1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
378 answers:
2016-12-24 05:04:20 UTC
Who cares if he SHOULD or not? The question is COULD he? The answer is no. He doesn't have that power. The United States doesn't have that power. I could be a Muslim, and I could enter the US as easily as anyone else. What are they going to do? Make everyone eat a bacon sandwich before they let them out of the airport? Ask them to draw a picture of Muhammed before they are allowed off the plane? Me, I'm an athiest, but, if the US wanted to stop athiests entering, it wouldn't stop me. We don't have a badge, a tattoo, a membership card or anything. Neither do Muslims.

Donald Turnip knows how to appeal to the dumb majority. The kind of idiots who don't even think about the crap he talks. They hear "wall between us and them thar Mexicans" and are too utterly stupid to see that #1 A wall is inferior to a fence, in that: You can't see what people are doing to it from the other side, and #2 Neither a wall nor a fence is worth a damn thing once you get to the sea.

It's worrying that the internet has so successfully divided every issue into black and white now.
2016-12-25 21:34:21 UTC
You know what country has the most Muslims? India. The country gone the second most Muslims? Indonesia. You never listen just about people from those countries committing acts of worry abroad.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, obviously there's a lot of diversity in that bloc. Idiots after that Trump who think they'on the subject of every single one single one the same are too stupid to doing that.

The number of Americans killed by white male bump murders the supplement 15 years far and wide away exceeds the number killed by Muslim terrorists. Should we take some easily reached of produce an effect touching white men? Of course not.
2016-12-26 19:52:00 UTC
No he should not. I am from the Middle East and muslims are nothing like everyone says they are. Also America ruined half of the middle east with their stupid wars for oil and money. And those refugees you see on the TV , those people had to leave their own homeland because America left half tbe middle east as a war zone and everyones fighting each other. People are fighting their own kind coz of America. so after all they have done the least they could do is let muslims live in their country as they have destroyed ours. And just coz a few ignorant and stupid people who claim they're 'muslim' are killing people doesn't mean the other billion or more muslims are terrorists. And you western people think you're the only victims. If you ppl had done your research you would know that isis and the other terrorist groups are killing like 99x more muslims than western ppl. If you don't belive me go on the internet and all the facts are there. All the majority of muslims want is to live their lives in peace. We believe in Jesus and moses and we respect All religions. In fact in the quraan it says we need to accept everyone and be kind. In fact we're not that different from Christians or jews or any other religion in the whole world. Banning muslims would be like banning 25 percent of the world . I'm sorry for ranting like this but I get so upset sometimes when ppl are ignorant of whats really happening here. BTW I do respect Donald Trump I don't think Trump would ban muslims. Things would only get worse and there would be more protests and terror attacks and trump cant just pass a rule like that with only a click of his fingers. He would need the approval of the other important ppl and not everyone would agree to it x
2016-12-24 17:14:21 UTC
No, i want to be ran over by a truck or shot or stabbed while Shopping or just minding my own buisness. I hear people say not all muslims are bad, of course not all are, but if I grabbed a handful of skittles and i told you a couple are poisoned would you still eat one? Also just because all Muslims dont act radically doesn't mean they dont agree with radical Islam. Alot more agree with radical views than some want you to believe. Until significant change they shouldnt be aloud in. Just look at adam saleh seems like a good guy who's muslim he didn't do anything and he was kicked off a plane.WRONG! turns out he was being disruptive and got kicked off he then race baited and lyed. He also supported the guy who was guilty of the Boston Marathon bombing, thats your american muslim who was born in America. Think about the ones who aren't even from here and what they think.
2016-12-23 19:57:55 UTC
That BAN was his promise when he ran for POTUS.

If Trump does not do it, then he lied to America.
2016-12-24 09:13:27 UTC
Sharia law was banned by congress in 1952 because it does not align with the US Constitution and the laws that we have. The Islamic (muslim) religion follows Sharia law. He can ban them from entering the US if they are suspected terrorists, and their religion cant come with them into the US. So, technically speaking, yes he can.
2016-12-23 19:59:30 UTC
Evidently what Trump said is too complicated for you. Try again and check the qualifiers in his statements.
2016-12-25 00:26:57 UTC
Yes... We all should. Too many of them are only here to conquer, and have no intention of assimilating. "Too many" need only be a few, but is probably more like tens if not hundreds of thousands out of the millions there are here.

Hey... It's only the truth, based on both history as well as current events! How many times does the amnesiac world need to watch them repeat the same strategies and tactics??
2016-12-24 15:57:13 UTC
American citizen's safety should be 1st priority when making this choice. Lets look at the facts before choosing, sadly the facts are not in favor of Muslim people. 1st fact is the Muslim people are the most violent war crazed group of people in the history of the world. They have spent more time at war than any other people and often enough are at war not with an outside threat but war among themselves slaughtering their own people. 2nd fact they are very violent and quickly resort to brutal slaughter in public as a fear tactic. 3rd They can't be reasoned with, as they get their instruction and guidance from their religious doctrine they believe it is without error. They will never respect the laws of this country and obey them because they only obey Muslim / Islamic law. It is their way of life. 4th look at every country that has opened their borders for them, they all are being attacked, learn from them! I would rather not have the risk of more terrorism and death here at home than let more of them in. In truth bringing them in is only a temporary fix to a 1000 year old problem, until they can learn a way to get along among themselves how can we expect them to get along with others.?. SO YES !!!
2016-12-24 09:15:18 UTC
Trump should ban all refugees from countries INFESTED with .terrorists. If any illegal ( I e unauthorized) is found by any branch of the law enforcement in the US, that person should be immediately deported
2016-12-25 08:17:38 UTC
Yes Donald Trump should ban all Muslims
2016-12-25 19:29:26 UTC
Yes, as an Atheist who despises all religions, Donald Trump should ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.A. all of them are terrorists. And this destructive Religion being banned from America is the start of a more peaceful era for us Americans. I know he won't do the same for Christians because he is a Presbyterian, but at least people won't be killed anymore. At least there's that. At least a terroristic religion won't exist in America anymore, but rather a hateful religion called Christianity will still exists. I'd rather have that.
2016-12-24 16:42:43 UTC

You know what country has the most Muslims? India. The country with the second most Muslims? Indonesia. You never hear about people from those countries committing acts of terror abroad.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, obviously there's a lot of diversity in that bloc. Idiots like Trump who think they're all the same are too stupid to realize that.

The number of Americans killed by white male mass murders the past 15 years far exceeds the number killed by Muslim terrorists. Should we take some kind of action against white men? Of course not.
2016-12-27 06:28:31 UTC

The immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952, revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today.

Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by “force, violence or other unconstitutional means”.

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.

Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic.

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life guiding principle subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government.

Now the political correct crowd would say the Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.

* The facts can be found in The Constitution Immigration Law 414 chapter 2 section 212. The Constitution Immigration Law has 163 pages.
2016-12-24 05:16:58 UTC
FIRST, This has NOTHING to do with religion,

Like some IDIOTS are saying.

That would be like saying, after the attack on Pearl Harbor (WW2) we only locked up just Buddhists. When it was strictly Japanese that was the main objective.

Today, this is a group of people who believe in TOTAL Sharia Law. To it's fullest. Without compromise to any secular law.

And Sorry to Bust everyone's bubble, but ONLY Muslims believe in it..

But we have a domestic society that is comprised of dozens of nationalities, & religions,,all in one place, where the freedom of religion is a law by man & not by God,

So it becomes a matter of restricting that particular thing that will not make compromise to assure the freedoms , the safety & the security of everyone here..

And that certain thing in THIS case just happens to be a group of people who happen to be Muslims, who believe in another form of law, except mans law.

When a Christian kills out of revenge for the killing of a family member it doesn't matter about the bible verse "an eye for an eye".

They are arrested & basically banned from society .

By imprisonment.

It's NO different.

The claim of freedom of religion can not win because we have laws that we live by.

And those laws , HERE IN AMERICA , are laws made by man.

Some people seem to forget that the freedom of speech , the freedom of religion , and all the other "FREEDOMS" , were NOT part of the Constitution.. The original document was edited. (or AMENDED) over 2 years later


And with enough votes Congress can do it again.
2016-12-24 20:36:50 UTC
He can't technically ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. but he can ban people from predominantly muslim countries from entering the U.S. as well as countries prominent for islamic terrorism.

