could be buyer fruad
see if you can track the package
keep in mind he can still file a paypal claim
and the might hold you account until it's resolved
so either pull money out and leave enough only for the claim
and then be prepared to provide POD ( proof of delivery ) with a tracking number
contact the shipper as well ( UPS ? )
be prepare for negative feedback
if you get one it will not be the end of the world
you can retaliate with negative feedback as well
most buyers are usually not swayed by only 1 negative
if you are power seller or have high volume
as not matter what you are bound to get negatives
and i buy from power seller with like 98% feedback on maybe 4000+ transactions ( bannabrain ) as wll as other. I use the view ebay negatives extension in firefox to read all negative on a seller to see what they are about, trust me if he is immature or a con the feedback will reflect that and you can read between the lines