IF HAD SEX AND a UNWANTED PREGNANCY occurred, would you abort the baby. or try to raise?
2016-01-01 13:15:48 UTC
IF HAD SEX AND a UNWANTED PREGNANCY occurred, would you abort the baby. or try to raise?
353 answers:
2016-01-04 07:07:47 UTC
I will not abort the baby, I will keep it and raise it and love it. I'm against abortion, it only is right to abort the child when the mother's life is at risk. If the doctor says the baby will die no matter what, then that is the woman's choice there. There should only be medical abortion not a 15 year old girl who slept with a few guys and got pregnant and kills the baby just because she didn't want a child. Do you know how they abort the child? They cut it apart into different pieces and depending on how far along you are the child can feel it they tear it apart piece by piece and they crush the skull at the end. The child can feel it. Cruel isn't it? If a pregnant woman is murdered they count it as two homicides but when a woman kills the baby it's perfectly legal. It's disgusting. If a girl is raped and is pregnant that is a tough one, it's her choice then. I'm not against medical abortions where the mother or child will die or the girl is raped. Personally if I was raped I would not abort the child but instead put it up for adoption or keep it if I could financially support it. Abortion just because you don't want a baby at 15 is messed up. A lot of teens will say they need sex. I'm a virgin and I'm a teen if I can do it why can't you? Seriously, teens need to stop sleeping with each other if they cannot handle the consequences. Stop sleeping around and remain abstinent. It's not hard. People who are not financially and emotionally stable should not have sex unless they are ready for a child, if they absolutely have to then wear a darn condom. Aborting a child just because you didn't want it? Why not put it up for adoption?
2016-01-02 00:48:30 UTC
Well I personally find sex disgusting. I hate the idea of it. So I don't think I'll ever worry about this type of thing unless I'm raped. If I were to be raped id probably keep it, but other people may have different opinions.

I personally have weirder spiritual beliefs. I believe the soul of a baby that was aborted or miscarried is still given other chances so if someone aborts, I typically don't mind so long as the decision isn't selfish. Which it rarely is. I would also consider the father in the decision. A baby is the concern of both parents no matter which body the child is in. I'm sure guys would help out with the physical pains of a carrying mother if they could.

I just wish our bodies had magical ways to kill unwanted sperm or something. Just so this choice wouldn't need to be made. But it is a part of the crazy amusement park called life....
2016-01-01 16:38:41 UTC
The only reason I would ever have sex is if I was raped. If I got pregnant, I would get an abortion because I wouldn't want a baby from a rapist. If I put it up for adoption I could be burdening the adoptive parents with the child's psychological problems. If abortion was ever made illegal, people would still find ways to end pregnancies. IT's not right to give someone the freedom to choose what to do with their body and then take that right and privilege away from them. I am not a god fearing person. Abortion exists for a reason just like everything else in this world does. I am a person who doesn't like or want children, therefore I do the smart thing and just not have sex so this won't happen. I expect a lot of down votes, but I refuse to be a sheep and my mind and opinions are unique, just like everyone else's should be.
2016-01-01 15:21:22 UTC
In R.E we had this discussion as part of the life and death module and as it is such a controversial issue abortion many people have different views on this topic here are some factors to also consider:

In the UK the abortion act or 1967 states that a women can only have an abortion up to 24 weeks and it must be approved by 2 doctors. Many people believe that this is time limit should be shorter.

You need to consider both the mother and unborn child's rights if the mother has been sexually abused or is mentally and/or physically unstable the abortion maybe used. There are other situations to consider such as age finance job... it may be then acceptable to have an abortion.

There is always the choice of Adoption and you can give the child to a loving couple who want to start/extend their family

Overall I think it is right to have an abortion due to circumstances and that if you have an unwanted pregnancy you should consider adoption instead of an abortion straight away !!!
2016-01-03 18:13:43 UTC
Abortion is a COMPLETELY personal decision so it really depends on the person. Also if you want to avoid getting pregnant you should use protection, and go on birth control just to be safe... if you cannot afford birth control then just use other precautions there are many places that give out free condoms and such. Make sure you always have protection just in case. That said I honestly would keep the baby. I know that an unplanned pregnancy especially when you're young can be a big thing to try and handle. And abortion isn't the only option, you can decide to have the baby and put it up for adoption. There are many people in the world who wish for children.
2016-01-03 15:13:45 UTC
If I got a girl pregnant, I would encourage her to keep the baby so we can raise the child together. Though I don't agree with abortion, I think this should be more of a personal choice. The decision should be between the woman, her partner, and the doctor. Before anyone slams me saying the father gets a say in this, the reason I say the couples should talk about it beforehand is because it's called communication. It's what people in relationships and marriages do.

Knowing humans crave for sex, this is one of the reasons I support safe sex over abstinence only. Abstinence only will cause increase in pregnancies meaning more abortions. Safe sex would only cause a decrease.
2016-01-02 04:33:12 UTC
25%-40% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage anyway. Also, the priests in the old testament administered abortions upon the husband's request so there is no basis for calling it murder from the judeo-christian fundamentalist standpoint. God allows us to play God when we make babies. We choose our own mate and when to mate. We can also seek an abortion. Even in the Catholic tradition abortion was fine until "quickening". That's when the baby begins to kick, between the second and third trimesters. If you catch the pregnancy very early on the embryo is no more developed than a sea monkey. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion is the lawful disposal of cells with some potential to become a human. You could also argue that sperm are cells with some potential to become a human and call jacking off murder. Notice that I am not telling you to choose abortion, I'm just trying to put to rest the misconceptions that there is something wrong with taking control of your body and your future and your childrens' lives if you choose to have any in the future when you're ready.
2016-01-03 06:40:27 UTC
I've been pregnant once before, and I was only 16 at the time, I was tossing up to get and abortion or keep it, I went to the doctors only to find that I'd had a miscarriage, the devastation that I felt was crazy, I was so upset, and to this day im still not over it, and based on that experience, I know that I could never abort, I never want to go through the pain and loss of a child again! But abortion is a really personal thing, for some people they can do it and be okay, I m just different however, but it took me losing a baby to realise that.
2016-01-03 20:19:38 UTC
I had sex and a unwanted pregnancy occurred. I was scared out of my mind and thought about getting a abortion especially since mmthe father cheated on me right after he found out I was pregnant. But I thought about how much I love children and that my bsby didn't deserve to be aborted so I went through the pregnancy by myself with no help from anyone and my daughter is 3years old now. Yes money was a Huge issue cause I was compleely broke but I got a job, found a nice little studio for her first year in the world and now I have two jobs and am living in a three bedroom apartment. Hopefully next year I'll buy my own house. But yea it's a scary situation since I was 18 but you just have to decide for yourself and think about what's better for the baby. There's always help out there I just wanted to prove that I could do it on my own.
2016-01-06 12:24:45 UTC
I do not under any circumstances agree with abortion. First look at it this way, you and me are here on this earth, why??? Because ur mother chose to keep you. You are living,breathing,eating and taking in all the privileges in life that we take for granted. It's just a petty pointless cell you may say! Ask yourself this question- where did I first originate... The answer to that is a sperm and an egg that created an embryo (that's u and me). That is the seed in which we come from,like plants and nature. Our mother nurtures us until we grow big and enter the big bad world where some people are against there own beginnings?? How ironic is that? It just shows that we do not value life and take it for granted. We might as well all be dead if we don't think a baby doesn't deserve life- because all life is the same. Imagine if you were aborted? If your mother didn't want you or love you? You are undoubtedly going to be killed off in the most disgusting and in humane ways eg like cut limbs!!
2016-01-01 21:34:27 UTC
I would abort the child. I am 18 years old, barely scraping by putting myself through college, as is my boyfriend. Telling teenagers "just don't have sex" is not logical. My boyfriend and I use the pill and condoms everytime so an unwanted pregnancy is highly unlikely. I would not choose adoption because I can imagine the child's hurt in the future seeing me with a happy family and children that I kept while he/she was given away. Also, there are so many kids waiting to be adopted, some children are in foster care until the day they turn 18. Although I'm sure most adoptive homes are good, many can be abusive. I am very pro-choice, although I expect to never have to make that choice because I always practice safe sex.
2016-01-01 18:33:35 UTC
I'd keep the baby.

I am NOT against abortion. But things happen for a reason and if you're having unprotected sex, what do you expect to happen.

Depends under the cirumstances - If I was like 13, gotten raped, didn't know who the father was - I would have an abortions.

It's up to the woman what she wants to do, she should talk to the father of the baby though - as it's his baby too and should have some sort of say in the matter.
2016-01-01 16:27:56 UTC
I was in this situation and opted for an abortion I didn't have support from anyone I did look at adoption but adoption at this day and age is rare most people say you went through 9 months of pregnancy why you giving the baby away now?I do believe that there is a right time to have a baby if you have a baby at the wrong time you might not be able to give them a chance at life that they deserve you should want to try your best to not give your child a disadvantaged life
2016-01-05 01:24:24 UTC
Abortion is a touchy subject, and both sides of the issue have valid reasoning behind their logic. Personally, I think you should use protection to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. Should you, however, become pregnant, the best thing to do is to follow your instinct. If you want to keep the child, do so. It is your body and your choice. But be careful, because this is a life. A life that cannot live without you. If you do not feel like you can handle the responsibility, then it is your choice to either abort the baby or give it up to an adoption.
2016-01-01 16:24:42 UTC
Why is adoption not considered an option? Adoption is by far the best option.

More people want to adopt a baby each year than there are even abortions, so literally every person who was gonna abort their baby could all keep them and put it up for adoption, and there still wouldn't be enough adoptable kids to fit the current need for them.

Bcuz of this, I don't see how any person can even CONSIDER abortion, since adoption is such a good and wholesome option for everyone involved. Only a selfish, sociopathic scumbag would choose abortion over adoption. "Oh no I'll get stretch marks or look fat for 9 months, so to save my own irresponsible butt, I'm gonna permanently kill an innocent child growing inside of me".

