USA was the only Western country that had a leader with a publicized extra marital affair with a female intern half his age"

This is far, far, far from the case. The Speaker of the British House of Lords was videotaped snorting cocaine at a brothel earlier this year. Worse, he assessed the other pols honestly and mercilessly!

Then there's pols in France, Italy, China (!) etc., ad infinitum.
2016-02-11 13:02:23 UTC
2016-02-10 01:25:46 UTC
The actions of Hillary's husband should have nothing to do with Hillary's chance at presidency. They are two separate individuals, thus Hillary should not be held accountable.

As for banning....if anyone was to be banned, it should be Trump. Simple.
2016-02-10 19:14:39 UTC
People have done much worse things than Bill. Many Presidents have had affairs, just like millions of people have had affairs, It doesn't effect their job effort. Bill's affair wasn't any of America's business and Congress shouldn't have Impeached him. Bill may not be the perfect human being, but he was much better than Bush and Obama are.
2016-02-09 21:27:47 UTC

She shouldn't be held accountable for her husband's indiscretions.

And as for him being the only leader of a Western country with a publicized affair ..... you don't get out much, do you. LOL
2016-02-09 16:13:25 UTC
Her husband's actions shouldn't impact her ability to be POTUS. Her actions should. If she covered for her husband and bullied the other women he came into sexual contact with, she should be held to account for that. If she committed a crime in handling classified emails on her private server, she should be held to account for that. Bill's affairs alone shouldn't disqualify her from running.
2016-02-10 15:00:43 UTC
You don't hold any logic. It's more like an emotional statement. A person should NEVER be judged with respect to deeds of their near dear ones. Never judge a person in first place, in case should you need to then do it on the facts based directly on their work and responsibilities.
2016-02-11 10:44:07 UTC
2016-02-09 15:17:36 UTC
Hillary did not have anything to do with the whole ordeal, why in the world would anyone suggest that Hillary should be punished when she has full capability and brains to be President Of The United States.
2016-02-10 01:22:29 UTC
2016-02-11 09:52:38 UTC
2016-02-11 04:59:44 UTC
2016-02-10 16:20:02 UTC
2016-02-11 04:18:09 UTC
Stone the crows mate. After the hoo-hah everyone in France and Japan was laughing their knickers off. It's normal there - All good French politicians have a bit on the side, walk around with her in public and often live with her. The Japanese do it much more privately of course.
2016-02-10 09:46:58 UTC
2016-02-09 14:26:44 UTC
2016-02-09 15:34:45 UTC
Yes, that's absolutely right! Hillary must not be blamed for what her unfaithful husband did. I for one will vote for her to be the first woman president of the United States. Tatu F. Maulani
2016-02-10 01:00:29 UTC
2016-02-10 06:43:25 UTC
Disagree. Foreign leaders have done far worse and stayed in office. The entire world was laughing at the U.S. for their puritanical shock at such a trivial personal matter. They're probably still laughing. Guess you never heard of Italy's Berlusconi, various top leaders of France, etc. etc. etc.
2016-02-09 13:49:15 UTC
Thats not her fault. If my wife got charged with murder am I to blame? I don't think so. Hillary has had a fair share of scandals but Bill's scandal should not in any way keep her from running.
2016-02-12 01:54:30 UTC
John F Kennedy is considered one of the best presidents of all time, and he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe while being married to Jackie. Also, last I checked, Bill Clinton wasn't impeached. And what president is honest, or any political figure actually?
2016-02-10 10:32:45 UTC
Forget who Slick had sex with. Hillary is a criminal. Inside and Out.

She is a pathological liar. Who would rather lie when telling the

truth would be to her advantage. She sold her office as Secy State.

For the Clinton Foundation. She mishandled T o p s e c r e t Material.

Her server was hacked by experts from China to Russia. Along with

Iranians. Those are the grounds she should be expelled for.
2016-02-09 19:09:14 UTC
I don't like Hillary either. But if that qualifies for disqualification than I guess Richard Nixon shouldn't have been president.


