2011-03-31 14:47:01 UTC
2. Was given an illegible ticket.
3. Was treated with upmost disrespect by the Officer.
4. Whilst being searched, his arms were pulled so forcefully by the Officer that it caused a great deal of pain.
5. The car was towed for "Expired Tags" but the car was just recently brought to Oklahoma from Texas, and therefore did not yet have new tags. (Was only in Ok for less than two weeks). The officer had no actual grounds to tow the car.
6. Due to not having a cell phone, my roommate was told by the officer to run across the busy highway (which is illegal in any state) in order to get to a payphone.
6. He had no ride home, so he was forced to walk 7 miles home in freezing weather and little to keep him warm.
7. I was lucky to get home just when he did. My roommate collapsed when he got home and could not get up. He was violently ill at the time of this event, so was in turn even sicker once he got home. 3 witnesses can verify that he was ill.