I think he should, and I certainly hope that Congress will allow it.

People say it's unconstitutional since it takes away the right of freedom of religion; constitutional rights only apply to U.S. citizens and no one has a constitutional right to enter this country. As a sovereign nation, the USA has the power to decide who can enter this country and who can't.

I understand not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorist are indeed muslims. You don't hear buddhists raping little girls, or hindus blowing up buildings, or christians chopping off heads. The worst mass shooting to ever occur on U.S. soil was caused by a muslim extremist.

This is a national security matter and needs to be treated as such. The president's top priority should be to keep the American people safe. We don't know which muslim is a terrorist or not so the safest option is to ban all of them until we can get this problem solved in this country.
2016-12-26 15:04:46 UTC
Donald Trump is not trying to ban all Muslims from entering the Unites States.

Once Donald Trump is the president,it becomes his responsibility to protect the citizen of the Unites States.

The president is able to and have the power to make sure the people that enter the Unites States are not here to kill or do harm to the citizen of the United States.

In order to enter any country of the world, you are required to obtain a passport from the country where you are a citizen. In order to be allowed to enter another country you are require to request and be issued a visa from the country you want to visit. The country you want this visa from do not have to approve your request for a visa.

If you can not provide the information necessary in order to be issued a visa, you can be denied a visa to that country.

Japan and China will not issue visas to any Muslims. In China Muslims are not even allowed to practice the Muslim religion. If they do they are jailed and is required to leave the country.

Donald Trump want to make sure who is entering the United States and not someone that would want to kill or do damage to the citizen of the United States.

The constitution of the Unites States apply to citizen of the United States. Any alien from another country would not have any rights under the constitution of the United States.

When someone knock on your door, you ask, "Who is there?" You do not open the door and just allow people you don't know to enter your house. Once you have determine that the person at the door is a friend or someone you recognize, you allow this person to enter your house.

When an alien want to enter the United States the government of the Untied States has the legal authority to ask "who is there?" Prove who you are. Once you prove who you are and provide evidence as to who you are, you are able to enter the Untied States, as well as the purpose of your visit, you would be issue a visa and allowed to enter the United States.

Donald Trump is not trying to prevent all Muslims from entering the United States. He is simply trying to keep out the Muslims that might or could cause kill or cause grave damage to citizen of the Untied States.

This make common sense.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-12-29 01:35:14 UTC
I am a Pole, but I admire the President Trump that talks openly about zagrożeiu which is Islamic terrorism, do you consider that prohibit access for Muslims to America or to Europe is too far-fetched, but both the governments of the United States as the countries associated within the European Union should to be more careful about immigrants and asylum seekers from Muslim countries, in my opinion, they should be thoroughly vetted by the special services, and governments need to reserve a right to deport those immigrants, even if they got the citizenship of these countries in the event of terrorist acts against life and property of citizens the host country or proof of membership of a terrorist organization or fundamentalist, deportation in this case, should cover all close family such delinquent, a kick in the *** goodbye!
2016-12-24 16:54:53 UTC
The UN is in the USA and it has members from Muslim countries, so it is just not possible for Donald Trump to ban Muslims from entering the UN.
2016-12-24 03:01:13 UTC
No, partly because the Qur’aan (2: 62 – 256) (3: 3 – 199) (4: 3 – 162) (5: 33 – 108) (7: 157 – 170) (8: 7 – 73) (9: 2 – 128) (16: 61 – 128) (22: 1 – 78) (28: 83 – 87) (33: 9 – 73) (47: 2 – 38) (48: 1 – 29) (58: 5 – 13) (59: 1 – 20) (60: 1 – 13) (65: 4 – 6) (66: 6 – 12) does not allow murder or terrorism, for example:

- 4: 89 – 110: “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allaah. But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and do not take a friend or helper from their ranks. Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty, or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you, as well as fighting their own people. If Allaah had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you peace, then Allaah hath opened no way for you against them ... And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Forgiveness, he will find Allaah Forgiving, Merciful.”

- The 9th Soorah talks about wicked enemies of Muḥammad, whom he was at war with, and their descriptions are in Verses like the 79th Verse: “Those who defame such of the believers who give charity voluntarily, and those who could not find to give charity, except what is available to them, so they mock at them (believers), Allaah will throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment,” but even if disbelievers or evil-doers were to repent for their evil deeds, and become Muslims, then they would receive Mercy from Allaah, as mentioned in the 102nd Verse: “And (there are) others who have acknowledged their sins, they have mixed a deed that was righteous with another that was evil. Perhaps Allaah will turn unto them in forgiveness. Surely, Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful,” and the last two Verses (128 – 129) say “Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muḥammad) from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is anxious over you, for the believers, full of pity, kind, and merciful. But if they turn away, say (O Muḥammad): “Allaah is sufficient for me. There is no god but He, in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.””
2016-12-24 21:58:49 UTC
Yes Donald Trump should ban all Muslims. Their religion is a threat to democracy and our way of life. I have nothing against arab but as long as nothing more than an ideology not a race.
2016-12-24 22:49:46 UTC
Just certain countries.

And inspite popular opinion religion can be used as a redflag for no.

Because religious persecution is a reason for fleaing an area and you have to know which religion is being persecuted.

Truthfully the president can ban all immigration not that they would for any reason.

Safe zones and refugee camp's are the way to go. It's a ridiculous risk to take Syrian refugees. These particular refugees cause problems like truck terrorism and pressure cooker bombs. No appreciation ever.
2016-12-25 08:23:23 UTC
Yes. And he should also deport all Christians, Jehovah's Witness, Jews, Mormons, Buddhists, and whoever the hell else has an imaginary friend they think should be prayed to before taking any sort of political action. The constitution keeps church and state separate. Religious people continue to try and force their beliefs on others. America would be great and far more advanced, both technologically and morally (yes, morally. The bible is full of barbaric, hateful, homophobic passages that support slavery and the idea that women are inferior) if religion did not exist in our country. If we ban one, we should BAN THEM ALL!
2016-12-25 20:14:54 UTC
This is where the liberal media scum bags ruin the minds of young adults. He is not banning any MUSLIM from entering the United States. He wants to make it harder for them to get in to ensure that no threat is coming into the United States. He is not banning Muslims, its nobodies fault that we think this but the media. They have such a large group mind controlled and can basically get away with saying anything they want. Look it up and do extensive research. He IS NOT BANNING MUSLIMS.
2016-12-25 18:27:51 UTC
No. that's unconstitutional and racist. He's banning the middle eastern muslims from entering the US. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with race and skin color. **** Donald Trump
2016-12-30 13:46:01 UTC
i am a pole, but i admire the president trump that talks openly about zagrożeiu which is islamic terrorism, do you consider that prohibit access for muslims to america or to europe is too far-fetched, but both the governments of the united states as the countries associated within the european union should to be more careful about immigrants and asylum seekers from muslim countries, in my opinion, they should be thoroughly vetted by the special services, and governments need to reserve a right to deport those immigrants, even if they got the citizenship of these countries in the event of terrorist acts against life and property of citizens the host country or proof of membership of a terrorist organization or fundamentalist, deportation in this case, should cover all close family such delinquent, a kick in the *** goodbye!
2016-12-24 05:31:18 UTC
No. Donald Trump should ban that animal off his head. What are u afraid of Donald? Don't be afraid to come to the bald side!
2017-01-05 07:42:34 UTC
trump shall be president not an absolute monarch so no he for the life of me cannot since a president has no power to do that... congress holds power but on that topic of religion being protected by constitution, congress has no power on it and neither does ussc so no, muslims cannot be banned based on simply being muslim so trump lied to you or else you thought he said he could and are confused but either way, numerous are so uneducated that it is frightful...

his supporters are the least educated on earth and that is the truth... the question proves it...
2016-12-30 00:54:22 UTC
trump shall be president not an absolute monarch so no he for the life of me cannot since a president has no power to do that... congress holds power but on that topic of religion being protected by constitution, congress has no power on it and neither does ussc so no, muslims cannot be banned based on simply being muslim so trump lied to you or else you thought he said he could and are confused but either way, numerous are so uneducated that it is frightful...