😄 😢
2016-02-11 08:55:42 UTC
Hillary shouldn't be able to run because of all the scandals she, HERSELF is in, she has embarrassed and hurt her OWN reputation far more than bill Clinton did. Not to mention TREASON anyone. How can somebody who was on trial for treason run for president of the U.S. ?
2016-02-10 12:48:44 UTC
It wouldn't be fair to punish her for a mistake her husband made and of which, she too was a victim. It worries me than many Americans would want to exclude her because of this, but think Donald Trump is right on. I fear for the world if Trump becomes the President.
2016-02-09 12:33:07 UTC
Rich people screw who ever they want to, no big deal. I seriously doubt that Hillary was embarassed. She should have been used to it, by then. What's that got to do with Her running for President? She has already gotten beat in one Presidential election, She isn't too embarassed to get beat again.
2016-02-09 13:55:21 UTC
I call the Clinton's Teflon, nothing sticks to them.

But still, she shouldn't be punished for her husbands actions. She just shouldn't be president.
Tempting Apple
2016-02-11 11:06:01 UTC

He shouldn't be held accountable for her husband's mistakes, and she happened to deal with that akward situation quite ethically.
2016-02-14 22:16:10 UTC
It's a tight race. I think she should be voted on for her qualifications and what her platform brings to the table but maybe she shouldn't have stuck around after he cheated on her. It made her look bad.
Art G
2016-02-09 23:26:30 UTC
2016-02-11 22:05:09 UTC
2016-02-09 14:08:16 UTC
Disagree it's not her fauly her husband is an idiot now, im not personally voting for her but I'm just saying that it wouldn't be fair if she couldn't run for someone elses mistakes
2016-02-09 11:23:19 UTC
I have never seen a candidate that was so infamously embarrassed worldwide by their own spouse like hillary was

and as condolences I send her a cigar every week

but if she thinks she has a chance with all of her baggage its not against the rules
2016-02-09 11:59:21 UTC
Whether or not her husband embarrassed the US, Hillary is a liar, an appeaser, and an overall unqualified candidate. I'd sooner shoot myself than I would vote for her.
2016-02-10 09:40:22 UTC
Think you need to look up French political history - "Not tonight Josephine. . . .etc."

Almost every political leader, perhaps with the exception of Charles deGaulle, has had extra marital affairs. Indeed it might be said that having a mistress is perfectly usual for French politicians and probably the entire male population too.

vive la difference
2016-02-11 16:21:38 UTC
2016-02-09 13:44:43 UTC
Her response to Monica was the problem and so was her response to Paula Jones and the host of other women Bill tapped or attempted to tap.

She is running on being pro woman.

When you are pro woman , you let rapists go to prison . If you have principles and someone asks you to defend a rapist who has the victims blood on his whitey tighties, you politely refuse because of your alleged principles. She laughed when she got this guy off on a technicality. The lab lost the bloody specimen after determining it was in fact the victim. She also said she had no faith in lie detectors because he also beat the lie detector. She laughed but the victim is not laughing today. She is angry because Ms. Rodham Clinton decided she liked attention from older men. That is what she said in the courtroom when she knew he was guilty.

That is bad but so is her history with Vince Foster who was close to her for many years and who mysteriously committed alleged suicide when he was retiring . If you read the accounts of his death, nothing added up and didn't at the time. Her longtime friend Webb Hubbell said it wasn't suicide. He owned a silver plated gun and they claimed that was the one he shot himself with but in his photograph he is holding a blue gun with no serial numbers and not one of his fingerprints on the weapon. How does a guy shoot himself without leaving fingerprints on the weapon , really and he was in the middle of an investigation about Whitewater. These things are just sick and twisted and they didn't find any ammo he owned anywhere. They lost his x rays. Three professionals said the suicide note was a forgery and yet here we go again.

