First off, we need to delete the word ``legalization'' from our vocabulary because the prohibitionists distort it to mean installing marijuana vending-machines aside lockers in the halls of our nation's schools. I prefer the phrase ``repeal bad laws in order to regulate commerce and stop squandering criminal justice and law-enforcement resources on a lost cause.''
As far as marijuana goes, it can be said with relative certainty that—not only are the majority of Americans in favor reforming the laws to allow for its medicinal use but—its recreational use is accepted by mainstream society. In other words, it’s not just the drug-of-choice of negroes, Mexicans, and hippies anymore--the intended targets of persecution when the laws were originally enacted and escalated . What should come as no surprise to anyone is the recent disclosure that domestic marijuana cultivation is America’s #1 cash-crop—worth $35.8 billion—more than corn and wheat combined [ ].
The costly media campaigns aimed at young people have been proven to be ineffective many times over. Drugs are prevalent everywhere ... especially in the schools but in a controlled, regulated market similar to alcohol and tobacco, that would no longer be the case.
NORML has pretty much become an educational foundation since the inception of the Marijuana Policy Project. They are doing great work and making progress in ending this terrible injustice.
The government is aware that the tide of public opinion is slowly, but surely, turning against the status quo and those whose careers are vested in the drug war are fighting tooth-and-nail against any and everything that would cause budget reductions and downsizing of their departments and bureaucracies. They are not above violating the laws which prohibit the use of public funds from being spent to influence elections when such measures are on the ballot.
The prisoner population is at 2.2 million and steadily rising mostly for drug ``crimes'' because violent and property crimes have been steadily declining for years. How much higher does it need to go before we come to our senses … three million … five million … ten million …?????
The private prison industry and guards' unions lobby for stricter laws and fund campaigns against reform initiatives. They have a lot to lose with repeal of Prohibition. But how many realize the REAL LOSER is the US taxpayer?
American farmers would enjoy unprecedented prosperity with the ban on hemp removed. The benefits are too numerous to list. Read ``The Emperor Wears No Clothes'' by Jack Herer.