his supporters are the least educated on earth and that is the truth... the question proves it...
2016-12-28 00:45:44 UTC
trump shall be president not an absolute monarch so no he for the life of me cannot since a president has no power to do that... congress holds power but on that topic of religion being protected by constitution, congress has no power on it and neither does ussc so no, muslims cannot be banned based on simply being muslim so trump lied to you or else you thought he said he could and are confused but either way, numerous are so uneducated that it is frightful...

his supporters are the least educated on earth and that is the truth... the question proves it...
2016-12-25 06:09:06 UTC
Im a Republican and I don't think he should ban all Muslim from entering the United States simply because not all of them are associated with terrorist. Anyone who is sane enough would know that a 2 years old who is registered a Muslim is not a terrorist.
2016-12-23 22:40:19 UTC
Trump is the issue here. I cannot believe he is president elect. No way should he ban Muslims its like going back to the ways of hitler something which should not be happening in modern society. And btw I am not a terrorist or anything before people like the person below jump to conclusions.
2016-12-25 01:09:00 UTC
The Bible foretells that the political leaders will overthrow the Mystery Babylon religious system depicted in the Bible book of Revelation as a harlot riding the back of a beast like political system, they will somehow find a way around the freedom of religion argument. Maybe they will begin to view that religion is a threat to world peace or maybe someone will uncover some ancient documents that exposes the teachings of these religions as false
2016-12-24 20:56:16 UTC
Muslims are generally docile people, there is extremists in every walk of life and I'm white, so no it'd be a political nightmare if he even attempted to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
2016-12-24 22:16:45 UTC
Should Prophet Muhammad's successor Issa ban all Christians and Jews from entering the A.E.?
2016-12-26 07:06:27 UTC
This country was created so whoever wants to come here can be free, and trump is setting us back hundreds of years!! This is a country where people can come and believe in whatever religion they want, and they can be any type of person. My final answer, no. Muslims should not be deported out of the country
2016-12-26 15:52:43 UTC
Only if its for their own safety. No point increasing the already staggering amount of murders in that supposedly civilized 1st world country.

Your average American appears to be a cross between the Disney character Goofy, and Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, as portrayed in the Apocalypse Now film.
Raymond L.
2016-12-25 21:36:07 UTC
Yes, It says very clear in the Koran that you get to be with 72 virgins for killing noon muslims, how many more terrorist attacks do we need before we realize islam is NOT a religion of peace, san Bernardino, Orlando night club, 9-11 dozens more?????

awake up America,

Merry Christmas
2016-12-25 11:01:51 UTC
religion is one thing an character is another.. First of all no one actually knows if the 9/11 terrorist osama bin laden was even a follower of his religion. According to the Quran, the holy book of islam, Islam spreads PEACE and on top of that, one of the major sins is killing a person. He certainly shouldn't be considered a muslim. Not only islam but every religion..

Second of all, one of the major incidents of terrorism was the holocaust which had no MUSLIM participants.. Adolf Hitler was "catholic" and even after the whole incident, no one ever forbid or start any hate for any Catholics at all.

I agree to the fact that many terrorist attacks occur in Muslim countries but HELLO they are NOT muslims who are conducting them. MUSLIMS ARE DYING EVERYDAY due to the hate spread upon them..
2016-12-25 02:40:23 UTC
I feel suspending Muslim immigration is somewhat necessary until we can adequately process them and protect the nation from terrorism. While not ever Muslim is a terrorist it is undeniable that the Muslim community produces a disproportionate amount of radicalism. Trump doesn't want to ban them forever. He wants to suspend it until we can work out the kinks we have in our system.
2016-12-23 20:40:19 UTC
It Is unconstitutional. Violates first amendment Freedom of religion. Using the Lemon test for laws dealing with religion a law must not help a religion or hurt a religion, it must be worldly, not religious in nature, and it may not intertwine religion and government too much. Banning Muslims fails the first two parts of the test. It hurts religion and it is religious in nature.
2017-01-04 00:05:16 UTC
donald trump is not trying to ban all muslims from entering the unites states...

once donald trump is the president,it becomes his responsibility to protect the citizen of the unites states...

the president is able to and have the power to make sure the people that enter the unites states are not here to kill or do harm to the citizen of the united states...

in order to enter any country of the world, you are required to obtain a passport from the country where you are a citizen... in order to be allowed to enter another country you are require to request and be issued a visa from the country you want to visit... the country you want this visa from do not have to approve your request for a visa...

if you can not provide the information necessary in order to be issued a visa, you can be denied a visa to that country...

japan and china shall not issue visas to any muslims... in china muslims are not even allowed to practice the muslim religion... if they do they are jailed and is required to leave the country...

donald trump want to make sure who is entering the united states and not someone that would want to kill or do damage to the citizen of the united states...

the constitution of the unites states apply to citizen of the united states... any alien from another country would not have any rights under the constitution of the united states...

when someone knock on your door, you ask, "who is there?" you do not open the door and just allow people you don't know to enter your house... once you have determine that the person at the door is a friend or someone you recognize, you allow this person to enter your house...

when an alien want to enter the united states the government of the untied states has the legal authority to ask "who is there?" prove who you are... once you prove who you are and provide evidence as to who you are, you are able to enter the untied states, as well as the purpose of your visit, you would be issue a visa and allowed to enter the united states...

donald trump is not trying to prevent all muslims from entering the united states... he is simply trying to keep out the muslims that might or could cause kill or cause grave damage to citizen of the untied states...

this make common sense...

i hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck...

"fight on"
2016-12-26 15:03:31 UTC
Right now, there should be a one year ban on all people seeking Asylum here in the USA. After that, the ban extends indefinitely to all nations that harbor terrorist and do not cooperate in ridding them from the face of the earth.
2016-12-26 23:50:37 UTC
Only if he wants to be impeached and thrown out of office for violating the first amendment to the Constitution. The Supreme Court and then Congress will come down on him like a ton of bricks. He won't know what hit him.

He really should read the Constitution at least once in his life.
2016-12-24 11:01:48 UTC
Yeah I think it's time to take greater steps to send a message to the Islamic world that they personally need to take responsibility for this crazy out of control terrorist narrative in their religion. And earn their respect back in the world and stop acting like they have dignity and respect. When their own religious brothers destroyed it.

We should also deport all Muslims just to make the message a historic one. Forget concentration camps. We just need to get rid of them all. Legal or not. And prison or jail for people who want to act like martyrs. No harm, just really messed up ridiculous sentences like, treason or war crimes. Harsh stuff.

This is a religion we are talking about here. It will change your life it you go down with the ship.

And THAT ship is sinking like it's made from rock.
2016-12-26 03:06:20 UTC
no, partly 'cause the qur’aan (2: 62 – 256) (3: 3 – 199) (4: 3 – 162) (5: 33 – 108) (7: 157 – 170) (8: 7 – 73) (9: 2 – 128) (16: 61 – 128) (22: 1 – 78) (28: 83 – 87) (33: 9 – 73) (47: 2 – 38) (48: 1 – 29) (58: 5 – 13) (59: 1 – 20) (60: 1 – 13) (65: 4 – 6) (66: 6 – 12) does not allow murder or terrorism, for example:

- 4: 89 – 110: “they but wish that ye should reject faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): but take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of allaah... but if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and do not take a friend or helper from their ranks... except those who join a group between whom and you there's a treaty, or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you, as well as fighting their own people... if allaah had pleeased, he could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you peace, then allaah hath opened no way for you against them ......... and whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks forgiveness, he shall find allaah forgiving, merciful...”

