fluelen c
2008-02-26 04:00:20 UTC
Kindly follow the standard procedures ofprocessing your claim if you wish to process your claim and if you arenot prepared to do so, let us know so that we forward our consent to thelottery office for cancellation of your prize since you are a doubtingThomas.
Thanks and have a nice day.
Yours truly,
Mr. JonesNzama.
Quoting fluelenc@yahoo.com:
> Dear Friend,
justsimply send it to me then, i'll send it back to you 40% of my prized...DEAL or NO DEAL?
----- Original Message ----
From: Geen Finance
To: fluelencartera
Sent:Friday, February 22, 2008 2:37:08 AM
Subject: Lottery Claim Procedure(Attached Winning Certificate).
Dear Fluelen Cartera,
Wereceived your emails and let us start by telling you that yourinformation’s are safe with us and shall be utilized in processingyour claim, which we do welcome in our organization.
We want you tounderstand that as a lucky winner, you are expected to Follow theprocedures and protocols of this lottery irrespective of yourposition/status hence our interest is to see that you process your claimas required by law.
With every due respect, we bring to your noticethe procedures in which you should abide to in order for your Won Prizeto be processed in accordance to the prescribed Laws, Regulations andPolicies of the Lottery Commission/Board.
You are expected to choosefrom our options, which you feel will suit you as regards the process offacilitating your Won Prize.
Firstly, you are requested to come downto South Africa personally to process your claim prize as there arecertain documentation which needs to be procured from the South AfricanJustice Department as well as the South African Revenue Services in yourname as the bonafide Winner of this lottery. These documents are veryimportant and inevitable to the success and Release of your wonprize.
You shall make signatories of these documents in questionbefore presenting them to the South African Gaming Commission/Boardfor
the authorization and confirmation of the release of your WonPrize
Secondly, If you are "unable" to come down toSouth Africa to process
your claim personally, we shall assign a veryreputable Legal representative whom shall act and represent you on yourbehalf to facilitate all the needful regarding your claim to your bestinterest and benefit. The Legal Representative shall be the right personthat will acquire the required documents from the necessaryauthorities
that shall be presented to the South African GamingCommission/Board in your favour.
Without these documents, there willbe no way your claim shall can processed hence we believe that you willconfirm to us in your response to this mail the option you wish to abideto so that we can furnish you with further details/information for theproceed of this matter in question.
More so, the vital documents,which must be obtained are oath of Affidavit, Notarization Letter andNon-Residence Tax Clearance Receipt. These documents are the root ofyour claim and there is nothing that can be done in waving them hence weadvise to receive your positive co-operation.
Find attached with thisemail your "Winning Certificate". We advise
that you get back to usimmediately confirming the option you prefer in processing your claimwithout any delay due to the time frame designated to process yourwinnings. We hope to receive a quick response from you as time is ofessence to this regard, Bye for now and have a wonderfulday.
Finally, kindly understand that we are expecting your call assoon as you acknowledge this email as it is deemed important and pleasedo download your Winning Certificate attached with this mail for yourconfirmation.
Thank you and once again congratulation.
Mr. Jones S. Nzama
Claims Manager (Foreign Affairs)
GeenFinance Limited
56 Mainley Avenue
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27724 882 310.
Quoting fluelenc@yahoo.com:
ADDRESS:104 libis st.,purok 14, zone 5, Signal Vill.,
anyway just sendit w/out any payment!!!
----- Original Message----
From: Geen Finance
To: fluelencartera
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:12:56PM
Subject: Lottey
Dear Winner,
Thank you for the enquiries,we appreciate yourloyalty and explicit actions though your soundsembarrasing but it is upto you to process your claim.
It is quiteobvious that the world ingeneral is aware that my country South Africais hosting the 2010 WorldCup hence the football association organized aworldwide internetelectronics computer ballot system whereby if youremail address isselected by the system, you emerge a winner.
Beforewe proceed, wewould want to confirm the details of your lottery byfurnishing us thefollowing details in order to ascertain the
legality,as there are lotsof scams fluctuating the world.
Please, theterms and conditions of this lotteryare:
(i). You must be 18 yearsand above
(ii). You must keep yourwinning details confidential toavoid any complications
(iii). Youdon't have to buy a ticket or playthe lottery
(iv). You must processyour claim through the standardprocedures.
Finally, do forward thenotification email you received tous and call us on telephone numberbelow for any enquiries.
Thankyou and looking forward to hearingfrom you soon.
Mr.Jones S.Nzama
Claims Manager,Geen Finance Ltd
Geen Garden Court
Tel: 011 27 724 882310.
Quoting fluelenc@yahoo.com:
>dear scamers,
i'll donate40% of my winning prized if it is true andsend it to me w/out anypayment just for sure okay???
-----Original Message----
Sent:Thursday, February 21, 200812:39:34 AM
Subject: CONGRATULATIONS, YOUHAVE WONus$2,200,000.00
We wish to inform you of the lottery draws held onthe18th of February
2008 to declare the winners of the ConfederationofAfrican Football
(CAF) and South Africa Football Association(SAFA).This lottery was
created to bring awareness to the world,being thatSouth Africa is
hosting the next world cup in 2010. Youremail,attached to Ticket number
SA35-00076-4512-444, with Serialnumber565-07 drew the lucky numbers
32-66-777233 and consequently wonthelottery through a computer ballot
system and your email addresswasgotten through the South African
Information Network Online (S A INO), which is affiliated with the
You havethereforebeen approved for a lump sum pay out of
US$2,200,000.00 incashcredited to file REF NO: SAFA/200702/0311.
This is from
totalprize money of US$22,000,000.00 shared among the teninternational
winners in this category. All participants were selectedthrough a
computer ballot System drawn from 17,000 names fromAustralia, NewZealand,
North America, South America, Europe andMiddle East andAsia as part
of our International Promotions Program,which isconducted every
quarter of the year.
To begin your claimprocess,please contact your claims manager with
details below andalsoprovide him with the requested information so that
he canexpeditethe processing of yourclaims.
ZIP/POSTAL CODE:_____________________________
Geen Finance Limited
ClaimsManagerof Foreign Affairs: (Mr. Jones S. Nzama)
Address: Geen GardenCourt
56Mainley Avenue, Johannesburg
Republic of SouthAfrica.
Telephone: +27724 882310
Toavoidunnecessary delays and complications, please quoteyour
reference/batch numbers in any of your correspondences withyourdesignated
(a) Remember, allprizemoney must be claimed not later than ten days
after notice.Afterthis date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed
(b)Being one of the lucky winners, you constitute entrant?sfull and
unconditional agreement to and acceptance of our terms andconditionsof
claims to avoid any Discrepancy in the cause of paymentof yourprize
awards winning.
(c) To avoid double claims, you areadvisedto keep your winning
details very confidential, as anydiscrepanciesresulting from a breach of
this confidentiality on theParts of thewinners will be covered solely
by such winner as ourstaffs are boundby the oath of secrecy taken on
Shouldthere be anychange of your address, do inform your claims agent
assoon aspossible.
Congratulations once more from all members andstaffs ofthis program.
Thank you for being part of our promotionallotteryprogram.
Mrs. Mary Ingesund
N:B Please notethat youare to donate 10% of your Winnings to the less
privilegedchildren ofAfrica.
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