If 9/11 wasn't an inside job then why hide evidence?
2008-04-02 15:39:20 UTC
I'm not saying that it was, as I wasn't there and in reality 99.9% of us are speaking from the peanut gallery. It just seems strange that plenty of evidence is kept under lock and key. For example, even though its been about 7 years since the attacks, we still only are given a 5 frame shot of "something" hitting the pentagon. You'd think that the most important national defense building would have dozens if not hundreds of cameras pointed in every which direction. They should release another video that shows without question that it was a plane. Why hide evidence if you're telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Fifteen answers:
2008-04-02 15:50:37 UTC

For every conspiracy you hear about, you should apply equal time to the opposing point of view.

In the case of just about every conspiracy theory in modern times, allegations of conspiracy, inside jobs and nefarious deeds can be easily dismissed by applying objective investigative techiniques, circumspection and collectedness.
2008-04-02 23:31:06 UTC
"You'd think that the most important national defense building would have dozens if not hundreds of cameras pointed in every which direction."

The problem with the above statement is that it is not proof, it is not evidence, it is at best opinion. Why should the Pentagon have dozens or hundreds of cameras? They have a fully armed and ready military force guarding the building.

And, that is the problem with most of these conspiracy theories. They are not based on facts, they are based on opinion.

1. You believe there should be more cameras,

2. thus there should be more video available,

3. and since there is no additional video being provided,

4. you conclude that there is video that is being hidden.

The problem with your logic is that your conclusions all rely on your belief that there should be more cameras. What if there weren't more cameras? Then there would be no evidence to hide because it could not exist. Ever though of that?

Before you declare that evidence is being hidden in this case, I recommend that you find out the following pieces of information:

How many cameras were looking at the point of impact?

How many of those cameras were recording? And, how many were being actively watched?

Of the cameras that were focused on the point of impact, and were being recorded, at what rate of speed (frames per second) were they being recorded? (It is not uncommon to have security cameras only record one or two frames per second)

When you have answers to the above, then, and only then, can you speculate as to whether there is any attempt to suppress evidence.
2008-04-02 22:48:41 UTC
If you need any more evidence than the silence for six (6) years of the media and the Democrats after what they did to Nixon just for Watergate, especially during the 2004 elections and now, you're just stubbornly seeing it your way.........
2008-04-02 22:45:56 UTC
"You'd think that the most important national defense building would have dozens if not hundreds of cameras pointed in every which direction." - My favorite conspiracy nut claim. Also COMPLETELY false. The Pentagon has cameras covering entrances. The parking lot camera was designed to film cars in the parking lot, not airplanes. I doubt you will find any installation that would capture aircraft on film using standard security cameras.
2008-04-02 23:05:42 UTC
It sounds like you need to go back on to your medication. Call your Doctor in the morning. It will be ok, you can still vote for Ron Paul.
2008-04-02 22:50:19 UTC

It is amazing really opened my eyes.... if ur big into religion just skipp the start bit.. u wont like it

But seriously if ur interested in this stuf u hav to watch this it gives so much evidce and proves beyond doubt it was an inside job.....
2008-04-02 22:46:41 UTC
get over it, 9/11 was not an inside job Ok

people love fairy tales
2008-04-02 22:45:35 UTC
it WAS a inside job. i have no proof or anything but i strongly believe it was. if you check the videos on youtube of the pentagon servailance tapes it NEVER shows the image of a plane but it shows the pentagon getting hit. also in the towers as the towers are collapsing down you can clearly see tiny explosions a few floors under the big cloud of smoke and tiny little boxes on the outside of the buildings (believed 2 be bombs). check the videos and you will come 2 a better understanding. also there are pictures of under the plane that hit the tower there appears 2 be objects (bombs) strapped under the wings of the plane.
2008-04-02 22:46:21 UTC
Because almost all wars are the result of false flag operations. But you can't know that. Because then it wouldn't work the next time they tried it...

Oh wait... yes it would. They would just "change history" by promoting their "story" on the media and in our textbooks in the public education system.
2008-04-02 22:46:54 UTC
grow the f up it wanst an inside job you dumbass
2008-04-03 01:24:03 UTC
(((((( No planes crashed into the WTC's on 911 ))))))

It is impossible in the real world for a plane to behave in such manner as per the official account. So long as you continue to deny that one simple concept you will be forever lost in endless pursuit of an answer that will never come.

If one seeks only that evidence which fits the official explanation, then that is what you will find. That’s not science, it’s not objective thinking, it’s not even good common sense.

Contrary to NIST & the US Government, there is overwhelming evidence to conclude that the planes seen on TV were the result of SFX special effects (TV fakery).

Many try to suppress this obvious fact, but to exclude other theories out of hand w/o examination is not only disingenuous, it's straight up denial (a defence mechanism) and only results in a misinformed, skewed opinion.

There were no planes entering the WTC Towers on 911. Perhaps all the related films produced before and since were made to condition the public into acceptance of the official "planes" fantasy. Any discussion of planes on 911, passengers, hijackers, etc. all continue to help keep the fantasy alive.

Believing the government’s fairytale of planes colliding with the Towers is the main problem w/ fully understanding 911. The media was broadcasting fake, manipulated images of planes. Superimposing a plane on 911 was done w/ Wescam technology; it provided a single "live" feed from which all the TV networks broadcast. Other videos & images started to appear in the days, weeks & months following 911. All of them have anomalies & impossibilities which can only be explained by excluding planes.

Real planes would have been a potential liability for the perps on 911. It was easier to control the outcome of the event with much less risk by using the media to broadcast fake imagery. Real jets might miss their targets, get shot down, suffer pilot or computer errors, destroy or prematurely detonate any explosives, passengers could have overtaken the hijackers, and/or the plane might not inflict enough perceived damage to make a collapse believable.