Plenty of people believe Hillary was selling secrets to other countries and left a hackable account open for donations to the Clinton Foundation. Why isn't that a possibility in light of her and Bill's other bizarre histories. because Richard Nixon was in office when Roe vs Wade was passed. He was Republican and if we are going to credit Obama with gay marriage, let's credit the Republicans with abortion on demand. No Republican president has done away with abortion on demand since but they pull this bs up every election and say they want to take away our rights to kill our children and sell their parts. No one cares. It is over. George W didn't Change abortion laws, George Jr didn't change it, Reagon didn't change it , neither did Gerald Ford ... so exactly what leg do these pro death people have to stand on. Bill Clinton's middle one, I guess.
2016-02-09 13:52:54 UTC
Being the wife of Bill Clinton should not be a liability to your political aspirations. It's the totality of your record which counts.
2016-02-11 04:03:31 UTC
I find your question to be very misogynistic. Hilary Clinton is a person in her own right. She is not simply the wife of Bill Clinton. The behaviour of her husband should have no bearing on her right to run for office. Clearly, the requirements for office do not prevent her running.
2016-02-09 12:25:12 UTC
Sorry, what does her husband's bad actions have to do with her plans for the country??

And you might want to research a bit more - e.g the French president
2016-02-09 19:01:27 UTC
I watched Bill lie to a congressional hearing about Monica and the white water scandal both are natural born liars an should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington.
2016-02-09 15:05:24 UTC
It's all about perspective and fairnes. I think her husband made the USA proud! But Trump is way better.
2016-02-10 06:38:26 UTC
In France it's mandatory for the President to have a mistress.
2016-02-10 15:11:01 UTC
I think Hillarys may be a great prez, because she is familiar of how to be involved in the government and will know how to be a good prez, considering that she was already the first lady and secretary of state. shes getting a lot of criticism out there but I think that she might surprise us with how well she might be.
2016-02-10 21:18:59 UTC
That shouldn't keep her out of office, the fact that she would be a lousy president should
2016-02-10 10:23:28 UTC
I am not going to judge Hilary for bills clintons mistake however I don't think she is a good president I would rather Bernie sanders to win however there are people out there who will only vote for Hilary because she is a woman people are stupid :/
2016-02-09 16:52:21 UTC
2016-02-10 13:34:36 UTC
Bad as it was, what Bill did during his presidency has no bearing on Hillary Clinton's right to run for president.
Mr. NiceGuy
2016-02-09 11:19:11 UTC
Disagree. Consensual adults.

What's that got to do with Hilary's qualifications for president?

King Ragnor of Waterford
2016-02-09 17:38:23 UTC
Totally disagree, what her husband did is nothing to do with her behaviour. What he did is, is nothing compared to what the two Bushes did to the world!

I think Americans are too afraid and misogynist to actually have an intelligent woman as President.
2016-02-09 17:48:49 UTC
2016-02-10 09:16:38 UTC
2016-02-11 21:19:21 UTC
Theres multiple times shes been documented for lying. Too many scandals shes involved in.

She claimed that 90-95% of her emails were recovered. But the man questioning her informed her shes been the only one to cite that number, and the officials said only 5% were retrieved.
2016-02-10 15:29:31 UTC
Monica Lapinsky
robert f
2016-02-10 13:42:28 UTC
No I don't think she should be allowed to run. And like a lot of others believe ,she is not honest. We have enough problems in Gov. as it is,without adding to the problems.
2016-02-09 15:12:16 UTC
Good point!! What might slick Willy have in mind if he once again has free time in the WH! Plus, Hillary

is such an awful choice to run this nation.
2016-02-09 12:31:50 UTC
His actions has nothing to do with her. They are separate people and just because he made a bad decision, that shouldn't be held against her.
2016-02-09 21:24:02 UTC
I disagree. Hillary ought not suffer for her husband's misconduct.
2016-02-12 05:07:51 UTC
i feel Hillary shouldn't face consequences for what bill did. she should be allowed to run even if bill was a jerk

BUT i do believe she shouldn't be allowed to run based on he crimes she's committed and so on
2016-02-09 14:19:30 UTC
Whats that have to do with anything?

How about Benghazi and the people that are DEAD because of her? How about her LYING in front of congress? How about the classified emails that were on her personal server which should have put her in prison? How about EVERY position she holds has a scandal behind it!

