Smoking ban ,the vote.?
2007-04-09 08:26:03 UTC
The smoking ban has been inforce for a week in Wales.My husband is a smoker, he was when we met, so I tolerate him smoking at home.He and some friends were finding it hard down the pub at the weekend having to go outside now and then to light up.
I have never smoked and remarked how nice it was having no dirty ash trays on the tables and smoke drifting around.
One smoker said that if it had gone to a vote the ban would never have got in.
How would you vote?
Ban smoking in public places or not.
34 answers:
2007-04-09 08:39:12 UTC
This is a hard one for me, i was a smoker for 21 years up until 6 weeks ago when I found out I was pregnant. I am originally from Wales and visited there at Xmas, although the ban wasn't in, many places were getting ready and my husband and I found we couldn't smoke anywhere!!!! It really annoyed us, there should have been at least a smoking area in a restaurant. If we smoked on the street we got nasty looks from passers by (we live in Greece, people smoke everywhere, even in the hospital and banks etc...) and this was really weird.

Now that I have given up, I wish they would bring a ban in to force in Greece, I have made the effort to give up but I can't go ANYWHERE without breathing in someone elses smoke, it's awful.

I agree with the ban, BUT I believe smokers are being treated like lepers which is very unfair. They should have smoking areas in pubs and clubs, but I agree in restaurants that it's not nice for people eating to have to breathe in smoke. To be honest, if I was still in Wales and I was still a smoker then of course I would have voted against it, saying that i was always very polite and would never smoke when someone was eating or next to a pregnant lady etc.. not everyone is like that though, especially in Greece!!!
2007-04-09 09:14:16 UTC
Everyone has a right to choose, and I understand the health risks. I've never heard of anyone driving while under the influence of nicotine. A non smoker has the right not to patronize a smoking location. If second hand smoke kills more people, then who made the right choice?. I would vote, not to ban smoking. Why don't all the non smokers get together, and build their own restaurants, bars, etc., instead of trying to take away something from someone else. If non smokers are really that serious, I think they should refuse to accept money from a smoker when they try to pay a bill. That would show them.
2016-04-01 09:07:39 UTC
The Labour Party manifesto of 2005 proposed a partial ban, in all enclosed public places and restaurants, bars etc serving food. Private clubs and establishments that did not serve food would be given the option to be either smoking or non-smoking. Only after the general election did Labour then introduce legislation for a total ban ensured success by the labour majority in the house. Another case of knowingly misleading the population.
2007-04-09 08:39:49 UTC
As a smoker, my initial reaction is that it should be up to the landlords to decide, and not the government.

But, I can also see that in time, maybe 2 decades, smoking will become a thing of the past. It will become so unusual to go out for an evening and smoke, that people won't even consider it. And the fewer people who smoke, the fewer kids will take it up.

So, in the long run, it has to be a good move.

Although, I still hate being told what I can and cannot do, by our government. Maybe they thought they were getting elected as a dictatorship!
2007-04-09 08:38:48 UTC
I gave up smoking several years ago, but believe as i made the choice to stop smoking so others have the right to smoke if they wish. The taxation from smoking funds a large part of the national health service, therefore if this legislation encourages people to give up smoking, the lost taxes will have to be found somewhere, income tax possibly.

I wonder who they will pick on after they have unpopularised smokers, drinkers perhaps. Oliver Cromwell and his puritans tried to ban pleasure in the 17th century, he would have been proud of todays government.
2007-04-09 08:36:17 UTC
I would not have voted for a ban, smoker or not, look at the government, this society is being put under more controls and supervision all th time, it is ridiculous, apparently we arent watched enough either thats why they're planning to install, more cameras everywhere, which they planned to have manned with an operator, which will be able to hear us talk aswell, next they will be able to use the same damn cameras to tell us if we are commiting an unsuitable act, I know is sounds tacky but orwell was right.

We are having our rights of freedom taken away all the time, we don't get to vote on it because they don't want us to have a choice.
2007-04-09 08:45:26 UTC
For me personally I think it's a great idea. I can't wait for it to be properly enforced in England. It's my own selfish view but I already go to a few non-smoking pubs and it's great to go home and not stink like i'v smoked 50 fags myself.

Personally I say yes, ban it!! But I understand there are lots of people that will disagree.
2007-04-09 08:34:43 UTC
well the law is in Ireland and its just a normal thing to do"are you coming out for a smoke?"

there is usually an area with tables and chairs with outside heaters in them.

its healthier in the long run. the smoke wont cover up the smell coming from the bathroom in pubs any more. :)

you eventually will get used to it.besides it sparks up conversation between smokers"how bout this ban..huh?"

you'll get used to it

i smoke socially and probably would have voted no.but is fine with me now
deep in thought
2007-04-09 09:41:20 UTC
There should be allotted spaces within bars and such to allow the individual to make their own mind up. All I know is that there is going to be a lot of neurotic people around when it comes into place in the UK. If the Gvt want to help perhaps they should withdraw the sale of cigarettes full stop and put an end to this issue.
2007-04-09 08:35:45 UTC
Smoking in pubs should not have been banned. What next, ban alcohol in pubs?! The sort of person who objects to smoking in pubs doesn't belong in a drinking establishment IMHO, and plenty of bars and restaurants are already smoke-free anyway to cater to such people.