- the 9th soorah talks about wicked enemies of muḥammad, whom he was at war with, and their descriptions are in verses like the 79th verse: “those who defame such of the believers who give charity voluntarily, and those who could not find to give charity, except what is available to them, so they mock at them (believers), allaah shall throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment,” but even if disbelievers or evil-doers were to repent for their evil deeds, and become muslims, then they would receive mercy from allaah, as mentioned in the 102nd verse: “and (there are) others who have acknowledged their sins, they have mixed a deed that was righteous with another that was evil... perhaps allaah shall turn unto them in forgiveness... surely, allaah is forgiving, merciful,” and the last two verses (128 – 129) say “verily, there has come unto you a messenger (muḥammad) from amongst yourselves... it grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty... he is anxious over you, for the believers, full of pity, kind, and merciful... but if they turn away, say (o muḥammad): “allaah is sufficient for me... there's no god but he, in him i put my trust and he is the lord of the mighty throne...””
2016-12-24 13:54:01 UTC
Donald Trump needs to remember that he is ONLY the President ELECT, he is not the President and he needs to keep his mouth shut. Someone needs to rein in the boy, before he says something that the people who actually know what they are doing can undo. He is proving he is a loose cannon and is going to get us all killed.
2016-12-25 17:39:46 UTC
Unfortunately, there may need to be some unpopular choices made in order to protect our homeland, nobody can seem to agree on who exactly should be banned, still kind of sketchy trying to define what radicalization is yet, I think there should major restrictions on entering America until we can properly identify where our threats are coming from, its important that we enjoy our freedoms our fathers fought for, that should never be compromised.
2016-12-24 04:24:43 UTC
No. Because you can't ban a religion. However if trump is too suspicious we could closely and simply monitor who's who rather than banning muslims.
2016-12-26 08:48:39 UTC
Even if it was a good idea I don't think it is. How would one even identify a muslim? By Name? I know an athiest Muhammed, by race? Muslims come in all races, by clothes as far as i'm aware only Muslim women are required to cover, men can wear what they want and even then there are Muslim women who don't feel the need to cover as well as the fact they could easily say they're not Muslim to get in.
2017-01-05 10:59:58 UTC
the un is in the usa and it has members from muslim countries, so it is just not possible for donald trump to ban muslims from entering the un...
Y a m b i !
2016-12-27 02:36:03 UTC
Sorry can't speak english very well! do you speak french??

I think that the most important thing to realize is : the greatest threat , not only to your Nation, but to all mankind is zionism and grand’s Israel utopia and … Globalization !

Muslims, americans, african , european , asian, all people, We are all subject to the perverse effects of the false principles of globalization.

The financial market without borders ,without limit, but without strong nations to guarantee private property… It is chao, like that Somalya, which is taking place throughout the world.But there is no free trade without a strong nation to protect the right of private property. Otherwise it's the jungle, the strongest one does what he wants . That is what we are going all over the world. The one who has the money does what he wants, in defiance of the law . It is the criminalization of the economy..wwe are going to Greatest Worldwide somalya…like in my Contry, the DRC(central africa).

The challenge of humanity is the struggle between the national powers and the common people against the cosmopolitan globalism stateless conspiracy in its march towards the utopian Universal Republic, without national identity, without ehnicity identity, without difference i.e sexually undifferentiated humanity , with one religion, one government, one change, one army, and so one. In that Universal Republic , each one will be only consumers, without strains and national tightened ties.

Donald trump would better to fight against false globalist principles that carry the germs of self-destruction rather than the poor Muslims, who are also, like you, American citizens, victims of the same plot of the world’ globalist elite.

but regarding to his administration, i don't think so. He's going to protect the oligarc interest in america.
2016-12-24 15:05:50 UTC
1. I'm sure not if he could.

2. Not wise because he may lose business with Saudi Arabia (bcoz they are muslims too)

3. US passport may be barred to enter Muslim countries

4. He thought about 1-3 and has taken off from his campaign
2016-12-26 14:16:09 UTC
Nobody should be banned from anywhere. We are all humans and we all deserve to be respected equally. Maybe Americans have a bad perspective of Muslims but not all of them are bad people. Some people can be really good you know
2016-12-23 21:22:15 UTC
Yes. Ban them all. I'm sick of all this politically correct bullshit. I would rather offend the few decent Muslims then any more innocent people die and suffer at the hands of the extremist. Enough is enough, quiet the pc crap and do what has to be done.
2016-12-26 13:12:22 UTC
Vetting all Arab refugees. Vetting means interviewing to make sure they're not extremist muslim. Returning all the extremists, not all the regular Muslims. Regular Muslims are nice people. The Middle East has been hijacked by extremists, normal people want to leave for freedom.
2017-01-03 04:38:30 UTC
just certain countries...

and inspite popular opinion religion can be used as a redflag for no...

'cause religious persecution is a reason for fleaing an area and you have to know which religion is being persecuted...

truthfully the president can ban all immigration not that they would for any reason...

safe zones and refugee camp's are the way to go... it's a ridiculous risk to take syrian refugees... these particular refugees cause problems like truck terrorism and pressure cooker bombs... no appreciation ever...
2017-01-02 13:28:49 UTC
just certain countries...

and inspite popular opinion religion can be used as a redflag for no...

'cause religious persecution is a reason for fleaing an area and you have to know which religion is being persecuted...

truthfully the president can ban all immigration not that they would for any reason...

safe zones and refugee camp's are the way to go... it's a ridiculous risk to take syrian refugees... these particular refugees cause problems like truck terrorism and pressure cooker bombs... no appreciation ever...
2016-12-28 14:36:31 UTC
Unless they can properly vet them, yes. There is a video of the Palestinian version of Sesame Street on Youtube, showing how their pre-school children are being brainwashed to hate and sacrifice their lives for Allah. When you export these people to "civilized" countries, we already see the results in Europe and America. It is beyond Ultra-dumb, it sabotages the world society. But that is exactly what Obummer and the libtards want.
2016-12-26 05:41:13 UTC
NO! I'm not sure with should welcome them without precaution. And I mean that because the huge population of people immagrating here will change a lot of things and put the country off balance.And I think it will just cause A LOt of conflict. We need a soulution fast, but it shouldn't be to ban them. And why base on their religion?not everyone who is a refugee is islamic?
2016-12-24 07:20:50 UTC
I would rather ban all white liberal from our country those pieces of **** white rich libs who are spoiled & rotten to the core, the poor liberal who lives off the government tit I can handle only for a while until they get educated but It s those nasty white liberal racists who say they are not (racists) but are those pseudo intellectuals. The poor libs just need to be better educated and they will eventually become sane in the long run. The rich liberals need to be recycled.
2016-12-25 09:19:15 UTC
2016-12-26 03:49:56 UTC
Bush did 9-1-1
2016-12-27 17:36:06 UTC
That would be the most un-american thing to do that we've ever done (and that is saying something). What Trump should do instead is ban the bigots who voted for him, and no Im not saying that everyone who voted for him is a bigot, but I am saying everyone who voted for him voted to support bigotry, and that is pretty appalling in itself. Not everyone who voted for HItler agreed with all aspects of Naziism......
2016-12-25 18:36:19 UTC
NO! Just invoke the laws and standards on immigration on Muslim men from before 1966. This is not the first time western civilization has faced these barbarians. Cut off there supplies of western arms and they will be negated.
2016-12-26 02:59:14 UTC
I think Trump should ban refugees from countries with terrorism issues
2016-12-26 14:36:05 UTC
That would mean that all Americans would be banned from Entering all Muslim Countries too.
2016-12-24 16:56:55 UTC
2016-12-26 12:20:28 UTC
just certain countries...

and inspite popular opinion religion can be used as a redflag for no...

'cause religious persecution is a reason for fleaing an area and you have to know which religion is being persecuted...

truthfully the president can ban all immigration not that they would for any reason...

safe zones and refugee camp's are the way to go... it's a ridiculous risk to take syrian refugees... these particular refugees cause problems like truck terrorism and pressure cooker bombs... no appreciation ever...
2016-12-25 23:54:25 UTC
Look, I am a Muslim guy, if you want to ban all Muslims then all Americans should get the fuc* out of Arab and Islamic countries, and don't fuc*king interfere in our countries, and mind your own business, and yes don't forgot to bring back the 1,500,000 Iraqis that Americans terrorist troops killed in Iraq, and in Afghanistan too, and give us all our billions of dollars back that US banks have them from Arab gulf countries. And DON'T steal our gas and oil.
2016-12-25 22:40:15 UTC
When he is sworn in, Mr Trump WILL NOT ban all Muslims. Never, ever.
2016-12-27 12:30:51 UTC
this is where the liberal media scum bags ruin the minds of young adults... he is not banning any muslim from entering the united states... he wants to make it harder for them to get in to ensure that no threat is coming into the united states... he is not banning muslims, its nobodies fault that we think this but the media... they have such a large group mind controlled and can basically get away with saying anything they want... look it up and do extensive research... he is not banning muslims...
Benoni "Light"
2016-12-23 20:04:07 UTC
No way. You can't ban someone for being part of a certain religion. That's madness. Not all Muslims are extremists.
2016-12-24 02:22:11 UTC
I believe he needs to over turn obama's first law registered 2/4/09 first then off load the muslims(terrorists) same difference. Mike
2016-12-24 15:08:32 UTC
2016-12-27 09:33:55 UTC
No. Just the ones who are so called refugees. The ones who are coming over here legally like for marriage, work, school, etc? No. They will contribute for the good of America. The ones that Obama is not vetting? Those are the ones we should not allow into the US.
2016-12-25 22:40:11 UTC

until we can get a handle on things at the least... remember ohio state university? seems isis just released a list of churches and public places they recommend "lone wolf" attacks for the evil christmas holidays!