And "unwanted pregnancy"- ever heard of birth control? It's 99.99% effective over a lifetime when taken properly on time

If you get pregnant, it's because you were irresponsible. Period. I don't want to hear your excuses
Isis S
2016-01-05 02:55:09 UTC
For me, it would depend on the following factors:

1) Is the person I'm with ready to be a father?

2) Am I ready to be a mother?

3) Is the person I'm with the type of person I want to raise a child with?

4) Is my relationship secure?

5) Am I financially secure, emotionally ready and responsible enough? Do I have all the resources I need to bring a child into the world, and raise it?

6) Are me and my partner ready to make some very serious sacrifices?

7) Have I done everything I've wanted to do before having a kid?

As for whether I'd keep it or abort it, or put it up for adoption, I don't know, because I hope to not find myself in that situation.
2016-01-01 18:03:09 UTC
I would raise the baby. Abortion should be illegal. It is murder. God says that you cannot have sex out of wedlock. That is a sin. If you end up pregnant, what a tragedy. If you abort it, that is a sin as well. The baby is innocent, it has the right to live. It is in no way the baby's fault.

I am a 14 year old girl. If I had sex and ended up pregnant which I never would unless I am married, than I would still keep it and learn my lesson because I would have deserved it for messing up big time.
2016-01-05 01:43:24 UTC
Just because you have an unexpected pregnancy doesn't mean these are your only to options. I am strongly against abortion but if you are not ready to raise the child you can do the next best thing. Give the child up for adoption, it may turn out to be the best thing for the child and if you want to be in it's life try an open adoption. There are many things you can do, have you tried speaking to a doctor or social services about your options? Hope this helps and sorry you are going through this.
2016-01-05 19:27:35 UTC
It depends on the situation. I am not against abortion, however, I do feel as though you should think about it. The first question you should ask yourself is are you up to the responsibility of loving and nurturing a child. If the answer is no, I suggest aborting it. Being a parent is a massive job, you don't want your child to find out their a chore to you. Another question you should ask yourself is would your child live in an emotionally and financially stable environment. Would they have food on the table, three times a day, a bed to sleep in, and loving parents/parent.

If you answer yes to both of those questions, I would suggest raising the child. A child can be an exhausting, irritating, chore. However, from what I've heard, being a parent can be the highlight of someone's life. The decision is all up to you, and I recommend looking at the pros and cons of having a child and not having one.
2016-01-02 19:28:18 UTC
I have one child of my own. I've never needed to have an abortion to just point it out and I am now infertile due to a medical problem.

However, I am one that really doesn't like the idea that abortion should be ruled out, in my opinion it is there for a reason.

Like you said, sex is a completely natural thing for most people, pregnancy can occur even if using precautions.

I wouldn't personally have a child if it meant the child would suffer the consequences, that being having no money, no funds means no after school clubs, no extra school tuition, no or little treats/day outs/vacations. No toys which is a helpful part of learning for children, little clothes, unable to afford general day to day life.

I don't find abortion to be murder, I find it to be common sense particularly if you are deemed UNFIT to be a parent.
♥Rose is Blessed♥
2016-01-02 04:14:00 UTC
I was 16 when i had a baby - i did not abort - my baby was not taken care of by the government but my parents helped because i actually was raped. we do not believe in abortion but we all do not look down on anyone that does.

later on my child was adopted by my then future husband and that was back a long time ago in 1969. all is well and the baby knows she did not know her father and we told her the truth slowly as she grew up through the years.

i knwo this is a different scenero but it may give insight. I had children even with birth control and we were extremely poor (my husband and i) my now grown children are healthy and happy and have cildren of there own and not poor etc... life kind of works out that way - a child has a way of making your world open up to see things you never knew were there - such as ( i never felt so much love as having a child) and i know from experience my first thought was (how did i ever live without having a child) it is the most amazing thing ever to happen to me. my friend on the other hand had more then 20 abortions and when they truly decided to have children - they no longer can have them. she is in more pain mentally then with having gone through and having the children or child. (my source = i just told about my life and my best friends life she is 45 and i am 60) God bless your decision)
2016-01-02 09:37:06 UTC
I would never abort the child, I think it should be banned except from in certain circumstances, such as keeping the baby will cause harm to the mother, maybe even putting life at risk. Otherwise there is no need for an abortion, unsafe sex? Your fault, not the babies, if you don't want it, put it up for adoption, don't take away its right to live just because it was an accident. Even rape, I know it sounds bad and of course rape is disgusting and vile. I couldn't even imagine what would be going through the victims mind and if you become pregnant, it would make everything worse however as much as it isn't your fault, it's not the baby's either, it doesn't deserve to die. You don't have to keep it, give it up for adoption where it will grow up in a happy family. The moral is, if you don't want it, put it up for adoption, for people who long for children as they can't have their own. Abortion is not the answer
2016-01-05 17:18:11 UTC
I would definitely try to raise the baby. I understand the pro-choice point of view but thats not the route I would take. As a child coming from the foster care system and being adopted, I can also understand not wanting to put them through that. The difference though is if you choose to put the child up for adoption right after birth they wouldn't have to go through the system. Babies are the most wanted for adoption and usually don't have to wait like I did. I was adopted many years later so I went in and out of different homes. The baby on the other hand could have the chance of growing up without knowing or finding out once he or she was old enough to understand and cope with it. By then they should be well adjusted and happy with their family that it shouldn't affect them drastically though it is different for everybody and the choice to tell them is ultimately up to the adoptive parents. Also I just want to note that yes I was adopted and yes I am happy. I have come to terms with that my biological parents weren't in a good place to take me and I was and am better off where I am today. I know they loved me and to be honest even if they didn't things would have been okay because acceptance comes and you are able to move on with your life and be completely happy:)
2016-01-06 12:18:52 UTC
At this point in my life, it wouldn't be possible for me to keep the baby - too much going on as well as mental health issues etc. It wouldn't be fair on a child. However, I wouldn't necessarily abort it - it's an option, but I would also consider adoption if I could face carrying it to term. But I also know that adoption can cause a lot of pain on the child's part (I've had to see this in one of the people I love most in the world). Self esteem issues, depression, feeling like an outsider. To be honest, I would probably be more likely to abort it,and some people may not like that, but it would be the choice i would make.
2016-01-04 05:47:42 UTC
I only find abortion plausible in the case of rape or if the doctor says that the chances of complications or the baby being born deformed or mentally disabled are higher than normal. (before I'm attacked for that- I mean it in the sense that a child who will grow up into an adult limited and restricted because of their disabilities should not have to live a life like that. My neighbor fosters two children with cerebral palsy, and it pains me knowing they'll never grow up to live their life to the fullest extent you or I can.) In any other case, whether it be drunken sex, one night stand, that one time you didn't use a condom because "what are the chances" -- YOU got yourself pregnant. I do believe abortion is every woman's right, but I don't think women should have the right to abort a child just because they don't want it or they're 18 and it's embarrassing because now people will see your baby bump. ADOPTION is another option women don't take because it involves going through the 9 month pregnancy. You got yourself knocked up because you were careless -- take responsibility for your actions.
2016-01-02 14:16:13 UTC
This is a very sensitive topic. In the end it's your decision. You have to look at all your options. Do you have the money to raise the kid for 18 years and support it and all its needs? Do you think you'd make enough money to support it? Personally, I wouldn't have the child if I knew I wouldn't be able to support it and give it the life I'd want my child to have. But abortion isn't your only option.. You could have the child and give it up for adoption but arrange something with the new parents to see the child or stay in contact with the child (that's if you wanted too). But another problem is that is, there's already so many kids in orphanages who don't get adopted or put into terrible foster homes. It's a lot to think about and it is a big decision. In the end you should do what you feel is best for you regardless what people say to you. :)
2016-01-01 23:46:09 UTC
I think that depends on many factors like your age,country where you live ,your partner,what you want from life at that point of time and of course money

I would certainly keep the baby if a) I am an adult b)its a country which doesn't shun or look down on women who arnt married and have babies even if my partner doesn't want to have it.

If you have money you can always relocate to some other country and raise your kids if you want and if your partner doesnt ,just leave the moron.

I am not against people who abort it because they have their reasons.Nobody should be dictating you what you can do or not with your life .I know most women would love to keep their babies but its society that is to be blamed.

Society and judgmental people play a big part in abortion too.People here who acting like moral guardians and giving advice on weather you should have had sex or not are equally culprits.

These people forget that there are kids out there whose parents are abusive and ill treat them.

Anytime not having kids is better than having kids and loathing them later on and taking out your frustations on them.

Those people might have not aborted their kids knowing well they are not capable of giving love them because of society and religion.

So its your life and you should be taking your own decisions because only you understand yourself well not society or some preist

Also I dont think aborting a unborn fetus is a way comparable to being non vegetarian you already are taking lives for satisfying your taste buds.Isnt that bad?

I dont know why god made human beings so helpless ,man has to eat other beings to live while plants can just.I think human beings are very less advanced as compared to plants.
2016-01-02 00:38:32 UTC
Unless it was rape, look it's your decision but I believe you should raise your baby. Cause sometimes abortion maybe not next week maybe not a year from now you may perhaps always think about that child. Even if you decide to do it and let's say you meet a husband and have even kids you will always think about that child of who he or she was. Look it's your decision but God picked you to carry something special. Forget about how or why it happened. A special person who will your best friend will be coming to meet you in 9 months. You will be a wonderful mother. Bring your child to meet his amazing well. Don't look at other people like you may say oh my gfs don't have a kid or the man whose the father will he be good father. First of all your gfs journey is not your journey and the father if he wants to be a part of it great if not oh well. There is so many programs out there to help you raise your baby. If you chose adoption you may one day want to find your child .
2016-01-02 07:26:26 UTC
The worst thing to do is to bring a child into the world if you know it's not going to be a good outcome. I feel that if you are not financially stable enough to provide for the baby and other things then that's already an issue. Also what about you? School? Work? You need to be ready for this. If school/work and other things will be affected then I think it's best that you abort it. Unless you could adopt maybe?
2016-01-01 19:18:58 UTC
I would abort. Kids are great in small doses, but having them isn't something I'm sure I will EVER want of my own volition, so why would I keep one that was unintentional? Now, I suppose I could carry it to term and give it up for adoption, but there are enough kids in the system without homes already. I don't want to risk adding to that. In fact, if I ever decide I want kids, I think I would adopt rather than have my own. It just seems more environmentally and economically responsible. The fact is, the world is overpopulated. There already aren't enough resources or even jobs for everyone, so there is NO reason for anyone who doesn't want kids to have them. Last counter-abortion argument I will address: The old, "But the kid could grow up to be the next famous doctor/scientist/president/whatever." Well, by that logic, it could also become the next rapist, serial killer, mass shooter, dictator, or child molester. Roll the dice.
2016-01-04 00:12:34 UTC
Right now in my life, I would definitely have an abortion. I am in high school, so that would be a big interruption in my studies. It's not like I'm having sex anyway, so hopefully I won't have to deal with this problem.

