2008-06-08 18:27:41 UTC
By Another's Choice..
Who is trapped by the "choice" of abortion? Both the mother and the pre-born child. Abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy in the United States. The infamous Roe v. Wade case legalized abortion throughout the United States. The lesser-known companion case, Doe v. Bolton, defined the "health" exception. This case solidified Roe in allowing abortion through all nine months if the pregnancy threatens the life or health of the mother. The vague word used here is "health." What does "health" mean to you? Doe v. Bolton defined health to include, "physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the wellbeing of the patient." Essentially, Doe v. Bolton opened the door for "health" to mean anything a doctor or woman wanted it to mean. Some states have laws regulating late term abortions, and some states simply have no willing providers. However, women are free to go to other states to obtain one. Late-term abortions may be less common, but they are still legal.
Didn't the Partial Birth Abortion Ban outlaw late-term abortions? No. In the 2007 decision, Gonzales v. Carhart, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 was upheld. The "Ban" merely regulates one specific method used in late-term abortions (D&X). Other late-term abortion methods, such as Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) and a modified version of partial birth abortion, may still legally be used to kill a child up to the moment of birth.
A woman is often trapped by the decision to abort. You probably know someone who has aborted her child. Why did she "choose" abortion? Did she want an abortion or was she coerced or "strongly encouraged" by her boyfriend, husband, or parents? Let's face it; there are many reasons why women abort. One study found that 64% of women surveyed said they "felt pressured by others" to abort. Also, 54% said they were "not sure about the decision at the time." Does this sound like a "woman's right to choose?" More than 49 million children have been legally trapped by "choice" in the United States since 1973. Time is running out for millions more. With more than 3,500 surgical abortions performed in the United States every day, you most likely have been, or will be, involved with someone considering abortion.
You owe it to yourself and those around you to make an educated decision about abortion.
Unlocking The Language Trap...
My Body, My Choice!
The term "pro-choice' avoids talking about what you are choosing. Most people agree that we can be "pro-choice" about many things without offending anyone (i.e. chocolate or vanilla, paper or plastic). The term "choice" is value-neutral and meaningless unless we have some kind of idea what we are choosing. Society generally limits people's choices when it comes to behaviors that are harmful or potentially harmful to other people. We, as a society, are "anti-choice" when it comes to theft, arson, murder, and a whole host of other actions.
A Woman's "Right"/Freedom to Choose
It sounds almost patriotic. Our great American freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, etc. Individual rights are important, but you will not find "a right to abortion" anywhere in the Constitution. We have come too far to reduce a woman's "right" to mean the "right to kill her own children".
It's Just Tissue
Consider the following facts: Simple tissue down not have a beating heart, brain waves, fingerprints, and unique DNA. A woman can carry a baby with a different blood type from her own. After the moment of fertilization, nothing new is added to the baby except oxygen, nutrition, and time. The only differences between a newborn and a pre-born baby are size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. All of these facts confirm the reality that you are a person worthy of protection from the moment of fertilization.
A "Wanted" Child
Does your value depend on the degree that someone wants you? Let's be honest- a child is a child. How could any baby be called unwanted when there are over one million couples waiting, hoping, and praying for a chance to adopt a child?
"Safe" Abortion
Many young women believed this lie until it was too late. The book, Lime 5, documents over 200 cases of women injured or killed by illegal, so-called "safe" abortions. The end result of an abortion is a dead baby, and the potential for cervical cancer, breast cancer, infertility, and psychological pain. Where's the "safe" part?
"Back-Alley" Abortions
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 39 maternal deaths occurred due to illegal abortions in 1972 (the year prior to the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationally). Any loss of life is tragic, but this is nowhere near the alleged "thousands of deaths by back-alley abortions."
"I'm Personally Opposed, But I Can't Tell Others What To Do"
What if U.S. citizens had been willing to accept this justification for tolerating slavery? Our forefathers took away the "rights" of slave owners in order to give freedom and respect to African American people. Our youngest and most vulnerable are still slaves to the life and death decisions of others.