Any your worried about what Bill did? SERIOUSLY?
2016-02-11 11:41:23 UTC
Donald Trump had affairs while he was married to other women. Based on your argument, shouldn't he be banned as well?
The Global Geezer
2016-02-09 12:08:24 UTC
Disagree, he s not the first western world leader to have an affair, and the USA would be voting for Hilary, not him. She had nothing to do with the affair, and then stood by him. I think that would give her some mileage.
2016-02-10 08:49:38 UTC
disagree. how can you reasonably hold that against her in any sense? she had nothing to do with it and it has no bearing on her ability to lead a country. in fact i don't really give a **** about the scandal anyway. it is not at all important in the grand scheme of things
2016-02-12 07:55:32 UTC
Politics aside, you are asking if someone should be blamed or penalized for something their spouse did. Is that fair? Have you agreed with all of your spouse's decisions and actions? Do you feel you have control over their decisions and actions?
2016-02-11 07:05:36 UTC
WOW, what a bunch of idiots here. You all attack a man for doing what any man did? So he got a BJ in the oval office. Who the F cares! Drop it! Now as for his wife...thats another story
Kevin Synnott
2016-02-09 18:19:23 UTC

Hillary was not responsible for the horndog-in-chief.

That said, Hillary is corrupt and has committed crimes, beginning with her first job. Hillary and Hillary alone is responsible for the reasons that she should not be elected.
2016-02-11 06:20:09 UTC
Why should her husband's infidelities affect her efficiency as president of the USA? His behavior has no bearing on hers.
2016-02-15 13:45:00 UTC
I don't think that it would be fair to treat Mrs. Clinton this way, because she had nothing to do with her husband's conduct. To shift the blame to her would be scapegoating.
2016-02-09 14:08:18 UTC
You're quite wrong on this, it's been reported that several of past presidents had extramarital affairs.
2016-02-09 18:33:25 UTC
Disagree. She should not be allowed to be President because she attacked the victims of her husband
2016-02-10 06:52:51 UTC
French politicians are routinely having affairs. It's just that the press doesn't cover it.
2016-02-09 16:28:16 UTC
but she's a woman I say she shouldn't be allowed to
2016-02-09 15:31:02 UTC
I think we've seen enough of the Clintons. The Bushes, too. We need fresh, new blood.
2016-02-11 08:56:59 UTC
Disagree.She shouldn't be elected because of her character flaws!
2016-02-09 13:49:00 UTC
Clinton's Lewinsky affair was only one of numerous affairs Bill had beginning back in Arkansas. Apparently marital fidelity is meaningless to Bill.... and to those who support him.
2016-02-10 00:37:24 UTC
I hate Hillary but totally disagree with your premise
Jimmy H
2016-02-09 22:21:44 UTC
Is that any more embarrassing than Bush Sr blowing his chunks all over Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa?
2016-02-09 13:29:02 UTC
You must very bored today to have come up with this crap ... cuz you are just another foolish, whining, blaming hater of Hillary and probably any one Democrat as if you, your kind, Republicans are any better people - you are not BTW !
2016-02-10 01:25:02 UTC
2016-02-13 06:32:29 UTC

One more thing: Women should not be President. Just like women should not be Pastors. According to the Bible, it is because of the order of creation (the man was created first, the woman his helper).
2016-02-10 00:46:38 UTC
So you want all women who have been betrayed by their husbands / partners / significant others to be punished by the sins of her husband against her, with another woman? This sounds an awful lot like Shariah Law to me...
2016-02-11 10:30:31 UTC
2016-02-11 06:16:04 UTC
2016-02-11 05:05:54 UTC
So she should be punished for what her husband did? That's the definition of unfair
2016-02-10 18:54:21 UTC
Are you serious?!

Punish the female because her husband was a cheating bastard, oh sure! *eye roll*

The actions of her husband have NO bearing on her actions or qualifications.

By your "logic", why not just imprison children whose parents are criminals?
2016-02-10 08:41:51 UTC
She should be allowed unless she's wearing prison attire but the public should also be allowed to not vote for this lying slag.
2016-02-11 03:38:48 UTC
No.What her husband did shouldn't be allowed to affect her candidacy.
Debra H
2016-02-10 18:59:53 UTC
Nothing to do with Bill, altho he is a cheating,lying scoundrel. Hilary should not be allowed to even run for president because she is a traitor to this country!
2016-02-11 04:19:10 UTC
Chetta Atkins
2016-02-10 05:52:33 UTC
I'm more concerned about her policy positions and good faith in working for better policy, than her marriage, which may be an open marriage, who knows?
Vinegar Taster
2016-02-09 14:00:30 UTC
Non sense ! We've had presidents that had babies with slaves !