I wouldn't want to carry a rugrat in my stomach for nine month, push it out of my vagina, give it up for adoption and have my school work interrupted while I'm trying to be able to get into a good college.

It's not like I'm 'heartless', but I would just be doing what was best for me and honestly I can do whatever the hell I want with my body.
2016-01-01 22:41:07 UTC
I've been raped a year ago. I was 16 at the time. For those disgusting people, I was fully clothed in a jacket and jeans. I was friends with the guy for a year, and never had even hugged him before. I got pregnant with twins. From someone who HAS had the experience, I would NEVER abort my child/children. I lost countless friends because they all demanded I got an abortion, or I'd be ruining my life. It's sick. Abortion shouldn't be legal. The excuse that those raped is a sensitive matter, but I'd have the child adopted. NOT KILLED. I knew my father would kick me out, I was ready. I would take care of them on my own, and love them unconditionally. It was a beautiful occurrence out of such an ugly situation. Sadly, I miscarried one after 4 months, and the other at 5 months. I self harmed for so long because I lost them, after loving and accepting them. It isn't their fault they're a rape child. My cousin is 25, got drugged, and raped. She had the boy, and she hasn't ever been happier. You're taking a life you have no right to.
2016-01-05 09:32:40 UTC
This isn't the first time I heard this question. My answer is this... Every woman is different on how they feel about this issue. Their reasoning is their own on how to handle something like this and whatever they decide doesn't make them a bad person. Some women might feel that abort is the answer while others might decide to raise the child or place the baby up for adoption. Whatever their reasons are they have that right because they know themselves what is best for them.
2016-01-01 23:03:10 UTC
Well id make sure that doesn't happen by using protection. But theres chances that some women get pregnant even on the pill and then condom splitting etc. If it was to happen id abort, I don't want to bring a child to the world where I can't look after them and give everything they deserve because i am not financially stable. Selfish as it sounds, my education comes first. I don't think i can let the baby be adopted because il always be wondering what's happening in their life and how they are doing.
2016-01-05 12:47:57 UTC
I'd get an abortion soon as able, I wouldn't wait. I don't believe in late abortions I do believe that is cruel. But honestly I panic everytime anyway and do as many tests as possible. However I was in the situation where I really thought I may be and I kind of started to warm to the idea then I found out I wasn't and that was a really odd feeling of relief but also slight dissapointment.
2016-01-01 16:28:52 UTC
I wouldn't abort the baby- like it was my mistake, why would the BABY have to pay for it?

I maybe would take care of it, depending on my age, the fathers commitment, and the amount of money I have.

My decision really would probably put it up for adoption. I wouldn't kill it, I wouldn't give it a stressful life. Like the baby with the 13 year old mom, that's just scary. I would want the baby to have a normal life without a 13 year old mom.:)

Though, if I really had to choose those 2, I would take care of it. The baby doesn't deserve to DIE because of my stupid, irresponsible actions.
2016-01-01 18:44:42 UTC
No i wouldn't abort the baby at all. That wouldn't be fair at all. Like i would be worried that i wouldn't be able to take care of it & the lady. But i wouldn't dare put harm to it. I would do my very best to be a good parent. Im pretty good at saving money so i think i would be able to give raising it a great effort. But if i couldn't for whatever good reason; i would just put it up for adoption. But that would hurt me so much but i would do what's best for the child. As for un protected sex; if i ever have sex; ill make sure to use protection & be safe as possible. A child should never have to suffer tho.
2016-01-02 21:54:21 UTC
Well neither. I would go through with the pregnancy because I could never kill my own baby. Then I would try to find a couple willing to adopt. If not, yes, I'd raise it. Although my first choice for an unwanted pregnancy would be adoption.
2016-01-02 02:00:44 UTC
I'd keep the baby. I don't really agree with abortion as there are other options such as adoption. Personally, I'd rather let the child live than feel like I've stopped it's life before it's begun. It isn't the child's fault so if the parents don't want to keep it there is always adoption - atleast then there is a chance for the child to have a normal life.
2016-01-03 14:15:37 UTC
don't listen to what anyone else would do. If they like abortion or hate it. Its not them. Can you raise and look after a child for the rest of your life? Give it a decent life? Go through a pregnancy? Give it up for adoption? Will the Father be around? its as much as his baby as it is yours. If you feel it is not your time than have an abortion. I hope no one gives you abuse if you do because women do no deserve that. Good Luck to you :)
2016-01-02 21:31:12 UTC
If I was a woman or girl in this situation morning after pill or abort truly why bring another baby into this overpopulated cesspool we call earth. If it is unwanted why would you want to raise it get rid of it before it is a burden on anyone. Come on people we need to support pregnancy reduction not woman having more babies we do not have enough food to feed the people already here tie your tubes ladies and men get snipped.
2016-01-01 21:47:58 UTC
I dont believe in abortion, but I dont hate those that do, I personally would keep it and I know that id get a second job and save as much money as I can, so I can raise it, I know my boyfriend would work as much as possible in his free time while he does Uni, or we would sit down and discuss as a couple how we would like to solve this, I am 18 and he is 19 and we dont want kids until late 20's as we wants to be finacially stable to raise a child, but yes we would both discuss this and more likely put it up for adoption, so it can go to a loving family who can look after it more than we can, I do not want to claim benifits, I want to raise a child with the money I have earnt myself, I also would finish college and get a decenrt career before anything, thats my opinion ahh!! Feel free to comment on my previous question
2016-01-01 21:10:16 UTC
In my own opinion, men & women should prefer safe sex if they're not ready yet for raising a child, have birth controls to prevent unwanted pregnancy to avoid abortion due to lack of capabilities to raise a child financially. In fact, at the first place of having unsafe sex, men & women should think & know of the risk & consequences of what they're in to. It's not the fault of a fetus if it is formed in the womb, it is the fault of the immature parents who are arrogant to have safe sex & yet are not ready to have a baby. So stupid of not to think the consequences first, there are lot of birth controls.

Abortion maybe okay if its for medical circumstances approved by doctors like saving the life of the mother if both the mother & baby is at stake of danger.

Life is a gift from God wether we like it or not. So just accept & face all the consequences. Love the child though unwanted at first, in time you'll be thankful for it. Just be happy with the child & do all your effort to support
2016-01-04 13:30:58 UTC
Well 9 out of ten I prob wouldn't abort no matter how much I'd want to. It's against my Christian faith. But really it depends on the guy...if I sleep with the biggest scumbag on earth I'd feel pretty salty on the idea of carrying his spawn for nine months only to deal with the little piece of shittt financially for 18 years. Kids are a huge investment. Lol. And I really don't wanna have it with just anyone. Say Chris brown got me pregnant I prob would have a higher chance of aborting it then say I get knocked up by Ryan gosling
2016-01-05 15:36:30 UTC
If you really truly want to abort, it's you choice however killing a baby will stay in your mind and haunt you for as longs as you will live. An alternative might be to set the baby up for an adoption when it is born which is what about 83% of people do anyways!
2016-01-03 09:11:52 UTC
a lot of times pregnancy is unwanted but often changes as time goes by or once the baby is born. I am Christian and believe that babies are a gift from God and that abortion is murder. I think that if you have the baby and decide you don't want it or can't afford it, put the baby up for adoption.
2016-01-03 06:57:59 UTC
It depend on who it was with and where i am in my life. If i make good enough money to take care of a baby and have great family support available i would have it if i was older and getting toward the baby age limit. If it was with a guy who was willing to get married to me before abortion deadline, I would also have it. Other than that I would have an abortion. However, generally i refrain from sex outside of relationships because in never want to have to make that choice. Though I know sometimes things happen.
Sydney Starflower
2016-01-03 01:21:45 UTC
I'd get an abortion. I'm like 100 lbs so that would probably be life threatening or very unhealthy if I went through a pregnancy. I'm also completely incapable of raising a child.
2016-01-06 11:32:33 UTC
Don't abort. If you know you ain't ready to raise a child don't TRY it. Instead go with the pregnancy and put it for adoption. Child has a chance for a nice family. Don't think about just YOU It's you AND your baby now. Think about it.
2016-01-04 10:11:49 UTC
In my opinion, I support pro choice for abortions. But if your the one going out having fun there are consequences if not being careful enough. If I was in the situation I would be keeping the baby vs. Aborting it with or with the dad. Or I would consider adoption if there was no way I could afford to raise a baby
2016-01-04 13:45:11 UTC
I personally had to go through this. I'm 15 and i got pregnant this year. My first reaction was to keep my baby. My family was so against it. They said they would kick me out if i decided to keep him/her. It was a very stressful time in my life and eventually i made my decision. I was going to give my baby up for adoption because i want him/her to have a good life. My boyfriend and I wouldn't have the money to financially support the baby and my parents were emotionally abusive to me and i didn't want my baby to be around that. Sadly, i miscarried at 5 1/2 weeks and it was horrible. Not only was the physical pain but emotional pain of knowing my baby was dying inside me was excruciating. Its been about 2 months since i miscarried and im scared to have children now.
2016-01-02 22:18:49 UTC
I feel like its easy for people to say "abortion is wrong! " and shame women who do have abortions when they themselves have never been put in that situation. Girls say that they would never abort their baby but when you're a teen student who makes just above minimum wage abortion becomes an option. Truthfully if I was to become pregnant now I would most likely get an abortion because I'm only 17 and know for a fact my parents won't do nothing to help. That's why I'm scared to have sex.But its not fair to say that people who have sex but do not want children are irresponsible because that is their decision. And in this day and age sex is not mainly for reproduction but for pleasure and intimacy .
2016-01-02 16:59:30 UTC
It depends on my age and how wealthy I am. If I'm my age now (17) then I would definitely abort. However of I were 20+ and had enough money to support it and not be miserably poor because of the baby then I would raise the child.
2016-01-01 20:40:51 UTC
In all honesty I say abort it if you really don't want it because if you do put it in the system or up for adoption there's a huge chance that it would go to bad parents I was in the system until I was 18 and I had several very bad foster parents. And if you don't want the kid then while its still legal sure abort it its the responsible thing to do
2016-01-02 06:28:19 UTC
The answer is simple to Abortion for me. How can someone be fully for or against it 100%? The answer is for me: If you were Raped. And only if you were Raped within like the first few weeks like within 2 weeks or so after the incident you may abort it if by then it definitely has not Developed to a stage of feeling pain. And that is if DEFINITELY like when it's still a little seedy thing. If not you cannot Abort after that regardless once it can feel pain and has developed a bit.
2016-01-03 12:16:39 UTC
I would give it up for adoption unless my husband/boyfriend/sexual partner wanted it. I would never abort since the baby could grow up to cure cancer or do other great things.. I just don't believe it's right. If I was raped I definitely wouldn't raise it and be reminded of the incident every time I looked at my child, but I still wouldn't abort it. Adoption would be my best option.
2016-01-01 18:48:32 UTC
Really depends on how old I am. If I was under 25 then I would abort it no matter how messed up and sad that is. I can't raise a child under 25 my life would be changed completely and I'm not gonna have the kid and mess up its life by not taking care of it properly or putting it on foster care.
Mr. Brooks
2016-01-02 15:12:28 UTC
Well you see hopefully that shouldn't happen because I don't ever want sex,and even if I did, ever heard of birth control before? Anyway if I did ever have sex and was stupid enough to forget about birth control, I most certainly would not raise a baby. Because especially if you're not prepared for it, I can't imagine myself actually being successful with a raised baby. Someone else can have fun with that...
2016-01-05 19:53:23 UTC
I'd have an abortion. I hate kids and would never love one if I had one. I don't want to ruin my life or body or suffer pain caused by a tiny person I don't want in the first place. And an abortion is cheaper than the hospital bill from giving birth which isn't covered by obamacare.
2016-01-04 20:25:15 UTC
im 52 been in both places once way too young aborted. married and had my son. 1 month later discovered pregent again with seriouse signs of downs syndrom. i didnt thik i could bring an unhealthy baby that i didnt know home to my 2 year old so had to serious consider aborting. thank God he was fine and it the annoying little brother i was hoping for ;0 each occurance has to be looked at different. Good Luch
2016-01-02 15:35:40 UTC
Some people find base jumping fun too, but they accept the risk that their chord might fail and they'll die. Ultimately, if you're not willing to take the risks of pregnancy, then you shouldn't be having sex. Once you commit to the act of intercourse, protected or not, you know all the risks and have taken the decision upon yourself to say: "Yes, this is worth the risk." I think those who choose to abort (in the majority of circumstances) have simply not considered the risks and acted selfishly and foolishly. Now of course, there are certain situations where abortion is a grey area (for example rape), however the question implies consent.