Rape and Incest
As traumatic as rape is, abortion does not "un-rape" the mother. The baby doesn't deserve to die for the crime of his or her father. Pat, a victim of rape, said, "In choosing to abort, to kill the innocent child growing within me, I lowered myself to the level of the rapist... The effects of abortion are much more far-reaching than the effects of the rape in my life."
Fetal Deformities
No one's perfect. Abortion for fetal deformities is a form of discrimination against disabled people. Eighty percent or more of Down Syndrome babies are now aborted. There are waiting lists of people that would be willing to adopt a special needs child. Who's to say their lives aren't worth living? When we make life and death judgments based on "quality of life," we start down the slippery slope of eugenics.
Abortion Methods:
Vacuum Aspiration
The abortionist inserts a hollow plastic suction tube into the dilated cervix. The uterus is emptied by either a manual syringe or high-powered suction machine. The baby's body is torn into pieces as he or she is being pulled through the hose.
Dilation and Suction Curettage (D&C)
This is similar to the vacuum aspiration. However, after the baby is suctioned out of the uterus the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop-shaped steel knife, up into the uterus. With this the abortionist cuts the placenta and umbilical cord into pieces and scrapes them out into a basin. The uterus is again suctioned out to ensure that no body parts have been left behind. Bleeding is usually profuse.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
Once the cervix is dilated considerably further than in the first trimester abortions, the abortionist inserts a narrow forceps that resembles a pliers. This instrument is needed because the baby's bones are calcified, as is the skull. The abortionist inserts the instrument into the uterus, seizes a leg or other part of the body and, with a twisting motion, tears it from the baby's body. The spine is snapped and the skull is crushed. Body parts are then reassembled and counted to make certain that the entire baby have been removed and that no parts remain in the womb.
Partial-Birth Abortion or Dilation and Extraction (D&X)
After undergoing two days of dilation, the abortionist performs an ultrasound to locate the child's legs and feet. The abortionist then uses a large forceps to grasp one of the baby's legs. He pulls firmly, forcing the child into a feet-down position.
Using his hands instead of forceps, the abortionist delivers the baby's body in a manner similar to a breech birth. The baby's head remains inside the birth canal. The abortionist uses surgical scissors to pierce the child's head at the base of the skull opening. The abortionist then inserts a suction catheter into the brain and vacuums out the child's brain tissue with a machine 29 times more powerful than a household vacuum.
RU-486 - Mifeprex (The Abortion Pill)
Mifeprex blocks the action of the hormone progesterone, which is needed to maintain the lining of the uterus providing oxygen and nutrients for the baby. Without it, the baby dies. Mifeprex is used in conjunction with the drug Cytotec (Misoprostol) which is taken two days after Mifeprex, causing uterine bleeding (sometimes profuse), strong contractions, and expulsion of the baby.
The pregnant woman visits the abortionist to obtain the Mifeprex pills, returns two days later to receive Misoprostol, and a third time to verify that the abortion is complete. The failure rate of this method is about 8% if the pills are taken within 7 weeks and up to 25% at 8-9 weeks. If the baby survives the abortion, there is an extremely high risk that he or she will suffer mental and/or physical birth defects from the Misoprostol.
Emergency Contraception - Plan B (The Morning-After Pill)
Emergency Contraception (EC) contains synthetic progestogen and is a large dose of the common birth control pill designed to be taken as a single dose after "unprotected sex." EC works in three ways. First, it attempts to stop ovulation. Depending on where a woman is in her cycle, ovulation may or may not have already occurred before EC was taken. Second, EC attempts to stop fertilization by impeding the transportation of either the sperm and/or the egg. Third, EC tries to stop implantation by altering (thinning) the lining of the endometrium (uterus) so the embryo cannot implant and receive nourishment from the mother. The first two methods are contraceptive, but if they fail, the third method can cause an abortion because it occurs after fertilization.