Bill just got caught and ratted out .
2016-02-10 20:30:11 UTC
David Y
2016-02-10 08:12:21 UTC
Don't vote for her, but I disagree. His actions were not hers. But his campaigning for her and her acceptance of that does disqualify her on merits.
2016-02-09 21:30:01 UTC
Andy F
2016-02-09 16:00:20 UTC
Disagree. For several reasons:

1. If we banned every politician touched by scandal from competing in the race for President, we might not have any candidates left. Or we might have only one.

2. It would be a travesty of democracy to ordain that because someone "embarrassed" the country -- in whose eyes, is a good question -- therefore their spouse shouldn't be allowed to compete for the Oval Office. It isn't a high crime or misdemeanor to "embarrass" the USA. It doesn't necessarily disqualify you from the presidency -- not legally, anyway.

3. You might find Bill's disgrace a powerful reason for not voting for Hillary. That's okay. But if you want to ban her from running, or from winning if a majority of the voters support her, you might as well be a totalitarian Communist. You're trying to restrict the operations of political democracy. Shame on you.

4. IMO, what Bill Clinton did in his personal sexual life was obnoxious and embarrassing, and also really, really bad for the Democratic Party. But a lot of politicians from both big parties are guilty of the same kinds of sexual hijinks. What's bad about Clinton is that he was reckless enough to get caught.

5. Bill also did MANY things in office that were worse than his affair with Monica Lewinsky. They need our attention, not his sleazy sex life. For example:

a. He sold out the cause of human rights in China after promising in 1992 that he would penalize Beijing for the brutality of the Tiannamen Square massacre.

b. He helped a brain-dead, corporate-dominated Republican party to push through NAFTA in 1993, at the cost of seeing American jobs disappear as corporations rushed to invest in China. He did something very similar by pushing through the GATT treaty that established the World Trade Organization (WTO) a few years later. That was dumb.

c. Bill Clinton, maybe to shut up stupid right wing Republicans for awhile, also pushed through a "welfare reform" bill in the late 1990s that has pushed a lot of low-income single moms into severe poverty, with very little safety net remaining for them.

d. Clinton also supported the further "deregulation" of energy markets in a way that fostered the rise of Enron. Later he supported the deregulation of the big banks in the late 1990s by helping the brain-dead, corporate-backed Republicans to kill the old Glass-Steagall Act. Dumb, and bad for the US economy, maybe a corrupt favor he was doing for big Wall Street banks.

I don't much like Hillary because I hold her partly responsible for Bill's lousy political decisions. But IMO Bill's sexual adventures were only of importance to Bill and his long-suffering family. The fact that Bill was horny as a billy goat doesn't make him different from many politicians, and isn't reason enough -- in itself -- to reject his legacy.

NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, however, ARE reasons to reject his legacy. If you blame Hillary for helping Bill to push through NAFTA and repeal Glass-Steagall, I don't blame you.

-- democratic socialist for bernie / however, I'll vote for Hillary if I have to, as a "lesser evil" compared to the crazy Republicans
Linda R
2016-02-11 09:58:29 UTC
Her husband's sex life has NOTHING to do with ALL of Hillary's LIES!
2016-02-09 12:11:32 UTC
Hillary is supposedly being investigated by the FBI.