In summary: You know the risks, you take the risks, you accept the consequences of YOUR actions.
2016-01-01 14:25:32 UTC
Every single woman that I've met that said she had an abortion had guilt and shame and it haunts her for the rest of her life. On the other side of it, every woman I know who had the child and kept it, and is raising the child, says they can't imagine not having that child and can't believe they considered abortion. You go with your heart and realize that you can do this and you can have this baby! People will come to help you with a child and your life will be blessed. DO NOT get an abortion. The blessings are waiting for you on the other end of 9 months. The pain of ending this pregnancy will haunt you for the rest of your life.
2016-01-03 16:24:21 UTC
I have to answer this because I have been in this boat twice as a teenager, and both times, I took the wrong road. Abortion is BAD. It desensitizes you. It's atrocious. It's easy because you never see the baby, you don't know the person they are, and it's over and you "go on" with your life, but you are never the same afterwards. The guilt is so heavy and disabling. I wish I could go back, every day.
2016-01-02 08:52:52 UTC
I've always been extremely maternal, so I would raise the baby, even if it happened now, when I'm 16. I just can't imagine ending that child's life (and no I'm not religious in any way) because for me, the potential for life starts at conception. We all started as a bundle of cells - I put killing that baby in the same category as killing any human - in fact I find it worse, because that baby has no way to defend itself. Plus I know that as soon as I knew I was pregnant, I would love that irrevocably and forever, no matter what it cost me.
2016-01-03 03:47:58 UTC
There are two options. 1st Abort right away, the second you know about it. Or 2nd option, put the child up for adoption before the birth. No one should have a baby without a very comfortable amount of money in my opinion. Further more, Im strongly against populating the planet any further.
2016-01-03 17:10:06 UTC
I'd abort in a heartbeat. I do not want children, nor do I want to give birth. Why should I keep a child i don't want? What if I was raped? Mistakes happen, but that doesn't mean that you have to deal with consequences that you can avoid. People are telling people what to do in their lives over the Internet, to "save" a baby that they'll never meet. Ridiculous.
Tad Dubious
2016-01-04 09:23:35 UTC
1. It is not murder; it is removal of an unwanted growth, which, as you point out, may cause future health problems.

2. There are PLENTY of ways to prevent MOST pregnancy if people would just DO IT. None are difficult.

3. Yes, I would abort. I support the abort.
2016-01-04 10:19:22 UTC
I would abort it I mean it wud go straight to heaven. And besides God would understand that I'm not ready and want to have abortion. But also maybe you can let the child stay with a fam relative until you are older and have a lot of money to take care of your child. Also it depends on your choice gurl!! #staystrong oh and also u cudve taken pills or used a condom...teehee just sayin....oh and Also I agree with the people sayin adoption is not advisable. Kk hope all our advice help ya GOOD LUCK! Laters..
2016-01-03 13:41:58 UTC
I wondered the same advice at some point in my life as I am sure many have without confessing. Sometimes it s easier to deal with things on our own and make the decision that has to sit with ourselves.

Please look at all the factors, parents involved, loved ones, self included only then will you know the right answer.

When we get on a soap box of morals and ethics, we pick and choose for ourselves. The first, is unprotected sex that could result in this situation.

Make a decision with thoughtful intent, the trick is agreeing with your decision and move past what the outcome may be.

Good luck in this adventure.
2016-01-02 01:35:47 UTC
Things do happen for a reason and this child could grow up to be your best friend❤️ My mom had me at 17, kept me, and she adores me so much and I adore her and she is my bestest friend in the whole world ❤️❤️ This baby that you are pregnant with, he/she could grow up to be a doctor and save lifes and be amazing and live a wonderful life but the question is ... Are you willing to give up your life and your career for this child?? Are you ready to be a mother more than anything else??? You can still graduate and go to college with this baby to be honest, but are you willing to risk the chance that you might not be able to? Just think. Someone is living inside of you. Something is growing in your body, are you willing to kill this? Yes, abortion is killing a baby in this case. Have you considered adoption? If you don't want to raise it I would give it up for adoption... This baby could be someone.
2016-01-04 18:14:53 UTC

But if you DO decide to have sex, don't kill the child who is needing a chance to survive in the world. Wait for adoption.

Also, talk to your partner about the child. Let both of you make an agreement.

If you decide to abort the child, then you're making the much-wanted life of a child to go to waste. Don't abort, save the child's life.
2016-01-05 12:12:34 UTC
I would go through with the pregnancy since it's my own fault for getting pregnant in the first place. I would give the kid up for adoption, preferably a closed adoption so the child can have the best possible life.
2016-01-03 14:58:19 UTC
then give it up for adoption. there are plenty of couples and single people that would love to have a child. consider that if you can't really find a way to keep the baby. plus you say that it was unwanted. why keep a child that you don't want because you say that you can't afford to take care of it. I would say this too if you enjoy having sex but don't want the responsibility of having sex then you or the man need to have some kind of protection to keep you from getting pregnant so you won't have to give a child up because you don't want it.
2016-01-02 12:00:18 UTC
Would never abort since it would be my own fault and not the poor baby. Since so many couples who want babies are waiting to adopt, I'd possibly consider adoption. However this would be if the baby was unwanted, but this is very unlikely since I LOVE babies lol, I'd love to have a child.
2016-01-04 11:43:27 UTC
Don't abort ! It's not the child's fault if you don't want the baby yourself there's other options don't abort take sometime to take it all in and think about what your going to do adoption is always an option if you're not financially mentally or physically stable to care for this baby
2016-01-03 14:52:38 UTC
Sara Jayne
2016-01-03 20:18:14 UTC
Try to raise it, because the unborn baby didn't do anything to be aborted. The foetus is still a living thing. Abortion is basically murder. The foetus didn't ask to be unwanted or unloved, so why abort it???
2016-01-06 15:01:08 UTC
If you are not going to raise your unwanted child the least you could do is go through with the pregnancy and put the child up for adoption.
2016-01-01 21:51:32 UTC
I could never get an abortion. I believe its murder and just because the parents aren't being smart and decide to have sex without protection that shouldn't be the child's fault. for MOST not all causes abortion is being used as a escape in order to refuse to grow up with their responsibilites from their mistakes. Say if your parents had un protected sex and you popped up, un wanted, un needed. would your choice change? and oh wait, you got a choice? weird because that baby wont.
2016-01-03 20:08:45 UTC
Would always have the baby and raise it. I was born at 29 weeks and the abortion limit in uk is 24 weeks so I couldn't stand to think of doing that. I consider abortion killing your child and I personally couldn't do it.
2016-01-02 16:23:13 UTC
2016-01-04 22:12:03 UTC
2016-01-04 13:07:20 UTC
I would just abort the thing. FIRST OF ALL. It won't feel anything whatsoever. It doesn't even have a brain. SECONDLY many women do that. It costs less money than raising the child, and it can majorly effect your future life if your young at age and not ready.
2016-01-03 15:35:10 UTC
Well I'm 16 and single so I would abort. However if I was a financially stable adult and/or the other person was willing to stick around and help raise their child then yes I would keep it.
2016-01-02 05:28:58 UTC
If you had consensual sex, it's your own fault. You were the one that chose not to protect yourself from the pregnancy. When having sex, you should always combine different methods and then you'll only have a tiny chance of getting pregnant. If it was rape, however, it would be a completely different situation.
2016-01-03 14:14:03 UTC
It was my pursuit of pleasure that created that life, if I really didn't want or couldn't afford to raise a child then I would have it adopted, I wouldn't abort it but that's just my personal preference, there are many occasions where abortion is justified.
2016-01-02 13:54:54 UTC
i'm pro choice, but i don't think that i could ever personally abort if i found myself with an unwanted pregnancy. i would more than likely raise the baby.
2016-01-02 18:22:36 UTC
2016-01-01 15:20:30 UTC
Stupid argument, for two reasons.