In the 2007 decision, Gonzales v. Carhart, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 was upheld. The Partial Birth Abortion Ban did not limit the frequency of late-term abortions. The "Ban" merely regulated one method used in late-term abortions. It is still legal for a doctor to kill a child up until the time he or she is born using a modified version. The baby can be delivered up to the navel and then killed.
In Their Own Words: Former Abortionists and Clinic Staff Speak Out
"There is a great difference between the intellectual support of a woman's right to choose and the actual participation in the carnage of abortion... seeing body parts bothers the workers..."
Judith Fetrow: Former Clinic Staff "Abortion Providers III"
"I want the general public to know what the doctors know- that this a person; that this is a baby. That this is not some kind of blob of tissue..."
Dr. Anthony Levantino: Former Abortionist "Meet the Abortion Providers"
"We were told to find the woman's weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it was to have a baby."
Debra Henry:Former Clinic Staff " Meet the Abortion Providers"
"But I think the greatest thing that got to us was the ultrasound... The baby really came alive on TV and was moving... That picture of the baby on the ultrasound bothered me more than anything else... We lost two nurses. They couldn't take looking at it."
Dr. Joseph Randall: Former Abortionist " Meet the Abortion Providers"
Reproductive Racism
The vision of Planned Parenthood, founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, became the working arm toward eugenic goals. The stated vision was "reproductive freedom" through legalization of contraceptives to be used by the wealthy and imposed Eugenic Sterilization Laws as "birth control" for everyone else.
The organization most responsible for propagating the bigoted concepts of "Social Darwinism" is the American Eugenics Society. Founded in the early 1900's, this organization was the sister organization of the British Eugenic Society which embraced the white- more specifically, the Anglo-Saxon- race supremacy doctrine. In the United States, eugenics became more than abstract philosophy. It degenerated into an active campaign to eliminate all those deemed inadequate and resulted in a worldwide crusade to abolish all human inferiority. The American Eugenics Society fostered the Jim Crow Laws of the South and Eugenic Sterilization Laws nationally, the anti-Semitic doctrine that encouraged Nazi Germany during the Jewish Holocaust and defined South-African Apartheid.
Despite claims that Margaret Sanger was not a racist of an anti-Semite, the fact remains that "she openly welcomed the worst elements of both in to the birth control movement." Henry Pratt Fairchild who wrote, "Birth control and eugenics are by nature closely related, and neither one can attain its complete fulfillment, or render its maximum service to society, without the other" and Lothrop Stoddard, author of, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, were two of many eugenicists who worked closely with Sanger.
Historical documents prove that Planned Parenthood acted as the willful arm of the American Eugenics Society and developed a plan, the ***** Project, as a propaganda program to infiltrate the black community with a "birth control for health" campaign through their civic leaders. Margaret Sanger expressed disdain for the poor and disabled whom she frequently dubbed "undeserving," "unfit", and "dysgenic." Her call for their sterilization and segregation is well known and is likely to have been the motive behind her "***** Project."
Lest one think reproductive racism was merely an issue of the past, current numbers prove the problem persists. Racial targeting by abortion providers, Planned Parenthood being the foremost national provider of abortions, has demonstrably resulted in a disproportionate number of minorities obtaining abortions. In the year 2000, African Americans, numbering 34.7 million individuals, or 12.3 percent of the U.S. population obtained 32% of abortions in that year. "Black women are almost four more times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely." According to updated census reports, African Americans are no longer the largest U.S. minority population. Abortion and population control have taken a devastating toll on the African American and Hispanic communities.
The Overpopulation Myth
Despite what you may have heard, there is no overpopulation crisis. Abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sterilization, and infanticide are not needed to quell an over abundance of the human population. "Plunging death rates, not soaring birth rates, are the main reason for rapid population increases in the last century. World average life expectancy more than doubled, rising from 30 years in 1900 to 63 years now. "World population increased not because people were breeding like rabbits, but because they stopped dying like flies."
