Frequently Asked Questions
What is Electronic Monitoring?
What is required for Electronic Monitoring in a home?
What happens if my phone service is disconnected?
What happens if I am out of range?
How do I contact my supervising officer?
What is Electronic Monitoring?
Electronic monitoring is a system used to increase effectiveness in supervising defendants who are required to abide by curfew or remain in their homes as a condition of pretrial release.
The Home Monitoring Unit is part of an electronic monitoring system designed to increase the effectiveness of supervising clients who are required to abide by curfew restrictions or stay at home as part of pretrial release. The home monitoring unit monitors a client to determine whether he/she is at home.
What is required for Electronic Monitoring in a home?
The EM specialist must verify that a private telephone line exists within the home and there are no party lines. If the telephone has call forwarding, call waiting, or caller ID., they must be removed prior to installation of the home monitoring unit. Cordless telephones should be a desk type model and not a wall mount. The wall mount telephone may not be functional after the unit is installed. Verification of the types of telephone services may be done through the security office of Southwestern Bell Telephone.
The in-home part of the monitoring system consists of the monitoring unit, telephone cables, power pack and an ankle transmitter.
The ankle transmitter attached to the client sends a continuous coded signal that identifies the individual participant and contains a security circuitry that is able to detect tampers or removal, and sends a special signal to the monitoring center when either occurs.
The home monitoring unit is connected to the participant’s telephone line (in-house). This unit is designed to receive the signal emitted by the corresponding ankle transmitter within a pre-set range (50' - 75'). The home monitoring unit determines when the participant enters or leaves the residence by recording the time when the ankle transmitter comes into or goes out of range.
Electronic monitoring is also appropriate for use with defendants who have violated the terms of previously imposed release conditions.
Community and familial stability are important given the potential for long term enforced togetherness. Persons residing with the participant must be willing to make sacrifices demanded by the electronic monitoring program.
Participants must have a residence and a telephone.
What happens if my phone service is disconnected?
If services are not re-connected, alternative sites (home plan) will be explored.