1. Every single couple I know who had an unplanned pregnancy was either a) not using any birth control or b) not using it reliably or according to instructions. Every. Single. Couple. If you actually use birth control, (not "i ll pull out" or "i take my pills four days a week" or "It s a one night stand. What are the chances?" or "I bought foam and condoms, but it s too much trouble to get them out of the night stand) the chance of conception is less than 3%.

Second, there is another option, and that is putting the child up for adoption. No, a woman who does that is not a baby factory. Factories turn out inanimate objects identical to one another. Every human being is unique.
2016-01-04 14:51:04 UTC
Unwanted pregnancy?

Do people forget that if they have sex they won't get pregnant?

If I chose to have sex and I get pregnant then I take care of my responsibility.

People don't use their brain once the pants come off.
2016-01-02 04:49:06 UTC
Im 29, have a stable job and life. Id personally be fine and would welcome raising a so called "fatherless " child. Unless said child was a result of a rape. In which case I would personally be inclined to abort for My own mental saftey, I couldn't mentally handle carrying a child of rape full term.

But, ten years ago .. I'd have aborted in a second.

Goes to show you how social and economical factors change so many aspects of life.
2016-01-07 07:31:22 UTC
I personally do not, under ANY circumstances agree with abortion. Abortion is murder. I would have the baby and care for it. If you feel you can't care for the baby with your situation you might could put the baby up for adoption.

If it was me, I would have the baby and care for it to the best of my ability. Even if you don't have the finances to support him/her.
2016-01-02 18:50:27 UTC
To be honest, I've put incredible thought into this question in the past and have decided that I would chose the abortion route. I know that I am not in a place to financially support a child and I do not want him/her to grow up without having access to what s(he) wants and needs. I thought about adoption, but that might cause the child to question why (s)he wasn't wanted etc, etc. Without a doubt, I would chose abortion.
2016-01-06 10:40:45 UTC
Personally, I am not against abortion, however I believe that I personally would feel too guilty to do such a thing, and always question what if I never did that?

This won't ever occur however as my partner is trans male.
2016-01-04 05:15:53 UTC
2016-01-03 08:27:36 UTC
2016-01-04 09:05:13 UTC
I would keep the child and raise it, even if the father wanted nothing to do with it. At the end of the day when you chose to have sex you're accepting the risk of becoming pregnant. I suggest if someone is out having sexual intercourse they should use protection and take birth control if female.
2016-01-02 20:55:07 UTC


2016-01-01 15:21:29 UTC
I would have the baby and give it a chance to live and. If I didn't want it I'd drop the baby off at a fire station. But I'm only speaking as if I were a person who didn't want my baby. No abortion.
2016-01-01 17:00:53 UTC
It would be a hard decision. I'm pro-choice because no one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body, but I'm not sure what I would do in this situation. I would like to think that I'd keep the baby.
2016-01-02 10:23:52 UTC
I am not sure, I am 15 but have my GCSE's in 5 months, my only problem would be if the child affects my education, 5 months pregnant should not affect my GCSE's so I would probably keep it even though I don't like babies, I don't mind small children but anything less than 5 minimum is ew
2016-01-02 16:41:27 UTC
I would go ahead with having the baby. I am so against abortion. If i didn't want a baby I'd give both to it and then put up for adoption.
2016-01-05 19:41:42 UTC
Abortion is illegal here in Ireland.

I don't think abortion should be the alternative to raising your child, I think adoption should be stressed, I know people who have adopted and there is no doubt you can love a child unconditional even when you did not give birth to them.
2016-01-02 03:02:42 UTC
2016-01-02 05:50:18 UTC
15 different ways of not getting pregnant, 16 if you include crossing your legs and saying 'no' and you ask this question? Get educated, get protected and then this shouldn't even happen and if it does because you were too dumb/drunk/assaulted, then take the morning after pill. If a woman were living in some third world hell-hole, oppressed and religious I could understand this question, but educated, western and liberal it should be a non-starter. Take responsibility for yourself.
2016-01-02 20:10:51 UTC
IT all depends how many months the baby is . If it is a chance baby - go for abortion. If your family has no objections- then try to bring it up. If both of you would love to see the baby then this question does not rise.
2016-01-03 16:30:31 UTC
I hate stupid questions like this 😤

How do you get unwanted pregnancy?? That's just an excuse bc there is so many ways to be protected and incase you didn't know there is a PLAN B pill 💁 GIRLS DONT BE STUPID IF YOU DONT WANT To be Preg then protect yourself and if a unprotected sex happens TAKE PLAN B PILL A.S.A.P !!!!!! There is no excuse girls don't bring a innocent life to this world by your wrong choices !!!
2016-01-03 23:14:18 UTC
2016-01-04 05:16:43 UTC
Depends hoq old i would be. If under 20, id probably abort due to school. If above 20, there would be a chance of keeping her/him, although i generally dont really want children (yet) so i cant imagine the situation properly (im 18 now).
2016-01-05 19:07:44 UTC
I wouldn't abort because I think it's wrong to take a life that could do so much. I think you may miss the baby if you abort it.
2016-01-01 13:18:11 UTC
2016-01-01 13:18:05 UTC
2016-01-01 13:43:45 UTC
Abortion should be illegal all over the world, with exception. It's my mistake and I'd either keep the baby or put it up for adoption. People these days (especially teenagers) can't just NOT have sex. Like what the hell, just kiss and that's it. No sex before marriage, isn't that what they say? If you're going to have sex, then keep the baby, it's your problem. Live with the consequences instead of being like a ---- and having sex. Watch the wave of haters coming XD
2016-01-02 12:48:42 UTC
Abort. I would only raise a child if the pregnancy was intentional.
2016-01-02 20:44:51 UTC
Wow! I really want to honor everyone's, but most of them seemed a bit extreme. I hope women do not listen to the women who have said they wouldn't have sex outside of rape! How awful,to have been hurt that badly! If I had consensual sex and I became pregnant, I would have the baby.
2016-01-01 16:01:13 UTC
try to raise. taking away a child's opportunity at life is selfish and wrong. they could make a big impact on the world (good) and you could stop that just because you don't want a baby. if you can't take care of it give it up for adoption so he/she can get a better chance at life. it's nothing to be ashamed of because later they will understand you wanted what's best for them.
2016-01-01 14:27:22 UTC

Unplanned doesn't necessarily equal unwanted. Thought I'm quite the feminist, I'm actually pro-life. I'm very unplanned pregnant right now but also this baby is very wanted.
2016-01-02 22:56:14 UTC
I Just Went Through This A Few Months ago. I had an abortion. He really forced me into it because I was leaning towards keeping it but I decided for myself of course. It was just a FWB thing and he's moving away this was complicated but I regret it 100%
2016-01-03 18:14:32 UTC
im 15, so if I were to get pregnant I would abort the baby.

If I were older, I would probably raise the baby, unless I have a good job/school opportunity
2016-01-01 23:19:35 UTC
Personally, I have a family supportive enough to help me raise a child, so I would keep it. BUT if I didn't have my privileged life it'd be best to receive an abortion.
2016-01-03 23:52:57 UTC
I would keep the baby and try to raise the baby to be a strong female or male who would avoid having made the same mistake
2016-01-04 12:12:48 UTC
If i had enough money to raise the kid & support myself then I d keep it.

If I was too young or too poor to raise it or didn t have anyone to help me, then I d abort it. Honestly, it would be a hard thing to go through. But do I feel like I would be a murderer if I did? Hell no. I d rather send my child up to heaven & have it be perfectly safe & sound, then have it starve & live a terrible life because I couldn t support it. I m pro-choice as you can see.
2016-01-04 20:02:08 UTC
I would never abort a pregnancy because I believe that to be murder. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is simple - keep your legs closed.
2016-01-01 13:20:14 UTC
I would for abortion. for many, having a child without the necessary income, time, commitment, and support can be a burden. such kids may not be raised properly and later grow up being a substantial burden to society. abortion is surely the best option. The usa has had 60 million since 1973 roe vs wade. It requires a lot to raise a child in a way it can fully develop. The government is also not offering much assistance for child care and more single parent households paves breeds child poverty. abortion is a need
2016-01-03 17:34:05 UTC
I say keep the baby, you made the decisions to have sex. What would you think if you had a brother or sister that was aborted??
2016-01-03 14:21:44 UTC
it depends what kind of state you're in I suppose. If the person who is the dad of this baby is happy enough to keep the baby and help you take care of it then keep it! think of your financial status too. But aborting a baby isn't murder. do not listen to anyone who says that , good luck :)
2016-01-02 21:02:10 UTC
Depends how many weeks pregnant. If just found out and only within first 3 months then i would have to taker a pill and let god take care of me by douching that what wasnt meant to be right oughta my body.. If after 3 months then i would have a procedure to suction all parts of unwanted DNA out of me. Otherwise if so stupid i did noyt know i was 6 months preggers i would give it up for adoption after waddling my big huge tummy through the Er doorway and giving birth to a MONSTER of an UNWANTED GIANT BABY MONSTER....................................................For me NOT!!!!!!
2016-01-03 06:42:28 UTC
well if youre like 16 I would say abort unless you really have the guts to go threw all the abuse of other people but at the end of the day its what you want to do and if you would like a child do it but make sue the dad is going to stay because if not you've got a long life ahead of you
2016-01-04 09:19:55 UTC
I would have the baby and in all likelihood, I would raise it! Depending on the specifics of the circumstances, however, it may be given up for adoption to find a loving family who was physically unable to bear their own children.
2016-01-03 04:36:39 UTC
It would be depend on period or time limit or the distance. But it easy to say to every man but the hard pain or result have to face woman or first pregnancy to the girl. Thus the mighty God reserved a night place in the heaven but legal way if not she must have to face twice disaster.
2016-01-03 03:53:18 UTC
Raise, all life matters especially babies who many people care little for nowadays. Used to be a time when a baby was the greatest gift one could have.
2016-01-03 06:48:33 UTC
I'd definitely keep it, but I think people in the same circumstance should still have the option to get an abortion; it's a very personal decision.
2016-01-02 13:14:11 UTC
With so many answers, once again the low or no moral compass comes out in spades. You said: THIS IS A MAJOR SINGLES AND DATING ISSUE. WE LOVE SEX but once an unwanted pregnancy comes, its scary. you either get the abortion and deal with risks and complications if you cant afford to support, or try to raise. its cost money to do both. there is ethics to both. IF YOU ABORT THE CHILD, its like murder. but many dont like the idea of raising a child in poverty.

