I'm 20 years of age and I was arrested the other week on a first offence petit larceny of 13 dollars , i know what i did was very ignorant and foolish and made me think about alot of things , as in m future for both my loved one and I , i just am afriad that i might get sent to jail , i dont want to be sent to prison and loose her and let her down and myself and my family, i know what i've done is very wrong and the thought in my mind of the chance that i could be going to prison and loosing everything that most people take for granted scares me so much, i just cant stop thinking about how i was so ready to finaly go to school down in atl ga and finaly get on with my life and make better steps for my future , so i can actually have a future with my loved one but now i go and do somthing stupid and screw it all up on myself , i really just want to know what is the most likley thing to happen and what is the worst thing to happen?