2010-12-10 11:25:21 UTC
Are there any exceptions to having standing?
ANY WHATSOEVER? If someone is in the wrong but the only person that has standing does nothing about it but it is affecting tons of people abstractly (In other words even though it is effecting them they still dont have enough standing)
Or if a situation is big enough, like if it involves half the US population (just an example) could they be allowed to hear the case in civil court?Are there any exceptions to this?
Your standing in a case is often what will get officials to act. If you are legally involved, or related to someone involved, officials tend to act more quickly on the case.
If you have no standing, you would have to go to court and have the court declare you a friend of the court or provide you official standing before you'd be in a position to insist that officials act.
- Stuart
Then that guy thats number two in number 1 answers on this forum who is an attourney said this
Only in VERY rare cases, where a case directly impacts on other people, will a court allow a case to proceed where there is no "actual controversy in law", and where no-one with standing has brought an action.
One well-known example is "Roe v. Wade". The Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal filed by "Roe", even though she no longer had standing to challenge the law in question, because her child had already been born. Their reason for doing so was that no-one could ever, strictly speaking, *have* standing, because no case would ever get to the Supreme Court so quickly that the plaintiff was still pregnant.
An example of a case that was never heard because the courts ruled that *no-one* had standing to file it would be the "birther" challenges to Obama's right to be elected President. The cases were all dismissed without being heard on the merits, because in each case the judges ruled that (To quote one of a number of similar rulings) "The potential damages to any one specific citizen from an unqualified individual being elected President are so remote and tenuous that they do not rise to a level sufficient to grant that citizen standing before this court"
My question is this, how do you go about getting standing in a no controversey case?If tons of people are being affected abstractly,what can a person do?Are there certain qualifications that need to be met?