First, no matter how many of you like it or not, the truth is that you are not to be having sex until you are married. And no, you do not get to change those rules. You can still screw, but you will still be sinning. Period. Like with so much else, people today want to be able to do as they wish but face no consequences or ills. People want the fun but no responsibility.

Now, in a day and time when it is so easy to stop conception, there is little excuse for having an unwanted pregnancy. And do not give me the crap about being poor and it costing so much to have kids. If you want to have sex, then you are supposed to have thought about all those things and responded accordingly, to include maybe not having sex. But oh now, most of you still want to do as you wish and still face no costs. In this case, the poor kid who gets murdered has to pay the cost of individuals who want to play big people, play big people games and then snivel like children when the costs are brought to them. So like so many people today, they just make someone else pay the price for them, like the kid they murder or the society which has to support a bastard. And all because two people wanted the benefits and fun of adulthood when they were not willing to actually fill the shoes and responsibilities of adulthood.

Folks, remember that God is not mocked and his rules are not determined by what you or I or anyone else thinks. He instituted his rules and you will either live by them or go against them. God is not going to change for you or me or any other humans. Yes, I know many of you cannot accept that because then you would have to change how you live, act, think, view things. You would have to give up things. You would have to serve something other than your own wants. And that is not something most of you are prepared to do.
2016-01-03 23:57:10 UTC
My opinion-

you had sex, you knew the chance of getting pregnant, you knew that sperm and egg obviously can create a baby, yet you took the chances, do not blame this on the baby, you took the responsibility to have sex, now take it to have the baby.

You got raped- i understand rape is not a joke, it happens to those who do not wish upon, but things happen for the reason, i am 100% you do not want the rapist baby, but that doesnt give you a reason to kill it, please for the love of god give it to someone who can not have babies and wants to provide a baby to a better life.
2016-01-04 19:35:36 UTC
Abortion is murder,and a sin against God,an God does forgive all sins,an Jesus loves you an the children,an we just ask Jesus in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved, He is Faithful and Just to forgive al sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore an Charles Stanley,great Christian teachers to encourage you in Jesus an good to attend a Christian Bible based Church,an John is a great place to read in BIble. May The LORDJesus speak to,save you,family,friends,,us all,lost,here,give good Christians in your paths,work things for good,God's Glory,save the children,change hearts of abortionsit,lost be saved,by Jesus stripes we are healed,saved,thank You Jesus amen shalom Israel,falmily, God is a Refuge for us.Ps 62:8

An read Psalm 139 more about Jesus,prayer,encouragment
2016-01-04 11:45:39 UTC
I personal don't believe in abortion if I was able to do the deed than I would have no regrets with raising it
2016-01-04 19:03:14 UTC
What do you mean "try" to raise? Raise it. You're responsible for making the baby in the first place.
2016-01-05 03:08:18 UTC
No,I would raise because it wouldn't be the baby's fault, I don't believe the miracle of life is a mistake it would be the best gift you could ever recieve .
2016-01-02 06:45:38 UTC
I would try and raise the baby but if you really do not want it and your getting upset and depressed abort

But me myself a million percent raise it 👍🍀😂🙏👍💯❤️👌
2016-01-02 19:26:05 UTC
Personally, I don't agree with abortions, I believe if you choose to have sex, you are aware of the consequences that come along with it
Why We Here Doe
2016-01-05 17:55:20 UTC
I would abort the baby. Most people would disagree with that decision, but if you don't want the baby it's your choice not theirs.
2016-01-01 20:57:59 UTC
I would get an abortion , I'm Pro choice , and its my right to get one , I know I'll get thumbs down by people who think I'm absolutely terrible for not wanting to give birth as a teenager but its my decision
2016-01-02 20:46:05 UTC
I would keep the baby and try to raise it. Part of this decision comes from the support I would have if it did happen, my age, my lifestyle, and the fact that I already have children.
2016-01-03 19:34:57 UTC
I wouldn't ever abort. If you want it you keep the baby and raise it. If you don't adoption is bes in my opinion.
2016-01-02 12:28:16 UTC
abort the baby. im only 13 and wont have sex until 16 or older. there is no reason if you dont want the baby that you shouldnt abort it. screw religious beliefs i myself why born into a religous family SCREW that if i get pregnant to young best believe im not having it
Md. Rashed Kabir
2016-01-03 12:03:50 UTC
I think its depends on time situation. If I am right time in my personal life Its ok. No need to abort the baby.
2016-01-02 09:28:45 UTC
I would abort, since I'm not mentally ready for children. I'm only 16
2016-01-03 15:09:21 UTC
2016-01-03 20:35:45 UTC
Um that would never happen to me cause sex seems um pointless and disgusting. I think its disgusting for my mom to have me im not selfish but I didnt really want to be born so my mom honestly didnt have to go through all that (im 16) and a girl.

Anyway I would abort because I wouldnt want to go through all that pain
2016-01-05 16:29:25 UTC
I would not abort the baby. I would keep it or give it up for adoption. At least then they have a chance.
2016-01-05 16:32:19 UTC
I would NEVER abort my child BUT if I absolutely cannot raise it. I will give my child to a Lovely, caring couple Who aren't able to give birth.
2016-01-01 16:21:02 UTC
If it were me, I'd get it aborted at this time in my life. There's this cool thing called CONDOMS and BIRTH CONTROL. If you don't like condoms or birth control then you're just setting yourself up to have a child :)
2016-01-02 21:06:47 UTC
I wouldn't abort it. It's not the kids fault I was careless and it doesn't deserve to die. If I really couldn't take care of it, I'd put it up for adoption.
2016-01-05 02:54:51 UTC
I would keep the baby and raise it, im 100% against abortion
2016-01-03 07:42:58 UTC
Try to Raise
2016-01-01 23:37:46 UTC
I would never had an adoption. I would try to raise my kid however I can and I would strugle for its best quality of life. If I couldn't I wouldn't give to adoption but perhaps would look for couple who desire and strike for baby but their unfortunate situation doesn't allow them to have one. You may disagree or not, thats just me.
2016-01-04 14:40:19 UTC
I can't really say because I've never been in that situation, so it's hard to tell, but I think I would abort
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-01-01 15:22:19 UTC
Its someone's choice. If you really can't afford the child and you don't have the right support either abort or look into adoption. I judge no one for what they think is right for themselves.
2016-01-01 17:58:23 UTC
Abort. I don't think it's that hard of a decision. I can't offer it anything, and don't want to ruin my life for almost a year just to give it up.
2016-01-03 00:33:40 UTC
Well maybe at first I would consider abortion, but after thinking about how I would always wonder what that child would have grown up to be like, I would defiantly keep it, or put it up for adoption at most.
2016-01-02 21:43:55 UTC
na abortion is basically murder would you have wanted your mom to abort you?, if you feel like an unfit parent give the child up for adoption let them live. And have a chance to live and experience life for thereself because life ia a beautiful thing.
2016-01-04 18:32:40 UTC
I would not abort. Ever if I couldn't raise it I would give it up for adoption.
Oliver Stone
2016-01-02 11:18:35 UTC
If you choose to abort, overdosing on fresh, organic spearmint will do the job. Spearmint causes contractions, inducing labor. Works best when taken from the start, up to the third month. When you drink the tea, do it on a day off.
2016-01-03 16:08:57 UTC
I would keep the baby honestly because i feel like if i was irresponsible to hav unprotected sex then i should keep the baby. But i guess u wouldnt know unless ur in that situation.
2016-01-01 20:18:19 UTC
2016-01-04 16:04:40 UTC
Use protection. Dont abort .You were smart enough to not use all available resources to avoid this ,you need to deal with outcome .Im a teen and although im not sexual active atm ,after i asked ,my mom gave me the shot in case .But're so careless put the baby.up.for.adoption.
2016-01-03 20:57:59 UTC
You answered your own question .Remember ....Murder is a baby that has already been born and eauthanized for some ungodly reason or thrown in the dumpster because the parent cannot even understand what life is about..
2016-01-01 14:51:24 UTC
Abortion is murder and it should be illegal if u abort ur killing ur child I'm thirteen and if I was stupid enough to have sex and get pregnant I would have the child and raise it no matter what!!!!
2016-01-04 19:15:06 UTC
with the high tech society that we have loved and lived it - there can now make it so you (male or female) can't get knocked up. Just sayin there are options. An old fashion one is, wait till you find someone that you are willing to have kids with and marry them and have lots of sex and lots of kids.
2016-01-03 11:37:49 UTC
try to raise because it wasn't the baby's fault. The baby would have the right to see the world.
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016-01-02 18:30:03 UTC
I think aborting a baby after consensual sex is irresponsible! You chose to have unprotected sex then you should pay for what you did .
2016-01-02 04:28:31 UTC
I would always try to ejac on the young lady's leg on a first date first, then get to know her, check our needs, then if we could afford a child, go for it. But as I'm on welfare benefits, affording a child is not something I can do
2016-01-02 22:49:29 UTC
Please don't abort. Have the baby, if you don't want a child try giving them to an adoption agency to be raised by a nice family who can't have kids.
2016-01-02 15:52:47 UTC
I would raise it because I couldn't live with the fact that I murdered my child because I thought it would be too tough on my life to have them. Most people delude themselves from the fact that they re killing their kid, but the girls who go through with it very often turn out depressed because of what they had done.
2016-01-02 07:13:15 UTC
No I wouldn't murder because of my mistake. I would give up for adoption or raise the baby myself
2016-01-03 11:03:12 UTC
Well if it happened to me I would abort the baby why would you ever keep something you don't want? Common sense.
2016-01-05 22:53:01 UTC
Early abortion where all you do is take pills to terminate the pregnancy. Late abortions are disgusting.
2016-01-04 06:10:37 UTC
first you have to plan before becoming pregnancy if you have raped or become pregnancy before marry then you should worry don't worry about money some how you can earn money in future don't worry god is their to help you in some way but don't abort the baby its gift of god
2016-01-04 17:38:47 UTC
You know what the consequences are when you lay down and its your responsibility to think about them. Be an adult and protect yourself. If you dont put that first them prepair to deal with the outcome. If you cant deal with the outcome maybe you should be thinking twice before you have sex. Sex is great just be responsible. .
2016-01-06 02:04:51 UTC
Everybody is born with a purpose, don't destroy a possible amazing life, never abort.
2016-01-04 06:57:16 UTC
During pregnancy there is a heartbeat before 20 days. Are you a Christian? Thou shalt not murder. That said, there is the option of adoption.
2016-01-05 23:11:43 UTC
If I really didn't want the baby, I would put him/her up for adoption. It's not the baby's fault.
2016-01-05 15:00:50 UTC
It is better to be aborted than unwanted -personal experience.
Who Knew?
2016-01-05 03:14:45 UTC
The only time to think about not having children is before conception. Check that: before you conceive of such a deadly thing as lust. Control your thoughts and life will write you a different movie script.
2016-01-04 21:51:39 UTC
I would abort the baby, and before you say I'm a killer, it's my own body and I do what I please with it. With that said, I wouldn't want a child and putting it in a foster home is awful.
2016-01-02 13:32:28 UTC
Sad to hear that you are getting played by your bf, who does not even have to be married to get sex, instead hes using you as an object... years/months time you would realise that he don't want to get married to you because hes getting it without being married, plus without all the marriage law in the process.
Jim D
2016-01-01 14:53:15 UTC
Modern, legal abortions have very low (almost non-existant) risks and complications. Raising a child these days however, is very risky and complicated.
2016-01-01 13:22:49 UTC
Raise it!

