son 13 locked up?
2007-12-28 14:21:10 UTC
He was on electronic monitoring and i took (his mom) him out to the store and couldnt reach the supervisor to advise her about this so i left her a message (like i had done numerous occassions) but she was so mad when she got the message after i had got back, i had to take him with me becasue my i needed to get my grandbaby soem medicine and on house arrest you must be supervised all times so i thought and the sipervisor ordered him arreseted. hes on this becasue he is defiant in school and this was punishment.he only had 35 days left on this before he was off of the electronic monitoring...............has anyone been thru this , i tried to explain this to her (the supervisor of the elec. mon) butshe refuses to talk to me. i didnt want to leave him unsupervised so i called her 4 times trying to reach her but she didnt call me back, now hes in detention until we go in front of a judge, how can i get my son home this was just a misundrrstanding and bad communication, she has never b4
Twelve answers:
2007-12-28 14:34:02 UTC
m1a1mike.. maybe he is just bad like any other kid, but still she tried to get in contact with the person and she didnt answer, atleast she left a message telling this. and its like if you take him wiht you, you get in trouble, if u would of left him at home and he would of got into more trouble or something would of happened, you would of got in trouble, either way you are screwed.

that lady seems like a real bxtch. maybe she should be put on an electronic monitoring to see how its like and then her be treated the same way you and ur son is being treated. thats messed up though that she isnt responding to any of your calls.

just wait to go in front of the judge and explain to him that you had to go to the store for medicine for your grandbaby and you couldnt leave your son unattended so you tried calling her but she didnt answer and that you had left her a message telling her what you were doing. then when you got back she was really mad about it like you didnt even tell her but you left her a message or something like that.

thats really messed up though.

edit:// wow, people responding to this [other than me] are being mean. its not ur fault. i mean yeah you could of tried to correct him and do other things so hes not like this, but its not as easy as people think it is.

you didnt ask for people to comment rude comments you asked how can you get ur son home because it was a misunderstanding.

people are basically reading over the part where you said that you tried calling her and you left her a message [[like you had done on numerous occasions.]]
2007-12-28 23:27:56 UTC
The supervisor evidently wants a job as the warden of some super prison to get her kicks. I empathize with you, as would have probably done the very same. No 13 year old need be in custody when the parent is willing and very able to supervise, a nightmare for the child and you. Would not be sleeping well in that instance, worried sick. Hopefully the judge will have some common sense and give the supervisor hell, we are discussing a child here that needs supervision and some form of compassion to grow up productive not angry at the system that shut him in jail for going to the store with his parent. How ridiculous.
2007-12-28 22:42:48 UTC
When he goes before the judge, be sure to have all the times you tried to call documented, along with documentation of each time it had went to message before and she accepted it... if there was a medical need for you to go out, it shouldn't be a problem. But it should not have been to this supervisor in the first place, if it was as you say... The judge should be made aware of her reaction.

edit: Contact a civil rights lawyer immediately, along with an ADHD support group and a disability rights advocacy group in your area (google can help) what you are describing is illegal... on many levels.
2007-12-28 22:33:35 UTC
A couple of things. First of all, it's pretty clear that you messed up and you know it, and the fact that you're trying to get out of what you intentionally and knowingly did shows everyone just what kind of attitude you are showing your son.

There are very clear rules that obviously your son broke in order to be put on electronic monitoring -- sorry, but they don't do that to kids who aren't seriously messing up. There are also even clearer rules about what you and he are both supposed to do when he's being monitored, and obviously a call to his supervisor isn't good enough, or you wouldn't be in this mess. I find it hard to believe that the rules weren't sufficiently explained to you.

For now, the only person who can fix the situation is the judge, who will likely sympathize with you when he hears your story and let your son go -- but for now, I think he needs to stay in detention and learn some boundaries. He clearly isn't learning anything from you except how to screw up.
2007-12-28 22:45:53 UTC
Don't beat yourself up.