so c'mon can you honestly say you are shalling to risk allowing more people who think christmas is evil to be around... i never gave any of this much thought until some arabic guy was threating to kill me !

he kept crossing his two index fingers and saying you shall die christian!

how would he know if i'm a christian or an atheist or a buddhist or whatever? he assumed i'm a white american so i must be christian... the bouncer dude at the bar escorted him out!

when i left i was looking over my shoulder though!


mr... magoo says plenty... they live in countries where the law is based on their religion... not mans law!i personally say any of them who are peaceful and shalling to become an american are welcome... but how do we know! until something is resolved, something gives, screw them!
2016-12-24 07:24:42 UTC
Who doesn't love that lovable ol' biggot? He wants to ban a whole race of Mexicans, a whole gender of rights (aka women) AND disobeying the frickin Bill of Rights and banning a whole religion!
2016-12-24 23:40:04 UTC
Entering? Try banning them from being here at all. And the answer to that is YES! Islam is the enemy of civilization. Period.
2016-12-23 20:42:47 UTC
We should ban Trump
2016-12-25 19:02:21 UTC
He needs to ban all people with a history of immigration which would only leave the North American Indians and since they "technically" migrated here, that leaves only the Mammoth here, and they're extinct.
Ronald 7
2016-12-26 20:01:55 UTC
Yes, Completely.
2016-12-24 08:34:35 UTC
No. America was built by diversity. If he does this what's the difference between him and Hilter? I'm not saying I'm fond of them, but it's not humane to ban people based on their beliefs. And not all of them are bat **** crazy.

Monitor the people who have ties to terror groups.
2016-12-25 02:36:33 UTC
It's a lose lose situation. He bans them from entering, we have a lower terrorist risk but there are innocent people and children suffering but if he doesn't, we have a higher terrorist risk letting a ton of people into America. But we have to put America first.
2016-12-25 12:32:09 UTC
Yes. There is a question that everyone entering the USA has to answer "do you intend to overthrow the government". Muldoon belief is that Sharia and Islamic supremecy sold be imposed everywhere, so every one of them who enters the country lies on their form.
2016-12-24 17:41:46 UTC
they take a course on the constitution,get interviewed,get backgrounded,take an,,no THE oath off allegience,

trump plans a ban of a few months,till the necessary aparatchiki get work instructions,and most of HLS are canned
2016-12-24 01:32:51 UTC
I kind of like the idea to get the terrorist out. But then I feel bad for the innocent muslims. If that happen to me because I am Kirsten I am Christian I will not say that.
2016-12-27 16:20:12 UTC
Ya he is an absolute moron as all the Americans used to be. Coz they elected such a moron. Banning all the muslims would be " jumping out from a frying pan into fire
2016-12-25 18:03:45 UTC
2016-12-26 01:57:20 UTC
No. Muslims aren't bad. Not all of them. If they can pass the citizenship test, speak English well enough, and were given proper background checks they should be allowed in, I think.
2016-12-25 09:39:43 UTC
YES, ban them from the United States! There nothing but, trouble!
2016-12-28 00:10:51 UTC
The Native Americans should have banned all white people from here. Problem solved.
2016-12-25 06:20:10 UTC
2016-12-24 21:15:40 UTC
Yes. Absolutely.
2016-12-25 20:16:05 UTC
Should halt Muslim immigration until there there is evidence of reasonable integration. (That is determined by the amount of terrorist attacks - it sould be zero).

If my household as taking in orphans, and I started seeing some of the orphans wrecking havoc in the family, I would halt taking in orphans until I could settle those I already had. It is just common sense and has nothing to do with "orphanophobia" or "Islamophobia".
2016-12-24 15:47:46 UTC
I think the best thing for the USA would be when Trump makes his first visit to another country that the USA refuses to admit him on his return.
2016-12-24 06:29:29 UTC
America needs to be a great civilized respected figure again, all Muslims? no he has no such power. these ISIS mother#$&+ERs? I say we take fat FAT man (made for Tokyo, but Japan surrendered after Fat man on Nagasaki) off the shelf ...then have ground soilders chicken-slaughter the seeds of future terrorism BEFORE more innocent people die
2016-12-27 03:07:38 UTC
Yes Donald should block they Muzlims

out of this place

because even though they may act gay

they hate America the beautiful

plus all of us folks and Muzlim are carzed to.
2016-12-25 20:38:41 UTC

until we can get a handle on things at the least... remember ohio state university? seems isis just released a list of churches and public places they recommend "lone wolf" attacks for the evil christmas holidays!

so c'mon can you honestly say you are shalling to risk allowing more people who think christmas is evil to be around... i never gave any of this much thought until some arabic guy was threating to kill me !

he kept crossing his two index fingers and saying you shall die christian!

how would he know if i'm a christian or an atheist or a buddhist or whatever? he assumed i'm a white american so i must be christian... the bouncer dude at the bar escorted him out!

when i left i was looking over my shoulder though!


mr... magoo says plenty... they live in countries where the law is based on their religion... not mans law!i personally say any of them who are peaceful and shalling to become an american are welcome... but how do we know! until something is resolved, something gives, screw them!
Mr. Wizard
2016-12-24 10:07:54 UTC
Trump is NOT freewill banning ALL people of Muslim faith from entering the U.S.; they will however, HAVE TO PROVE, they have NO ISIS / Al-Qaeda or any other patriotic binding with terror groups who defile Islam with their distorted sick violence.
2016-12-24 05:48:16 UTC
No, He should ban the illegal immigrants but personally i think all legal muslims should be allowed. But honestly i think that he should build the wall just to stop more terrorists
2016-12-25 00:04:50 UTC
2016-12-24 12:18:20 UTC
2016-12-27 22:49:01 UTC
He should ban all Muslims from entering US.
2016-12-26 02:57:55 UTC
2016-12-24 14:57:13 UTC
No, but the USA needs to cut the pollitical correct crap.

I am an American living in Singapore. I was required to register my religion (Buddhist) when I applied for an employment pass. Furthermore any foreigner spouting crap about violence or associating with anyone who does gets deported. If you get busted in Signapore, for almost anything, you get deported. You can claim that you are being profiled all you like. They will laugh at you. There is no pollitical correctness here!

