I signed a 6-month lease that ends November 1st, 2009. I paid for First & Last when I signed the lease, NO security deposit. I was living with my ex gf and we both signed the lease together. We broke up in July and I moved out in the middle of August without notifying the landlord. My ex-gf agreed to pay for August and September and which she did. She moved out in the middle of September after paying rent. So from September 14th until now neither of us were physically present in our room. Technically, October was already paid for in my initial deposits. In the middle of October I was threatened by my ex-roommate that she was going to trash everything I owned because I have not moved my things and I told her that she has no right to because I'm technically still leasing the room but only using it for storage at the moment. One night I also wanted to sleep there because I wanted to get away from a party at my current residence and I found out to my surprise that my ex-room mate had let somebody move into my room and is collecting rent from him. She also won't allow me to stay in my room and she considers the last month's rent I had on my lease as a security deposit because she has not had the extra support for paying utilities. Am I in the wrong here? She is being extremely hostile and unfair to me otherwise and I told her if she tries to make my life miserable I would defend my rights if need be. What can I do?