If YOU were being investigated by the FBI, what would you think about your chances of becoming president?
Gerry G
2016-02-12 06:26:38 UTC
As much as I dislike each of them, Hillary should not be held responsible for the actions of Willy.
2016-02-11 19:04:39 UTC
Disagree- She had no control over Bill but she does control herself- and she has a few servers in the closet
2016-02-09 16:24:03 UTC
Bill isn't running for president.
2016-02-09 11:56:20 UTC
I disagree, she shouldnt be able to run simply based on the fact that she is a woman
2016-02-09 21:34:29 UTC
Hilary should come out of the closet on the Ellen show.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-02-11 01:30:32 UTC
If that were the case.......then Jeb should immediately step down, as George was a flaming disgrace as president.
2016-02-11 20:07:57 UTC
Fifty percent of married couples have extra marital affairs. They probably have an open marriage, and their sex lives are their business, not anyone else s.
2016-02-09 17:27:39 UTC
Bill is history, Hillary is not a trustworthy person!
2016-02-11 13:45:39 UTC
disagree; because the past is the past and we must move on and forgive and forget. because of this situation; she will be a candidate for the Presidency
2016-02-12 01:57:46 UTC
In France the PM and President have affairs all the time - if they so wish.
2016-02-09 16:52:57 UTC
I agree because her husband is a sleazy womanizing creep and she allows it
2016-02-10 19:13:23 UTC
Hillary would be a great disaster
2016-02-11 17:03:31 UTC
agree! Donald Trump's remarks about Muslims and illegal immigrants from Mexico are repulsive and offensive
Bert Weidemeier
2016-02-11 16:21:02 UTC
Disagree, it has no bearing whatsoever on anything that's happening today.
2016-02-11 13:36:07 UTC
If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free,it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.
2016-02-10 06:38:35 UTC
If you don't want her in then don't vote for her! I know I won't.
2016-02-10 19:58:54 UTC
Shes a tery
2016-02-11 14:17:05 UTC
Agree to the max.
London Man
2016-02-09 23:42:24 UTC
Just don't vote for her, end of problem
2016-02-09 11:47:54 UTC
She should not be allowed to run for the presidency because she is a criminal.
2016-02-10 20:47:47 UTC
Hmm dis
2016-02-10 05:54:42 UTC
Dissagree...she shouldnt be allowed bc shes a women.
2016-02-11 12:35:11 UTC
nobody embarrassed our country more than George the monkey, Bush, mr. 9/11!!
2016-02-09 21:50:41 UTC
Sure. Let's disqualify people based on what other people did. :-\
2016-02-10 20:59:37 UTC
I dont care what her husband did. I am not voting for because she is a evil sociopath.
2016-02-09 17:55:50 UTC
Hillary is no Frances Perkins....
2016-02-10 22:21:28 UTC
No not because of that. Mainly because she will be another Obama in office.
2016-02-09 14:43:30 UTC
I agree....she was part of that administration just by marriage alone. She was politically aware of everything that was going on...and personally as well. She is no good. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-09 11:18:20 UTC
This is easy, disagree. Voters get to chose, not moralizing busybodies.
2016-02-12 03:42:29 UTC
no,you're wrong,it's concern to the past ,and it was just a mistake,any one has mistakes.
2016-02-12 06:04:47 UTC
absolutely no morals values. lie cheats steals e/mail security breaches submitting USA to security breaches an x maine
2016-02-10 22:21:31 UTC
I agree
2016-02-09 11:20:42 UTC
lol unfortunately USA law doesn't work that way
2016-02-09 18:47:04 UTC
Yes and also she isn't qualified to be one.
2016-02-10 11:48:24 UTC
I agree all politicians are criminals who's job it is to be criminals.

I could do there criminal job better.

No other thought
2016-02-10 07:14:24 UTC
2016-02-09 15:23:25 UTC
hillary = obama = sanders = all leftist incompetents
Gordian B
2016-02-11 16:04:30 UTC
bush wins or obama stays you decide trump clinton us lot the masons have decided bush or obama 8
2016-02-10 11:53:23 UTC
If your other half/sibling did something wrong, is it your fault? If your friend robbed a bank, will you go to jail? EXACTLY
Ajay B
2016-02-11 09:00:14 UTC
she's in, and she's going to winnn
2016-02-09 16:35:55 UTC
disagree, that's not her fault.
2016-02-10 01:41:15 UTC
2016-02-09 11:39:26 UTC
We don't want her to be President, Period !!!
2016-02-11 11:08:25 UTC
um.... it's well known that OTHER presidents have extramarital affairs.... hell, our first president screwed his slave and got her knocked up. don't EVEN get me started on kennedy.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-09 17:04:17 UTC
Disagree, but I would never vote for her !
Stephanie S
2016-02-09 18:59:44 UTC
Neither candidate is a good choice. We are screwed.
2016-02-12 11:59:34 UTC
Jillary shoud be in prison by now.
2016-02-09 17:18:09 UTC
NO WOMAN should be allowed to be president