In the United States, projections show that the 55 plus age group is going to grow from 24.7% of the population in 2010 to 31.5% in 2050. The UN Population Division states, "At the world level, the number of older persons is expected to exceed the number of children for the first time in 2047. In the more developed regions, where population aging is far advanced, the number of children dropped below that of older persons in 1998." Young people are needed in the workforce to support a rising population that is retiring or unable to work.
In 73 countries around the world today, including the United States, the total fertility rate is below replacement level. A nation's total fertility rate must be 2.1 children or above in order to maintain population level. The total fertility rate of Europe is well below replacement at 1.45. Government incentives to have more children are already in place in countries such as France, Italy, Poland, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Germany, Austria, Russia, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.
According to the United Nations Population Division, "below-replacement fertility prevails in the more developed regions and is expected to continue to 2050." We need to start looking at the problems of underpopulation and economic disaster occurring as populations rapidly age, rather than spreading the myth of overpopulation and "need' for abortion and birth control.
The Science of Sex
I'm a 23 year old virgin saving sex for marriage. What did I miss by not being sexually active in college? STD's, unplanned pregnancy, heartache, and a lot of baggage that would follow me the rest of my life? I can live without that.
When I meet the man I'm going to marry and walk down the aisle towards him, I'm not going to think, "I wish I had slept around more, had more boyfriends, experimented more, etc." No Way! I'm saving myself for my future husband. And I don't regret a minute of it.
-College Graduate
Sex is a powerful force of nature. It bonds people together, is pleasurable, and can create babies. So how does premarital sex damage relationships? The answer lies within the powerful oxytocin hormone released in the body during sexual activity. For example, picture duct taping a girl's arm to a guy's arm. Now rip off the tape (OUCH!) and use the same piece of tape to wrap her arm to a new guy's arm. What happens? Well, it hurts like crazy when you rip off the tape. After switching partners several times, partials of skin and hair left on the tape reduce the adhesiveness so it cannot attach as effectively.
The same thing happens with sex. When oxytocin is released in the brain during sexual activity, it acts like emotional super glue and bonds you to that partner. When you break up (OUCH!) and have a new sexual partner, your ability to bond and produce oxytocin is damaged. Just like debris on the duct tape, previous sexual experience reduces the ability to bond correctly. Brain chemicals don't care how old, mature, or in control of your emotions you are- they still create a bond. No one can beat the brain chemistry behind sex.
On the flip side, imagine that you never removed the duct tape. Eventually it would just feel like part of you. When a couple waits until marriage to have sex, and they remain faithful to each other, oxytocin acts as super glue between a husband and wife. It also helps maintain the "high" of sex. If you have been sexually active in the past, there is hope. Oxytocin levels can return to normal if you stop engaging in sexual activity and begin to heal the physical and emotional scars developed from premarital sex. Give yourself a year or so before you attempt to get into a new relationship, and commit to save sex for marriage. You won't regret it.
What About Birth Control?
All hormonal contraceptives (the pill, patch, mini-pill, shot, vaginal ring, emergency contraception, intrauterine devices, etc.) have the capability to cause an abortion. Hormonal contraceptives work in three way: by attempting to stop ovulation, by thickening cervical fluids to prevent fertilization, and by thinning the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation. The first two methods can cause and abortion because it occurs after fertilization.
Hormonal contraception does not always stop ovulation. When break-through ovulation occurs, there is a possibility of fertilization. Studies have shown that ovulation rates in women taking oral contraceptives ranged from 1.7% to 28.6% per cycle. Ovulation rates for women taking progestin only pills (the mini-pill) ranged from 33% to 65%. When these contraceptives do no stop fertilization, they have the capability to cause an abortion because the lining of the uterus may be too thin and inhospitable for the embryo to implant and receive nourishment. Birth control manufacturers insist that their products do not terminate an existing pregnancy. However, they have incorrectly redefined the terms "contraception" and "pregnancy" to mean the moment of implantation rather than the moment of fertilization (implantation happens 7-10 days after fertilization).