Btw: I was born in LA, but called a "foreigner" (Gringo) constantly. I moved to Singapore because I am a foreigner here, but nobody treats me like one. Nobody stares at me. I get the "what are you doing here whiteboy" stare lots of places in LA.
2016-12-25 08:44:45 UTC
That would be one the biggest civil rights case in america besides what if other countries ban americans from them
2016-12-25 00:03:49 UTC
No and I hope it never happens. He should focus on the US first and take care of American racists who harm innocent people. I have never been so scared now that Trump will be president.
2016-12-25 02:42:05 UTC
Yes then start sending the Rest to the Middle east No Matter where they are Born
2016-12-25 21:57:08 UTC
no... donald trump should ban that animal off his head... what are u afraid of donald? don't be afraid to come to the bald side!
used in hudson
2016-12-26 02:11:43 UTC
Temporary ban on non families yes
2016-12-26 12:02:15 UTC
That is stupid.banning muslims seriously.not all muslims are terrorists and those who claim they are just want to put a blame on islam.obama said the same that these terrorists dont represent islam.the truth is they might call themselves muslim.might know how to or know the muslim prayer but that dosent mean they are muslims.u cant call ur self a muslim unless u truly are one
2016-12-26 13:47:40 UTC
2016-12-24 02:33:09 UTC
2016-12-27 05:42:39 UTC
Yes because why dies the public need to decide which one of them is a nutter and who is good. Somehow the Karan has corrupted their brain. No other religious group has done that, even though all religious are crazy rubbish .
2016-12-23 22:49:21 UTC
Yes, also ban Africans from coming to the US
2016-12-24 00:32:13 UTC
should donald trump ban fundi christians . their are many in russia and africa that are terrorists not including the ones in america denying gay and transsexual rights, theirs a koran qoute 2.21 thats refers here on the glbt.
2016-12-28 14:52:05 UTC
I think that's a bit extreme but anyone entering the US should be thoroughly screened before they are allowed in.
2016-12-25 20:06:26 UTC
He's not capable of even doing that.. And no I don't agree with that at all. Not all muslims coming into the country are illegal citizens.
2016-12-25 03:12:10 UTC
Yes ! We don't need these barbarians taking over our country and turning it into a Muslim utopia . Islam is a cruel, sexist, male -- dominated culture, and there's no place in our country for sexism !
2016-12-26 13:17:05 UTC
I say lockdown the borders completely. Stop giving citizenship, quit issuing passports. With how bad things have gotten in regards to terrorism, disease and sickness etc... Americans need to stay their asses in America and all foreigners should be kept out.
2016-12-23 20:05:22 UTC
2016-12-24 07:32:54 UTC
2016-12-24 17:42:50 UTC
2016-12-25 19:12:58 UTC
You don't need to make it a law to stop them coming into your country. Simply make it a law that they are wrapped in pig skin when they die before being buried. They should also not be allowed to drive a waggon around the Christmas period.
2016-12-24 06:48:31 UTC
No, besides you can lie and say you are not one. Although tough the vetting process needs to be looked into. Also if you are accepted as a kid, at 18 you should be vetted again or at least questioned again.
2016-12-23 20:14:18 UTC

BAN, DEPORT > GIVE'EM all guns, tell'em now go fight your, " Civil War." !
2016-12-25 17:02:52 UTC
YES! Do you want to risk your life? Your families lives? Your friends lives? Right now the world is in a horrible erase and we need to protect our people first, before we allow others in. A European political leaders, I think Germany said it is impossible to tell who is simply good, and who is bad.
2016-12-24 17:49:33 UTC
Hahaha,....Banning Muslims would be like banning mexicans,Its not realistic......Oh yeah one other thing, that wall he said Mexico will pay for that was all for show just like he said putting Hillary Clinton in jail was just show.
2016-12-23 23:36:05 UTC
it may seem unfair to the many muslims that aren't scumbags-but I reluctantly have to say yes,simply because we can't take foolish risks with folks that hate anyone of a different religion.European countries have trusted them,but now pay the price.
2016-12-25 17:57:52 UTC
Wtf?!? No! and why? Come on guys

It's free country.

If they are comming illegally then yes just for them (meaning just ban illegal immigrants). Therewise No!

That's just religious discrimination.

Would you also ban Jewish and Christian too? Oh Heck no you won't.

They are working for this country and paying tax and everything. What's wrong with them being Muslim?
2016-12-25 04:56:06 UTC
I think he should slow the mass influx of Syrian refugees into the US. And by the way, if we really wanted to help all of these people we would have set up safe zones in the middle east...
2016-12-24 17:21:21 UTC
Should only ban muslims that practice islam, dont ban the christian muslims
luis l
2016-12-25 09:52:24 UTC



2016-12-23 21:19:50 UTC
Saudi Arabia has discriminated openly against Christians for years.Where is the commentary against that in the media?
2016-12-24 20:56:55 UTC
there are millions of people, both inside and outside the country who have been on the immigration to america waiting list for years. why should we put these muslem middle-eastern people immediately ahead of all of the ones who have applied for legal status?

you act like it is nothing to transfer millions of middle-eastern people to the USA and to provide them with federal-financial aid and medical care, and housing.

[1]. first, stop all legal-immigration for 10-years.

[2]. did i say "stop all illegal-immigration"?

[3] accept all of the illegal aliens living already in the usa as citizens; if they agree with the 'cut-off" of all immigration for 10-years, otherwise deport them if they refuse the offer.

[4]. after 10-years, accept all the people who have already applied if they qualify for immigration to the USA.

[5]. set smaller immigration-levels and tighten restraints.

[6]. jail anyone caught breaking the immigration law.

only those out-side the USA are eager to get in to the United States.

i am not in a hurry to allow any one in.
2016-12-25 00:28:18 UTC
2016-12-24 07:16:22 UTC
2016-12-25 18:53:45 UTC
If he does , Americans be prepared to start packing up your bags to leave every Muslim country on this planer.

I wander who be the losers in the end.
2016-12-25 02:28:26 UTC
No, he should deport them all the a muslim country and take all atheists, christians, jews, hindus, buddhists, etc who happen to live in muslim countries. Then nuke the muslim countries and eliminate islam from the world.
2016-12-24 04:04:42 UTC
Ban ALL people until such time the govt. can/will properly clear those that seek to enter.
2016-12-24 18:52:43 UTC
Trump won't be able to do whatever he wants. If he does something that's wrong, he'll be held accountable for it.
2016-12-29 00:58:01 UTC
Permanently? No.

Temporarily? Absolutely.

That's the one thing I agree with him on.
2016-12-30 08:36:38 UTC
No because that's unfair to the good Muslims that don't do anything.
2016-12-24 20:26:16 UTC
Give potential immigrants a test:

1. make them eat 1/2 pound of bacon.

2. make them use the quran as toilet paper. and then make them burn the quran.

3. make them write and sign a sworn affidavit that allah is the devil and that muhammad is a false prophet, mass murderer, child molester, pervert and evil pedophile.

4. make them swear eternal hatred towards islam.

If they do all those things, welcome them into our great country with open arms!!!
2016-12-24 03:47:16 UTC
maybe because they came to America for freedom and now life so before entering in usa they should do a deep background check
2016-12-25 16:31:42 UTC
There is no power in the United States from tinito
2016-12-25 10:57:14 UTC
Why doesn't he just ban all terrorist

I'm sure it says occupation on the passport not religion
2016-12-25 01:36:46 UTC
Just ban bad people of all religions.
Lady A
2016-12-23 23:59:15 UTC
If he could actually manage to pull that off it would literally be the only thing that would make me regret not voting for him. You Trumpers better pray he does or he will be a one term wonder for sure.
2016-12-24 05:20:59 UTC
Only if you want to keep your sovereignty and identity Muslims are not different from Jews very similar
2016-12-24 21:39:45 UTC
He wouldn't probably ban ALL MUSLIMS, BUT JUST THE POOR ONES.
2016-12-25 05:45:25 UTC
He shouldn't banned them, but at least tell them to assimilate! And to stop wearing the hijab!
2016-12-24 22:22:55 UTC
The true murderous religion is Christianity not island Islam is more spiritual while Christianity molest kids and promote hate and violence that why I have no religion
2016-12-24 17:40:01 UTC
actually he said he wasn't going to ban all Muslims he said he was going to make a make a way to get rid of criminals and illegal Muslims
2016-12-24 22:23:45 UTC
Yea Muslim is a religion not a race dumb f uck. Nor they have licenses. The only way to have them stop coming in are from their countries
2016-12-26 03:42:32 UTC
As much as muslims want to rule the western hemisphere.
2016-12-24 19:46:49 UTC
Only if all non Muslim Zionazis and murderous Republitrash rednecks who invade Iraq and Syria and steal Palestinian land are killed.
2016-12-24 11:37:50 UTC
Ban the ideologies, not the flesh 🌗🌓🌘🌒
2016-12-23 21:23:25 UTC
No, only migrants. If they get here legally and want to work here instead of being put on detrimental welfare, they can come in just like everybody else.
2016-12-24 13:08:28 UTC
That may affect his on-in-law as Jewish and Muslims often share the same lands. DNA test?
2016-12-24 11:19:35 UTC
Wouldn't that be against the US constitution? Freedom of religion and all that shebang.
2016-12-26 18:57:28 UTC
Yes until we have a better background check system. Until then it's just too risky
2016-12-24 19:27:41 UTC
I would say Muslims need to be liquidated as an entity, worldwide. No one deserves them.
2016-12-24 17:01:12 UTC
2016-12-24 03:25:08 UTC
Yes! Or make them wear a collar, like one of those dog collars that shock the dog when it barks. But instead of a shock when the Muslim barks it detonates and kills them the second they scream Allliiiieeeee ssnnaacccckkkbbbarrrr!
2016-12-25 13:03:17 UTC
2016-12-26 13:16:28 UTC
he need not do in one step screen the records of intelligence agencies .. all suspicious records should be interviewed for fidelity and and doubtful be despatched to the home country by immediate flights
2016-12-25 02:58:30 UTC
Muslims is not threat to any kind of life. Its the terrorists who use name of Islam and we (Muslims) are ashamed of them.
2016-12-25 07:53:26 UTC
Cara May
2016-12-24 19:53:27 UTC
2016-12-24 16:36:18 UTC
NO! Instead take and put them in secured places until they are checked out, like we did on Ellis Island!
2016-12-25 23:38:27 UTC
Nah. He should make sure they aren't a part of any terrorist organizations though.