Accoutablility is what a young man needs to have. The system we have is the only remedy.

I agree that this country is Orwellian but the reason we have to watch everything might be because of lack of disclipline from parents, a breakdown in the family as it was once, substance abuse, and an overburdened criminal justice system.

I faced consequences whrn I f''d up but today thre's an excuse for every crime.

I don't recomend jail, as I believe it will make a boy worse. Look into mentor programs at church,mosque, or social services like YMCA.

We need to be our own police
Brigid O' Somebody
2007-12-28 22:53:45 UTC
The bureaucracies are getting harder, aren't they? Our system is less and less likely to listen to an individual. And in the case of a minor, the mother almost always gets the


But in spite of all the rigidity, there are still some good judges that are willing to listen and understand a family's problems for what they really are. If you are in family/juvenile court, they are usually more flexible than criminal court. I will pray for you.

What ~ON~ says above me is true; documenting what happened is important for swaying the judge.
2007-12-29 13:42:53 UTC
Frequently Asked Questions


What is Electronic Monitoring?

What is required for Electronic Monitoring in a home?

What happens if my phone service is disconnected?

What happens if I am out of range?

How do I contact my supervising officer?






What is Electronic Monitoring?

Electronic monitoring is a system used to increase effectiveness in supervising defendants who are required to abide by curfew or remain in their homes as a condition of pretrial release.

The Home Monitoring Unit is part of an electronic monitoring system designed to increase the effectiveness of supervising clients who are required to abide by curfew restrictions or stay at home as part of pretrial release. The home monitoring unit monitors a client to determine whether he/she is at home.



What is required for Electronic Monitoring in a home?

The EM specialist must verify that a private telephone line exists within the home and there are no party lines. If the telephone has call forwarding, call waiting, or caller ID., they must be removed prior to installation of the home monitoring unit. Cordless telephones should be a desk type model and not a wall mount. The wall mount telephone may not be functional after the unit is installed. Verification of the types of telephone services may be done through the security office of Southwestern Bell Telephone.

The in-home part of the monitoring system consists of the monitoring unit, telephone cables, power pack and an ankle transmitter.

The ankle transmitter attached to the client sends a continuous coded signal that identifies the individual participant and contains a security circuitry that is able to detect tampers or removal, and sends a special signal to the monitoring center when either occurs.

The home monitoring unit is connected to the participant’s telephone line (in-house). This unit is designed to receive the signal emitted by the corresponding ankle transmitter within a pre-set range (50' - 75'). The home monitoring unit determines when the participant enters or leaves the residence by recording the time when the ankle transmitter comes into or goes out of range.

Electronic monitoring is also appropriate for use with defendants who have violated the terms of previously imposed release conditions.

Community and familial stability are important given the potential for long term enforced togetherness. Persons residing with the participant must be willing to make sacrifices demanded by the electronic monitoring program.

Participants must have a residence and a telephone.



What happens if my phone service is disconnected?

If services are not re-connected, alternative sites (home plan) will be explored.
2007-12-28 22:34:26 UTC
How dare you do that to your son. When he is on house arrest it means he has to be at his house. Being that your his mother, you should be the one making sure that he is obeying the conditions of legal situation. You should be facing charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
2007-12-28 22:35:20 UTC
So throughout the who question you are blaming her for her unreasonableness and you end it by saying it was a misunderstanding. Which was it? I think we didn't hear the whole story and your son is where he is for a reason.
2007-12-28 22:26:34 UTC
So you are saying that you failed to obey the rules and as a result a punishment was imposed.

Maybe you should look in a mirror as to the cause of his problems.
2007-12-28 22:25:17 UTC
We live in a sorry computerized police state. Our jails and prisons are torture rape chambers, and the survelliance on the streets is beyond any nightmare George Orwell every imagined.

But, hopefully, things are not too bad for your son. Visit and communicate with him often. You will get him through this.
Nadine P
2007-12-28 22:36:26 UTC
Are you sure this isn't an episode from Jerry Springer?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.