A single fact which cannot be refuted is that a hollow aluminum plane (especially fragile wings) cannot slice through steel beams and concrete without any damage to the plane. News footage showing an airliner gliding into a Tower without any resistance is a cartoon. Aluminum planes are not built for impact and crumple immediately upon contact with solid objects; even a small bird can rip through a jet’s wing.

Furthermore, a large speeding jet’s vortex trails behind it creating a highly active atmosphere which follows in its path. Had a real plane impacted a WTC Tower, real film footage would have recorded the airliner’s vortex interacting with and violently dissipating the smoke from the alleged crash and the adjacent North Tower. No vortex literally means no planes on 911 (TV fakery).

During the South Tower "impact", fake TV footage shows a WTC Tower sealing itself around the plane during the alleged penetration. Still another too incredible to believe anomaly is the width of the plane’s purported gash didn't match the width of a Boeing 757’s wing span. Another widely publicized video shot by Scott Myers shows the forward fuselage of the "jet" exiting the South Tower, though other shots later reveal no exit hole.

To consider the media footage showing a plane slicing thru steel and concrete as reality is ludicrous. There were no planes; only spoofed images, manipulated witnesses and falsified evidence. America please wake up; the media was a complicit partner that was in on the crime from the beginning. In fact, the TV psyop 911 couldn't have been pulled off without the mass media’s assistance.

Actually "no planes on 911" is the only explanation that makes any sense. There are far too many disturbing questions left unanswered which only TV fakery can address.

Besides all the other impossibilities I mentioned, why are there several "hijackers" still alive; some are even suing the US government to recover their reputation and stolen identity.

Why have so many of the purported plane "victims" not been listed in the Social Security Death Index? ...and their families not claimed their death benefits.

Why are there missing passenger lists and zero so-called Middle Eastern hijacker names on the flight manifest?

Why in the entire history of aviation has a plane never disappeared from a crash - yet on 911, four of them did in a single day? All plane parts are numbered; not one plane part from 911 has been identified by its number.

How could supposedly inexperienced "pilots" who couldn't even fly a Cessna...

* threaten & subdue everyone on board a large airliner

* break into the locked cockpits w/ their hands

* kill all the ex-military pilots and copilots

...then navigate a large Boeing jetliner above the clouds all over several states without airport tower assistance, with nav systems & radios turned off, and fly with pinpoint accuracy into a building that they couldn't even see?

It's common knowledge amongst pilots that a Boeing 757 cannot fly at 500+ MPH at sea level - the air is too thick. That's an airliner's cruising speed attained at high 30,000+ ft. altitudes.

You can call Boeing; even they admit that - and they have been recorded in phone conversations recently saying so.

When an airliner is close to the ground it's either taking off or landing. If forced to throttle to cruising speed at low altitude, it would break apart in mid-air.

Exposing "no planes on 911" is probably the most important story to people beyond chemtrails, depleted uranium poisoning and nanotech genocide.

Americans are TV hypnotized, drugged up, dumbed down and so utterly dependent that in general they are incapable of critical thought and are disinterested in discovering how the media is adversely affecting their lives.

No planes on 911 and deception by the media is the Holy Grail of 911. It marks the beginning of an Orwellian double-speak mind-set which is now accepted as normal by the populace.

No-planes on 911 is highly important as it exposes the real perps behind this mass murder and offers justice to the thousands of people killed that day.

Without the covert deception by the media in collusion with the enemy in control of America’s military intelligence, 911 could not have happened.

The media was directly involved in 911 and together with a criminal government has helped diminish Americans’ freedoms and launch unending wars against innocent nations.

Don't even consider making another comment on 911 till you have watched the "September Clues" video series:


P.S. - Please know that I've endured considerable criticism for my conclusions about the 911 atrocity. It is not my wish to disrespect those people who died during the demolitions nor offend their family members. It's my belief that NOT pursuing the real perps responsible, that NOT considering pertinent evidence and NOT speaking out is the greatest dishonor to the victims.

I haven't always thought planes didn't collide with the WTC Towers on 911 - it was a progressive learning curve. I arrived at these conclusions after 6 long years of meticulous research. At first, I actually believed the TV reports and videos showing planes flying into the buildings; I did have reservations though about why anyone would do such a thing.

As I looked at more evidence I came to know the impossibilities of the "official" government 911 report and became aware that the Towers were brought down by demolitions or perhaps some other type of exotic weaponry. I mean, a half million tons of concrete doesn't pulverize in mid-air before ever having hit the ground.

Being the curious individual, I always encountered numerous anomalies about 911 which couldn't be explained by everyday logic or physics. The frustration this caused only compelled me to conduct more and more research.

Once I was exposed to NPT (no plane theory) all these unresolved attributes of the 911 event came into perspective. Suddenly I was confronted with a truth that would seem (to most people) to be so unbelievable that they would dismiss the charge immediately without even considering the evidence.

In the end I really don't care what people think; most are not aware that their view of the world has been constructed for them.

I'm not aligned with any organization, official or otherwise. In all sincerity, I'm just a guy who brings this information to others so that they may use their own common sense and judge the evidence for themselves.

If it makes me look like a nut, then so be it.

2008-04-02 22:48:24 UTC
Wow way to be so current....the lack of proof is not proof...grow up
2008-04-02 22:43:28 UTC
Yawn.... enough already

Get a life and start over.

This is getting silly and boring.
The End
2008-04-02 22:48:02 UTC
if they show the truth ,then we would have pictures of the aliens-nobody wants that
2008-04-02 22:47:17 UTC
it was an inside job duh and anyone who believes the "official" story is a moron

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.