ISIS is a Muslim based terrorist organization.
2016-12-26 14:38:55 UTC
D.T will do nothing, but drinking beer and joking with Putin. D.T is no more than a big hollow baloon
Linda R
2016-12-28 18:47:32 UTC
The McCarran-Walter Act, of 1952, says he can!
Ernest S
2016-12-26 19:58:48 UTC

The ideolgy of Islam is to destroy others and their way of life and replace with its own political control.
2016-12-23 20:07:23 UTC
No he should not because most Muslims are peaceful people who want nothing to do with this jihad business
2016-12-25 03:48:52 UTC
He should deport the millions of pedofiles and murderes in America
Rony Parkar
2016-12-24 08:13:47 UTC
No He can't
2017-01-18 21:05:54 UTC
No. That would violate having the freedom of religion which is in the constitution.
2016-12-24 19:07:20 UTC
2016-12-25 20:12:38 UTC
No he should not. Stop with the hate for Muslims already!
2016-12-26 05:02:27 UTC
O civilized country should allow them to be there.Put them all in Saudi Arabia and put barbed wire around it and let them kill each other.
2016-12-24 15:40:41 UTC
Yes multiculturalism is a joke
2016-12-25 22:12:09 UTC
YES! But that's not going to happen.
2016-12-24 13:24:20 UTC

And he should have the ones that are here sent to Ethiopia
2016-12-24 13:48:11 UTC
2016-12-26 14:03:03 UTC
Unconstitutional laws cannot be enacted and get past the supereme court.
2016-12-24 02:41:50 UTC
he should make everyone wanting to live here get in line and do the paper work, after they are accepted than fine, until than no one should be allowed to walk in, we can't do it to any other country why should they be able to do it here.
2016-12-24 09:49:10 UTC
Dave Archambault II should insist that all white people leave our land. You are the illegal immigrants.
2016-12-25 05:59:03 UTC
2016-12-29 02:53:18 UTC
He should do what Japan does. Let some of them in and give none of them citizenship or benefits
2016-12-25 00:45:25 UTC
If they have any ties to terrorists They need to get the **** out of America
2016-12-24 23:07:22 UTC
No just a stringent policy until this epoch of muslim terrorism dwindles.
2016-12-23 21:22:46 UTC
Its simple. No muslims equals no terrorists. What good is your constitution when a muslim lauched nuclear bomb goes straight up your butt?
2016-12-23 21:49:08 UTC
Yes. There is no such thing as a peaceful mozzie.

They are all terrorists or in training.
2016-12-24 03:43:14 UTC
2016-12-25 06:01:25 UTC
i think so. because muslims will bring terrorisms. i'm sure trump knows and has friends with muslim amercans.
2016-12-23 19:58:12 UTC
Only if he repeals the first amendment. We can't make any laws to target religion.
2016-12-27 11:31:15 UTC
no I don't think he should ban them. It's not the people, it's the religion.
2016-12-26 00:29:26 UTC
Now if we dig deep in the bible you will most likely tear a page
2016-12-24 06:54:33 UTC
We need to send all the vile Muslims to death camps.
2016-12-25 22:42:29 UTC
2016-12-24 21:51:37 UTC
He should ban himself
2016-12-24 07:45:43 UTC
a letter to god can i have a christmass gift that terror doesnt reach australian shores .repulicans terror made by internal is happening here and in america .they override media streams in countries god freedom is right .thay can causee slums as well
2016-12-24 19:33:41 UTC
the anti christ is donald trump he is a jew
2016-12-25 16:08:11 UTC
Yes, but only until the problem is solved
2016-12-24 15:21:39 UTC
100 percent yes.
2016-12-26 21:36:42 UTC
bruce t
2016-12-26 07:29:58 UTC
Yes until they prove they arent a terroristic threat. If you have came here and are legal then welcome all others keep your Sharia law out.....If you move here live here then you should be legal and you should honor our American ways and speak our language
2016-12-26 09:46:58 UTC
No, only Muslims that are social conservatives and hate gay people
2016-12-24 18:34:34 UTC
Yes, because Islam is a cult that is anti-Christian.
2016-12-23 20:01:07 UTC
2016-12-24 14:45:47 UTC
no but He shouldn't and will not turn a blind eye to where the terrorists are coming from
2016-12-24 06:49:15 UTC
I think the question is HOW he plans on doing that.

We are very friendly to refugees for one.
2016-12-24 22:06:40 UTC
So that solves the terrorist problem, how about those dam crazy white shooters??? (Post office, sandy hook, columbine, movie theater, etc..) How we keep safe from them????
Franklin B Bubbly III
2016-12-25 13:52:22 UTC
2016-12-23 20:01:00 UTC
its way too discriminatory. it wont happen. it would only lead to more extremism against the us business, investment, and military in the middle east
2016-12-25 22:06:43 UTC
yes he should ban them/they want to kill people and children mean hateful people should not be here'/theres no other way.
2016-12-27 01:21:44 UTC
The bankers are the problems
Eduardo Salas
2016-12-25 10:14:39 UTC
No, i think he should't, 1 bad Muslim doesn't make all of them bad
2016-12-26 03:47:26 UTC
No that's not right
2016-12-24 15:21:25 UTC
so? some muslims are good. some are bad. remember dont judge a book by its cover.
2016-12-27 14:58:09 UTC
Love your neighbor as yourself might give you a chance to witness to them about Jesus Christ
2016-12-24 13:03:21 UTC
Nobody can enter the US now, so what are you talking about?
darrin b
2016-12-23 20:49:17 UTC

America is a melting pot. That's how we really got to be who we are.
2016-12-24 04:22:28 UTC
Yes, since we don't know which ones are terrorists.
2016-12-25 17:42:53 UTC
Muslims are people of a RELIGION, not a race.
2016-12-24 14:47:12 UTC
Yes, unless they don't have any records of killing people then they shouldn't be in our country and kill people.
2016-12-26 13:44:26 UTC
First, he should deport all the many undesirables who are already here, then work on that.
Common Sense
2016-12-26 23:49:32 UTC
Of course.
2016-12-24 06:07:01 UTC

2016-12-26 02:30:48 UTC
2016-12-24 17:22:19 UTC
how would he do that?

somebody cones into your country, you ask their religion, they tell you its catholic,hindu,christian, jewish,buddhist

how would you know they aint?