Studies have been done of people that had had abortions later, even decades later, and they were still in pains from the killing of a human life!
2016-01-01 20:42:46 UTC
People say arab countries are sick. I feel the us and euro countries are even more degrading. All sex, violence, alcohol, etc. What is good about having multiple sex then getting a bastard to live an abnormal life
2016-01-03 22:56:09 UTC
Raise it.......I can't have kids so it is painful for me to think I may have had a chance and aborted it
2016-01-04 16:58:57 UTC
I would never abort the baby under any circumstances
2016-01-02 01:23:43 UTC
How about being fully cognizant and accountable for the possible ramifications of consensual unprotected sex and practice responsible behaviour BEFORE the act. Just sayin.....
2016-01-04 04:10:38 UTC
Raise of course. Don't be a killer. Life is from God

Only HE has the authority to kill
2016-01-05 16:21:17 UTC
I would raise MY baby. Even at my age (16) I would rather go the rest of my life knowing that I messed up my life, rather than going the rest of my life knowing that I ended one.
2016-01-02 22:26:32 UTC
2016-01-03 11:57:15 UTC
If I was irresponsible enough to conceive in this manner I would fce the consequences and raise the child
2016-01-03 10:37:54 UTC
Abort, there's too many people on this planet and I would not want to ruin my life, life's too short for that. Many people and animals are killed everyday, so it's whatever
2016-01-01 13:23:43 UTC
I would take responsibility for my actions and raise it. I'm already a parent - so I've experienced all the joy that children can bring. I wouldn't mind having to do it all over again. Even if I had to do it as a single parent. :-)
2016-01-05 04:10:20 UTC
Unlike animals & alike WISE-SENSIBLE Souls- both the Boy & Girl / Man & Woman should have SENSE & AWARENESS as to when to have sex/ intercourse with each other s mutual consent WHEN IT IS SAFE especially from the girl-women s is always SENSIBLE TO DETER PROBLEMS rather than allow them to come & grow. Among nay SINS one of the BIGGEST SIN-INHUMAN ACT IS ABORTING-KILLING AN UNBORN INNOCENT SOUL-LIFE INSIDE THE WOMB !!!! and my dear friends BELIEVE IT OR NOT- THEIR CURSE to the Concerned boy & girl/ man & woman BEFORE GETTING KILLED During ABORTION is V.LETHAL...their CURSE BADLY AFFECTS the KILLERS & NEXT Born soul and continues on the rest who are born after abortion.

2016-01-04 11:51:46 UTC
I would raise the baby
2016-01-03 21:56:32 UTC
Bro don't abort it... It's against the word of God
Maurice H
2016-01-05 23:23:27 UTC
Give the baby up for adoption
2016-01-04 06:26:49 UTC
Abortion is not wrong. If you feel that's what you should do then do it, don't bring up a child when you are not ready.
Sarah Nicole 'Skelly'
2016-01-02 03:22:57 UTC
Well if u are pregnant and can't afford to raise a kid then you can always think of having the kid and giving the kid up for adoption.
Vicky D love MJ
2016-01-04 19:45:01 UTC
Raise the child. Every life is precious
2016-01-02 18:08:10 UTC
Try adoption, I did. There are so many people that would love to have a child that can't. You may be helping them. Talk to a conselor.
2016-01-03 00:18:31 UTC
You'll be regret it cuz you don't know the future of your unborn child. Next time use pills plus double condom because instead of pregnancy could be std's or HIV
Foot faults are illegal!
2016-01-02 07:40:12 UTC
I would abort it. My life as a budding adult is far more important to me than a clump of inconvenient cells that wants to take over my life. Resist the temptation to turn your life over to it and take charge of your own destiny.
2016-01-02 17:22:56 UTC
I am pro choice, and would choose abortion. However, abortion should not be used as a substitute for reliable birth control, such as the pill.
2016-01-01 14:49:33 UTC
i will never abort the baby or leave it for adoption just because of my stupid mistake whats the babys fault? i will raise it
2016-01-04 15:20:39 UTC
Don't get an abortion, it's legal man slaughter, imagine your daughter getting an abortion, would you look at her the same way?
2016-01-02 15:52:14 UTC
It's called wear a condom or keep ur legs closed,if u don't want a baby-from a 14 year old girl
2016-01-05 10:46:24 UTC
Abort. Or put up for adoption
2016-01-04 22:12:32 UTC
Depends on circumstances. If you think you can give it a good life, keep it. If you're having second thoughts, put it up for adoption.
2016-01-03 21:51:15 UTC
You can not just abort your baby, you need be responsible for what you did
2016-01-01 16:15:51 UTC
Don't ever abort! It's murder and you taking a soul away from God that's not yours to take!
Dirty Jed
2016-01-03 02:43:10 UTC
Even better yet, just roast the baby in the oven and eat it like a rotisserie chicken!
2016-01-01 16:06:05 UTC
I wouldn't try to raise it, I would raise. Its my child and no one would ever take my baby away from me
2016-01-02 16:37:37 UTC
That happened to me. I decided to keep the baby and rise it by myself. The father does see every now and then.

Things happen for a reason.
2016-01-02 19:34:42 UTC
Think about it end of you are not capable of raising then abort if not you should raise
2016-01-01 15:22:02 UTC
It would all depend of the emotional and financial support the female has. Will her guy stand with her or will he cut and run, what her parents says would be a big thing too..
2016-01-04 10:55:55 UTC
Abortion is a sick practice, really sick. It shouldn't even be considered an option for people who weren't raped or whose babies were terminally ill. I would make abortion a crime, it's murder disguised as choice.
2016-01-04 17:42:13 UTC
Raise it...Why terminate something soon beautiful as a baby.
2016-01-03 16:36:40 UTC
Nope I'd abort it as soon as possible
2016-01-03 06:32:27 UTC
Adoption is an option. A much better choice than killing the life inside you.
2016-01-02 15:04:24 UTC
I would either raise the baby or give it up for adoption.
2016-01-03 12:33:27 UTC
I would put it up for adoption if you're not fit to raise.
2016-01-02 12:53:39 UTC
Well I wouldn't have unprotected sex to begin with
2016-01-01 21:44:49 UTC
That is a very loaded fake question. Abort, abort!
2016-01-01 20:45:11 UTC
Raise it. Rape is the only thing for me to get a abortion
2016-01-02 19:08:32 UTC
Don't kill a child for your mistakes in life! It already has a heart beat and slowly but steady growing. If I was you, I wouldn't tell him and I'd keep the baby. Please don't do this
mia delight
2016-01-01 13:49:47 UTC
If you have sex you know that a possible outcome is pregnancy. Its not as if you would be shocked and mistafied that this happened. For myself I would raise it.
2016-01-04 16:19:13 UTC
2016-01-01 17:51:55 UTC
abort the baby, all those risks are general scare tactics made by die-hard religious folks
Alan H
2016-01-02 00:33:11 UTC
You would, of course, have been wiser to ask such questions before having sex.

