Hugo B
2009-02-26 11:28:22 UTC
One of the shelves was in really bad shape and I told my mannager that we needed to replace it,like 1 year ago.
The supports on the shelves were bent and,the wood was about to break 2.
2 weeks ago i was working near the shelve ,and without warning it just collapse,I kind of got away but I end up trap under the paper and the wood,the good news were that I did not hit my head.
I told my mannager and he ask me if I was ok,and i told him that i have some back pain.
But over the last few days is been harder to walk and to stand up,no to mencion that I have a really hard time lifting stuff,wich is pretty much my job.
I dont think I can work anymore ,but like anybody else I need this job,speaccy during the reccesion.
What should I do?