besides - If you are in the US the most dangerous person is another american
2016-12-25 06:55:04 UTC
2016-12-24 09:08:11 UTC
No, because everyone has rights, freedoms regardless of their background, faith or anything for that matter.
2016-12-25 11:17:19 UTC
yes he should ban
2016-12-27 22:38:57 UTC
Most certainly, and he should deport all the ones here already.
2016-12-28 06:07:33 UTC
Don't you have anything better to worry about?
2016-12-25 02:38:11 UTC
he;s only the president he does't have power
2016-12-26 02:07:19 UTC
2016-12-25 22:48:25 UTC
2016-12-26 00:38:44 UTC
Coop 366
2016-12-24 20:08:45 UTC
That is one step towards outlawing the Religion! Who (people) or what (Religion) is next, you or yours?
2016-12-24 19:46:14 UTC
Not all. But certainly those who have no proper vetting process.
2016-12-24 01:16:16 UTC
Only if he expels all the Baptists too!
2016-12-24 07:05:49 UTC
not at all. i think he get a huge vote from Muslims.
A real original name
2016-12-27 00:08:14 UTC
Absolutely not. Immigrants get the job done
2016-12-24 16:29:12 UTC
2016-12-24 14:47:48 UTC
Why not? It will be just another dumb decision made by him along with countless more?
2016-12-24 05:52:58 UTC
Yes, I don't believe muslims or mexicans should be allowed in the USA> Thanks for asking me.
2016-12-24 00:54:34 UTC
No, but if they want to come in then they have to honor our law first not their sharia law first. If not then they can stay where they are....
2016-12-25 04:46:33 UTC
2016-12-25 16:41:11 UTC
Not all but they should do a background check on them
2016-12-25 00:55:20 UTC
He should die asap and let a more responsible person rule
2016-12-25 15:11:17 UTC
And, throw all the liberals out.
2016-12-24 19:22:15 UTC
2016-12-26 14:42:25 UTC
No . Just the ones who cannot be vetted .
2016-12-26 06:12:54 UTC
Yes he should
2016-12-25 01:36:19 UTC
Well, what the hell are you doing here? Are you an American citizen? Can you prove it?
2016-12-24 23:56:21 UTC
No. It would be over the top.
2016-12-23 19:59:02 UTC
even if he should he can't. He'd get slapped with lawsuits.
2016-12-23 19:59:15 UTC
no, muslim nations would indeed cut off us oil and dump their petro dollar holdings
2016-12-24 09:14:43 UTC
2016-12-29 06:42:24 UTC
2016-12-25 00:21:06 UTC
ban all them diaper heads.
Mr. Mackey
2016-12-24 19:36:25 UTC
No. Disgusting.
Stacie Smith
2016-12-24 23:58:44 UTC
Shut the fvck up, stupid cvnt.
2016-12-26 01:08:58 UTC
No problems
2016-12-24 23:28:34 UTC
maybe from syria if they're male refugees
2016-12-25 00:41:42 UTC
Yes, and send all the ******* with them
2016-12-23 20:00:05 UTC
its not likely. there would be global resistance and un action against the us
2016-12-24 12:29:04 UTC
I think he shouldn't
2016-12-27 00:10:22 UTC
Of course not.
2016-12-23 21:20:13 UTC
ban and deport
Andre Pettersson
2016-12-25 07:25:37 UTC
No, as I am one, and a convert to the faith as well.
mdk68gto, ase certified m tech
2016-12-26 05:56:59 UTC
2016-12-24 15:16:44 UTC
plz come to my profile. . help answer my question 😔

i am in a big problem
2016-12-25 08:20:16 UTC
Do you remember Hitler and the Jewish people
2016-12-26 06:29:21 UTC
No, he's being such a ******* **** ******** and I ******* hate the racist, white supremacist national bastard ******** **********.
Sacra Veritas
2016-12-27 01:59:11 UTC
No, and he has never made such a suggestion.
2016-12-26 07:31:55 UTC
Bigger background checks
2016-12-24 03:18:28 UTC
No. Not every Arab Muslim is NOT a terrorist.
2016-12-24 13:34:04 UTC
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Enough of this scum!
2016-12-24 05:18:58 UTC
grow up
2016-12-24 17:26:39 UTC
Yes he should !
2016-12-24 06:25:40 UTC
no religion should not to be matter in any country
Joseph NJ WWII Vet
2016-12-24 11:47:45 UTC
2016-12-25 06:28:41 UTC
i love eat sushi
2016-12-25 16:37:51 UTC
asdfasfgn ahg
2016-12-26 02:48:41 UTC
Vinegar Taster
2016-12-24 15:20:56 UTC
Should he ? Yes . Could he ? No .
2016-12-24 20:15:45 UTC
that's racism?
2016-12-24 22:04:46 UTC
Until they can be vetted, yes.
2016-12-24 08:27:13 UTC
2016-12-24 21:58:59 UTC
Unless they are properly vetted...YES.
Shadow Fighter
2016-12-24 07:32:35 UTC
yes they loiter outside my house and i am daggon sick of it! go back to africa already!!!
2016-12-24 03:19:06 UTC
2016-12-26 23:29:33 UTC
He has to for our security
2016-12-28 07:53:47 UTC
ban them at all..
2016-12-25 17:17:55 UTC
No tf
2016-12-24 13:31:00 UTC
it'd be so dumb and inefficient if he did
richard pinto
2016-12-26 18:54:31 UTC
Yes Trump should be to Muslim as Hitler was to Jews...................................
déjà vu
2016-12-26 19:21:15 UTC
2016-12-24 07:55:34 UTC
Well if they have crime history then no
2016-12-23 23:53:33 UTC
2016-12-24 20:36:20 UTC
He sholld ban himself.... RACISCT bASTARD
2016-12-23 21:22:00 UTC
2016-12-24 01:32:26 UTC
2016-12-28 21:45:09 UTC
well the question is do you want him to
2016-12-25 19:45:29 UTC
they should be carefully screened and vetted.
2016-12-26 12:28:09 UTC
He cant
2016-12-24 07:35:28 UTC
He cant
2016-12-24 19:52:09 UTC
No not ever
2016-12-25 13:51:42 UTC
No you racist **** what is wrong with you
2016-12-29 22:10:26 UTC
2016-12-26 20:17:50 UTC
2016-12-26 00:20:27 UTC
2016-12-25 11:13:13 UTC
2016-12-25 08:08:38 UTC
2016-12-25 06:44:13 UTC
2016-12-25 03:02:42 UTC
2016-12-25 01:03:55 UTC
2016-12-24 21:31:45 UTC
Nathan H
2016-12-24 20:31:45 UTC
2016-12-24 18:23:04 UTC
2016-12-24 12:07:22 UTC
2016-12-24 11:02:56 UTC
2016-12-24 10:33:13 UTC
2016-12-24 06:19:14 UTC
2016-12-28 14:04:21 UTC
2016-12-25 07:40:34 UTC
Yujin San
2016-12-25 00:27:25 UTC
2016-12-24 21:12:22 UTC
2016-12-23 19:57:49 UTC
nope it would indeed be unconstitutional.
2016-12-26 00:49:49 UTC
2016-12-23 20:03:43 UTC
2016-12-27 05:03:30 UTC
No. that's stupid.
2016-12-25 18:19:37 UTC
No that would just be stupid
2016-12-24 02:33:42 UTC
2016-12-23 20:28:56 UTC
You would dare??
2016-12-24 18:42:51 UTC
2016-12-24 19:50:28 UTC
No. Dumb idea
2016-12-25 02:16:32 UTC
Tough q....
2016-12-26 08:54:26 UTC
absolutely not!
2016-12-24 15:30:51 UTC
2016-12-25 08:36:45 UTC
2016-12-25 03:47:51 UTC
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack
2016-12-24 13:54:24 UTC
2016-12-24 01:46:13 UTC
2016-12-27 02:25:39 UTC
2016-12-27 01:25:29 UTC
2016-12-25 19:42:34 UTC
2016-12-25 07:58:27 UTC
2016-12-24 23:30:18 UTC
2016-12-24 11:38:06 UTC
2016-12-29 01:26:24 UTC
2016-12-24 16:16:52 UTC
2016-12-27 02:02:53 UTC
No, it should be you.
2016-12-25 11:22:37 UTC
**** off **** 8:::::D
2016-12-24 20:51:25 UTC
he cant
2016-12-24 08:49:34 UTC
2016-12-24 02:37:01 UTC
2016-12-23 19:58:26 UTC
2016-12-25 19:48:45 UTC
2016-12-24 12:35:58 UTC
No. **** no.
2016-12-26 18:59:32 UTC
2016-12-23 20:11:04 UTC
2016-12-24 16:45:57 UTC
no, maybe?
2016-12-24 09:18:08 UTC
no idiot
2016-12-26 02:24:33 UTC
2016-12-26 00:55:55 UTC
2016-12-26 13:56:23 UTC
2016-12-24 11:58:03 UTC
YES please
2016-12-26 11:42:08 UTC
2016-12-24 08:32:47 UTC
2016-12-24 03:55:07 UTC
I dunno maybe.
2016-12-24 02:56:27 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.