Emergency contraception (EC) is a large dose of the common birth control pill. EC is also known as the morning-after pill and is designed to be taken as a single dose after "unprotected sex." Documented side effects for EC include nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, breast tenderness, menstrual changes, and ectopic pregnancy. Contrary to popular arguments, EC does not decrease pregnancies and surgical abortions. EC had been available in Scotland since 1984, but pregnancy rates have not decreased and sexually transmitted infection rates have increased.
NO REGRETS: The True Story Of My Adoption Plan
When I first found out I was pregnant I couldn't control my crying. I shook uncontrollably. I had never felt so lonely or confused in my life. I wanted my boyfriend's support. I shouldn't have been surprised when he told me to have an abortion. My mind raced to justify the abortion. Perhaps my child would be better off dead than in a broken family. I thought that an abortion would be the answer to my problem. I tried to tell myself that my child wasn't really a baby, he was just tissue... I told myself lie after lie until I made the appointment. But no matter how hard I tried to fool myself, I knew I carried a baby. Deep down, I realized if I were to take my baby's life I would regret it forever. When I decided not to show up to the appointment, I felt so relieved. It didn't take long for me to face reality and see my baby as a gift.
I realized it was my duty as mother to protect my child's best interest and give him all I could. Many relatives didn't understand why I was even thinking of adoption. Who in the world would give up their child? Me. That's who. Of course I wanted to be the one to rock him and watch him grow. But beyond my wants I knew my child deserved more. Adoption was the best way I could show love to my child.
My boyfriend was overly thrilled about adoption... But nevertheless was willing to interview some couples with me. We met with them several times to ensure we found the best. The couple we chose was married, deeply in love, and welcomed our son as their own. Their love for my child is divine. I can hold my head up high and people are amazed. The birthfather, my family, and my friends congratulated me on my decision and came to realize it was out of love.
Yes, I grieved the loss of my child. But the joy far exceeds the sorrow. I thank God that I don't have to visit the memory of an aborted baby. I can live with my decision and so can my son..
With no regrets,
Obviously, as you can assume.. I'm completely Pro-Life.. There is no excuse to have an abortion.. It's murder.. It always has been, and it always will be.. Also, as to the people arguing, well, what if the mother/parents can't financially take care of the baby, or gives him/her a bad upbringing? If for whatever reason the mother/parents are unable to work, therefore, can't support their child/children, why would it be so horrible to live off of welfare.. Welfare is there to help people.. Also, you can't say "Why bring a baby into this world if you're just going to have to raise it with money from the government? Because, there are a lot of people that don't even have kids, that are living off of the government, most disabled... So, there isn't really any argument.. And there are people that have children, that are barely scraping by, but they didn't decide to kill their child just because they wouldn't have the best of the best.. I would rather give my children just the basics.. food, clothes, a roof over their heads, and love.. rather than have had an abortion.. Furthermore, there are parents out there that are together, have decent jobs, can afford whatever they need, and still don't give their children a proper upbringing.
Also, just because a woman feels she can't, or just simply doesn't want to raise a child.. She most likely could.. And there is always adoption.. It's a very good choice, especially if you don't want to raise your baby yourself.. And to the women out there that are seriously thinking about killing their child.. I think that you would regret killing your child more, rather than if you put him/her up for adoption.. He/she could have a wonderful life.. Why take that away from them? You'd think you'd want the best for them..
It doesn't matter how you were raised or what your childhood was like.. You can turn your life around, and make something of yourself.. But, that's all up to you.. People shouldn't blame other people for the way they are.. I understand some people have had pretty horrible childhoods/lives.. But, it's what you do with your life now, that matters.. You don't have to keep living your life in the wrong way, just because that's the way you were raised... It's all you now.. Anyway, to get to my question.. If you were pro-choice before you read the actual facts about abortion, has it made you change your views? Also, what are your views on abortion?