nor kneegrow
2016-02-12 08:02:22 UTC
I disagree. She is her own embarrassment.
2016-02-11 15:35:17 UTC
No more Clintons OR Bushes WE have had enough
2016-02-10 01:56:06 UTC
Agree. We should therefore not vote for her.
2016-02-10 17:35:02 UTC
I feel like michael
2016-02-09 20:51:28 UTC
bill is a dirt bag, hillary a murderer and liar...both are thieves so i hear... what about them is worthy of our trust and confidence??? NADA.
2016-02-09 12:05:22 UTC
Hilary should be put in prison and possibly sentenced to death.
2016-02-11 10:38:59 UTC
2016-02-09 15:47:24 UTC
Her actual CRIMES disqualify her,also she ROBBED the white house the last time she was in it.
2016-02-10 19:40:46 UTC
2016-02-09 23:33:49 UTC
2016-02-09 12:31:35 UTC
she should be pres because she violated secrecy laws as sec of state
2016-02-09 19:15:09 UTC
2016-02-10 14:32:25 UTC
well she might need to answer why she quit after the ambassador was killed. what will she do next time?
2016-02-09 17:10:37 UTC
2016-02-10 17:16:22 UTC
2016-02-09 18:39:34 UTC
No of course not, but she should not be elected because she is incompetent.
2016-02-11 15:51:27 UTC
Bill was and is da man! Nothing to be ashamed of.
2016-02-10 17:12:35 UTC
2016-02-09 11:23:03 UTC
Trump cheated on his wives and he is running.
2016-02-12 04:55:36 UTC
Grab this now. And you can thank me later
2016-02-11 06:13:17 UTC
no agree - hillary is not billy
King Nobama
2016-02-09 19:56:38 UTC
Agree, but not for those reasons.

BENGAZHI anyone??
2016-02-11 18:58:18 UTC
She should be allowed, but she wont win
2016-02-09 23:41:42 UTC
2016-02-09 16:50:54 UTC
disagree but dont want her as prez anyway.
2016-02-10 01:41:59 UTC
You said it..... Publicized...more like a f****witch hunt.
2016-02-09 17:04:35 UTC
Only if she is handcuffed and jailed.
2016-02-13 12:23:12 UTC
shes not her husband
2016-02-09 14:49:37 UTC
Thats not her fault.
2016-02-11 17:59:04 UTC
There are MANY more reasons than that.
2016-02-10 09:30:04 UTC
I dont know
2016-02-11 09:32:56 UTC
2016-02-09 11:19:31 UTC
Troll go to Hell.
2016-02-11 02:15:01 UTC gonna have to disagree.
2016-02-11 16:22:28 UTC
bill clinton was the shitt
2016-02-11 04:39:55 UTC
No idea
2016-02-11 16:57:23 UTC
I agree, but not for that.
2016-02-09 17:34:58 UTC
shes a jew lover
2016-02-11 01:59:17 UTC
nice q
2016-02-09 15:59:48 UTC
i stongly diagree
2016-02-10 09:29:55 UTC
everybody has her own business.
Gibsyn Martin
2016-02-11 12:21:53 UTC
chev varann
2016-02-11 05:02:58 UTC
disagree !!!
Brandon Cook
2016-02-09 16:40:08 UTC
2016-02-10 23:55:36 UTC
2016-02-09 12:36:52 UTC
having a daughter whose name is "FUGLY".
2016-02-09 19:03:15 UTC
2016-02-11 02:04:54 UTC
Agree that she ought to be in PRISON where she BELONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-10 12:18:00 UTC
2016-02-09 13:02:45 UTC
You sound stupid. PLEASE shut up.
2016-02-11 11:49:21 UTC
2016-02-11 12:14:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.