I do agree with the idea of drug testing people on welfare. I see each day in my job where typically women are collection welfare, and doing illegal activities.
I believe if someone is collection welfare and they test + for illegal substances, the state should offer them free of charge drug treatment. If they attend treatment, have - random UA's then they should be allowed to continue collecting welfare until they are able to kick the habit. Once they have completed treatment, then the parent should be required to seek and obtain employment. I believe by that time, they will be more then willing and happy to get a job as this would probably be the first time in a long time since they had been clean.
If they do not succesfuly attend/complete treatment then they should be stripped of not only their welfare but their children should be placed into foster care of with a family member who could look out for the childrens best interest. And they should not be allowed to receive assistance again in the future.
I see all to often parents who are illegal substance abusers, prostiting themselves for money AND collecting welfare.
Parents who are receiving assistance I assure you are NOT using the assistance properly.
They are using the cash for drugs, and food stamps for drugs.
I do not believe there would be to many people who would be against random drug testing... if they are maybe they have something to hide. I do not think they can scream freedom to privacy either... I go to work everyday... ultimatly my taxes are paying for their habit. Those on assistance who does not use, will have no problem UAing.
I believe this will save the govt (tax payers) a lot of money each year.
Are you asking yourself, what about her suggestion of paying for treament.... well my answer is this~ I would rather my taxes be spent seeking treatment for the parent/s not only will they become clean and want to get a job. They will also, be better parents to their children who will hopefully not end up in foster care where I would also be paying to support them in foster care.