The arguement that smoking harms people who work in such places doesn't wash: they choose to work there. If you want to avoid risk, then you choose not to work in the Armed Forces, Police, motor racing etc. To sign up to a certain working environment and then whine about it is nonsensical.

Smoking involves risk. It is harmful. We know this. But the current obsession in the liberal West is to ban. Ban smacking kids, hunting, noisy passtimes, ban anything you disagree with. This is not the road to go down - unless you want to live in a cheerless Police State.

I find lots of passtimes and habits objectionable. But just because I don't agree with something doesn't give me the right to stop others doing it. Society should have space for people to do their own thing, without the nanny-state banning everything in sight.

Non-smokers and smokers, we can all get along with our own spaces to indulge our activities.

No to bans.
2007-04-09 09:09:21 UTC
i can't wait for this ban to be put in place. i recently went to edinburgh and i was watching all of the people stood outside smoking in the rain. i hate ignorant smokers that smoke in fromt of you-its disgusting. i think if i smoked, i would rather give up than smoke outside in the rain!
2007-04-09 08:35:25 UTC

The difference is unbelievable in Scotland.

You come home in the evenings without your clothes and hair reeking of smoke.

Also the the people who stand outside to smoke look sad and pathetic characters

I was in Austria last year and it was absolutely horrid sitting in restaurants and cafes with people smoking.

Thank god there is no turning the clock back.

Contrary to media hype there was NO public outcry when the no smoking ban was introduced.

The ban was welcomed by the majority of people.
2007-04-09 13:20:45 UTC
I am a smoker and i agree with banning it in public places....but i also wish we could ban traffic pollution which is killing our world
Mr X
2007-04-09 09:53:00 UTC
Choice! Ask the landlord who's business it is if they want to ban smoking in their own pub or not - Then bothe sides are happy.
2007-04-09 08:37:56 UTC
what about freedom to choose?so that if a pub wants to be non smoking it can and if one wants to be smoking it can,then at least the people who staff pubs can also have a choice along with the punters.what seems to have happened is that a lot more pubs are becomming resturants,and people who have never stepped into a real boozer are having their say.but we all have the right to choose smokers and non a smoker and love a beer and i have rights too
2007-04-09 08:36:04 UTC
Smokers are nuisance to public. For their own pleasure sake they spread pollution for others to suffer. Actually they are interfering in others rights while smoking in the public areas If they want to smoke, they should do that in their own private areas, not in public. Ban is perfectly right. I vote in favour of BAN smoking in public areas.
maz Bradley
2007-04-09 08:39:05 UTC
Once, i was sat in Waterloo station, and 5 people were blowing smoke on me! 5!! I think people should have a choice whether they want to breathe in smoke or not - and, also, as a teenager, if i smell of smoke then people think I've started myself!!
2007-04-09 08:32:36 UTC
I am a smoker and I vote BAN! I have seen too many studies for the passive smokers!
Joe M
2007-04-09 08:31:31 UTC
I'm an ex-smoker who occasionally has a puff or two.

I really don't like smoke in places like restaraunts (smoke usually doesn't obey the 'smoking section' restrictions in most places).

Though banning it in bars is just retarted. In fact, when I'm having a beer or a drink is usually when I feel like lighting up!!

If you've got a beer in one hand - you need something to do with the other one!!!

Plus nothing looks sexier than seeing a hot chick walking through the clouds of smoke through a pair of beer goggles (wait, is it just me, or does she have more chins than chinatown??)
Guess Who
2007-04-09 08:30:59 UTC
I am a smoker, and I would vote ban. I am respectful of non smokers.
2007-04-09 08:29:59 UTC
Well it's ok for people to say smoking should be banned but would the same people be happy if alcohol were to outlawed! After all drink kills just as many if not more
Chris - (CM)²
2007-04-09 08:30:48 UTC
I live in Scotland where the ban has been in place for ages.

Its GREAT!!!

I visit family in england quite often and i hate going out to restaurants as i come home smelling of other peoples cigarettes.

Ban ban ban!!

2007-04-09 08:30:05 UTC
The reason for these bans is because your government does not want their employees working in environments with poisonous fumes wafting around. I'd vote for the safe workplace too.
luke w
2007-04-09 08:29:27 UTC
i smoke but would vote against smoking in public, i would makeit easier to stop and or start smoking behind bike shed again haha
2007-04-09 08:29:50 UTC
2007-04-09 08:30:15 UTC
Yes, a ban on smoking and selling tobacco world wide. The US not only should police the world but also the killing tobacco it sells to the world..
2007-04-09 08:30:16 UTC
Definately ban it - I hate inhaling cigarette smoke
2007-04-09 08:32:46 UTC
do not smoke gave up 8years ago,

but do not think it should be banned live & let live,

2007-04-09 08:29:34 UTC
Ban it because it will cause people to stop, which will increase their health
2007-04-09 08:28:51 UTC
2007-04-09 08:38:03 UTC
Smoking is assault. It kills people...albeit slowly. it if you want, but don't assault me with your toxic tunnel, your cloud of cancer.
2007-04-09 08:32:17 UTC
i'd go with banning it too!!
2007-04-09 08:29:51 UTC
smokers should be shot.
2007-04-09 09:20:59 UTC
yes, please ban my asthma can't take it...

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