1) NO she can't sue anybody for anything because she's a minor her parents would have to do it and they couldn't sue the boy they'd have to go after his parents.
2) A bruised arm isn't worth $1 much less 1 million dollars she has no permanent injuries nor was she transported to a hospital for her injuries she can't sue for hurt feelings.
3) If the injury was due to an accident she has no recourse at all nobody is going to Juvie for an accidental injury during a kickball game.
4) She isn't going to get anywhere suing the school because like I said MINORS CAN'T SUE ANYBODY and I bet her parents aren't going to waste 2 seconds on an accidental bruise.
5) Her Aunt and Uncle would go to jail for attacking a minor no if ands or buts.
6) This chick is a totally delusional moron and a liar.
BTW I would educate myself on the McDonald's coffee burn case before I went around agreeing with other people it was frivolous.
1) The car wasn't moving she was a passenger they were parked and she was trying to add cream and sugar when the cup of scalding coffee spilled on her crotch giving her 3rd degree burns over 16% of her body
2) 700 people were burned by McDonald's coffee because the coffee was heated to 180 to 190 degrees most food service establishments serve coffee @135 degrees to avoid the serious burns high temp liquids can cause. These other victims racked up $500,000 in settlements none of them were burned as seriously as Ms. Liebeck.
3) There was an early attempt to settle for the medical bills of approximately $11,000. Later Ms. Liebeck offered to settle for $90,000. McDonald’s generously offered $800. When it was all said and done Ms. Liebeck was awarded $160,000 and $480,000 in punitive damages. Punitive damages are used to punish corporations for bad acts. Consequently the bulk of any punitive damage award in the State of New Mexico (where it happened) goes to the State of New Mexico.
4) This is what she was paid for (caution graphic image) http://www.jvmlaw.com/McDonaldsCase.htm