However, there are now two of you who are prospective parents: only you can decide
2016-01-03 20:44:50 UTC
Keep the baby and not take the easy way out.
2016-01-02 23:19:15 UTC
You can have a wonderful family raise your child. It is a beautiful and loving thing to do, and I hope and pray you can do this, honey. I am praying for you tonight!
2016-01-04 00:57:59 UTC
Abortion is a sin your killing your own baby it's a murder
2016-01-02 13:06:00 UTC
I would raise the baby and you could eathier put it in home school or in public schools
2016-01-01 13:45:38 UTC
i'm a guy, but given the circumstances you describe, and assuming the mother didn't want the baby, i would happily raise the child by myself.
2016-01-02 21:35:19 UTC
Condoms with another form of birth control use two types. Condoms alone can fail.
2016-01-01 20:50:56 UTC
I would raise the baby.
2016-01-06 05:27:15 UTC
There are too many possibilities with this scenario. I need many more details before I could make a decision.
2016-01-01 16:31:50 UTC
I would take into consideration my age, my job status, income status, whether my partner wants this or not, his income status, where I'm living, if I can afford to take time off work ..
2016-01-03 06:21:04 UTC
Depends on the age
2016-01-03 19:04:29 UTC
There's a reason intelligent people have less children.
2016-01-05 11:29:17 UTC
It depneds. How would it affect your life ? For example, if you are 13 years old you might want to focus on school
2016-01-04 06:00:57 UTC
have the baby but give it to the military so they can raise him into the perfect super soldier that we need.
Linzi C
2016-01-03 12:40:26 UTC
If your not ready to be a parent then abort
2016-01-05 21:55:43 UTC
2016-01-04 18:45:10 UTC
It's up to u
2016-01-03 11:57:27 UTC
Raise it cause it is your own baby
Clorox Bleach
2016-01-04 13:18:38 UTC
Give birth because it's your fault, and then put it up for adoption if you don't want it
2016-01-03 18:59:35 UTC
Abortion is not wrong, but it's still up to you. After all, look at how many people are saying that they would raise the child. Just pick one of them, since they are Christian enough to have volunteered on this page to do that for you.
2016-01-02 12:47:20 UTC
I'll probably deal with the risk.
Nastaran Momtaheni
2016-01-04 15:50:19 UTC
abort it.i mean it IS called was not supposed to happen so what difference would it make for the world around?
2016-01-02 20:34:56 UTC
Raise it
2016-01-04 17:37:38 UTC
depends. if I'm not able to raise a child, then no
2016-01-02 23:03:23 UTC
Raise it
2016-01-04 19:15:54 UTC
I would never in my life make an abortion
2016-01-02 21:56:06 UTC
I'd keep the baby and if I couldn't afford to keep it I'd gives it up for adoption

Answer mine?
2016-01-04 14:01:39 UTC
Depends on the situation for me
2016-01-01 20:10:39 UTC
Only date ladies who share your same morals, ethics and religion because of situations like this.
2016-01-04 01:46:34 UTC
if you cannot afford a baby, don't have sex , period !

practice responsible sex ie. in a marriage.
2016-01-03 19:03:30 UTC
its not murder honestly you do whats best for you and if youre against abortion just put it up for adoption and theres always plan b pill you can take
2016-01-03 09:56:55 UTC
Try to raise it.
2016-01-06 10:58:21 UTC
raise the baby.
2016-01-01 14:56:31 UTC
Don't know Ur disesion
2016-01-02 01:43:15 UTC
Men always wear that condom it will take some stimulant away true but it will make you last longer in bed.
2016-01-01 14:09:50 UTC
Probably abort, but then...As a gay man, I'd probably become rich and famous if I or my partner carried a baby to term.
2016-01-01 17:13:41 UTC
Take protection before you sex.
2016-01-02 17:21:30 UTC
Try to abort.if failed put up for adoption...if failed again....then raise it

Or just not have sex at all
2016-01-01 13:26:41 UTC
God tells you not to have sex unless you're married (e.g. able to take care of a child).

But you disobey God, and then you want to commit murder to cover up the consequences of your disobedience.

I don't say this in judgement either, but I want to be about clear what exactly it is you're asking.

Because the obvious answer is that you need to raise this child.
2016-01-04 06:51:11 UTC
I would keep the baby
Bob Sin
2016-01-03 00:02:11 UTC
you dont want the kid abort it. dont force your self to keep a kid you never wanted. that and its going to cost you thousands of dollars to have a kid do you have that kinda of money?

i see alot of young girls 18 to 25 who screw there lives up for having a kid they dont want.
2016-01-05 11:57:53 UTC
I would raise it because its my fault I opened my legs
2016-01-01 15:49:35 UTC
I would raise my baby.
2016-01-02 09:17:14 UTC
try to raise
Jan C
2016-01-01 20:02:11 UTC
Always do the right thing. Only you will know the answer to this.
2016-01-03 12:03:41 UTC
i wouldn't ever kill a baby so id give it up or ask my parents to help me raise her/him.
2016-01-01 13:39:15 UTC
2016-01-03 23:38:53 UTC
I would want the child for myself. I realize this is selfish, but no apologies.
2016-01-01 17:08:40 UTC
I'm pro-choice! 100%

My message to anti-abortionists (anti-choicers)/pro-lifers

Life doesn't begin at conception. It begins at birth. A fetus is not a human life, so it does not have separate individual rights. The government should keep funding safe and legal abortions and should continue to protect the reproductive rights and bodily autonomy of women. A lot of people are using contraception. Also, just because a few bad apples are having abortions left and right, doesn't mean that the majority of women should be stripped of their right to safe and legal abortions, just because of the mistakes of the minority. Abortion isn't murder. Murder is a crime of violence. Abortion is not a crime. Abortions are safe and legal for women. Abortion is a medical matter, not a criminal one, and should be left to a woman and her doctor.

Moreover, if a woman/couple had sex irresponsibly and conceived a child, why would you want them to participate in parenthood if you know that they are unfit and not responsible/mature enough to be a parent? You are endangering the potential life and if that's the case, I'd rather have the potential life aborted, than for it to be brought into a world of abuse and neglect. Not every parent/potential parent is fit for the job of parenthood. Anti-abortionists/Right-wingers are against things like comprehensive sex ed, contraception, abortions, premarital sex etc. because they hate people having bodily autonomy and people having their reproductive freedom protected by the law, since they don't want people to have sex safely, responsibly and without consequences.

Anti-choicers are some of the most idiotic, hypocritical people out there. It's so disgusting. The pro-life side needs a new title. They can't be pro-life if they are OK with taking away the life of the woman. They can be anti-choice, anti-woman, anti-already born, anti-freedom, or something! Pro-life is not a good word for people who don't actually care about the already living people, only the ones who aren't born. But you suggest adoption over abortion, which is still basically saying "I don't care if you don't want the fetus, carry it to term and put it up for adoption". If you aren't trying to force anyone to do anything then you would be pro-choice, and the adoption idea would have never come up.

Sex is a lot more than an act of procreation. But that doesn't matter. By your logic, one should never be given medical treatment for being in a car wreck, because you KNEW when you got into the car that there was a chance of being in a wreck. Just because a woman knows that there's a chance of her getting pregnant with an act of sex, that doesn't mean she forfeits her right to get medical treatment (i.e., an abortion) for that accident. Just as a person in a car wreck doesn't forfeit their right to get medical treatment.

Until it comes out of her womb, it's a fetus. Once the fetus is out of the womb, then it's a baby. Zygote>Embryo>Fetus>Baby (infant). Life begins at birth and not at conception. That would be like saying a larvae or a cocoon is a butterfly. They both have the potential to be a butterfly, but they aren't a butterfly.

Pro-choice people are the actual pro-lifers. We care about the potential life in addition to existing life. Self -proclaimed "Pro-lifers" don't care about potential or existing life, all they want to do is carry out their own selfish agendas. Their agenda is to take away the reproductive rights (bodily autonomy) of women, which I think is immoral, unethical and disgusting. They are truly pieces of ****.

I can't fathom why any person would be anti-choice, especially if you are a woman (which I'm not obviously). As a guy, I believe that a woman should have the right to choose. Her body= Her choice. Most women want choice. I think all women should want choice. Why would any women want their bodily autonomy/reproductive freedom taken away from them?

Abortion is a CHOICE, it's up to woman, if she wants to keep the fetus or not. In my opinion, men or anyone else should not tell women to keep or not to keep the fetus. Anti-abortion hasn't been about choice... it's been about controlling women. "They (conservatives/right-wingers) are not pro-life. They are anti-woman. Simple as it gets."- George Carlin

Let's face it being pro life is pretty much restricted to the religious community, the fact that you would force a woman to have a child she doesn't want, a child she may not be able to support, a child that may end up in foster care, shows that you don't care about the quality of life of the mother and child.

As a liberal/left-winger, I believe that a person's bodily autonomy/reproductive freedom should be protected, especially when it comes to women. I consider women my equals, and I believe that women should have bodily autonomy/reproductive freedom just like men. To strip women of that right would be unethical, immoral and disgusting. The law is based on the fact that it's her body that has to commit to the whole thing, not his. It's an invasion of bodily autonomy to force a person to lend their bodies to undergoing medical procedures they do not choose to engage in. You can't do that to a man either. The emotional attachment a man might feel for his sperm doesn't get to override her bodily autonomy.

Abortion should be legal for many reasons. 1. Reduce the number of people who didn't come into a good position in the world. 2. It's illogical to force someone to go through massive bodily changes on the behalf of something that might become human. 3. People are allowed to be more productive instead of focusing on childcare that they may not even want. 4. It encourages sexual freedom. 5. It doesn't do any harm to anything. At least not any more than pregnancy.

To sum up anti abortion arguments, it's just people who have been fooled into believing that a piece of flesh in the womb is a human despite having no traits

Fetuses aren't viable until 28 weeks, which is when more than 90% of fetuses can survive outside the womb, provided that they have high-quality medical care. Fetuses born before 37 weeks are preterm and are at higher risk of health problems such as cerebral palsy.

Source: "Pregnancy: Condition Information". December 19, 2013. Retrieved 14 March 2015.

My honest opinion is this

Week 1-27 abortion should be allowed in all circumstances, regardless of the woman's situation

Week 28-36 Emergency abortions (like if giving birth would kill the woman or if the fetus has some type of birth defect that would prevent it from living a fulfilling life once it's born; in other words, if the fetus is dying, malformed (fetal anomalies), or threatening the women's life or health)

I'm a liberal feminist and I support women's rights. I consider women my equals and believe that they should have the same rights as men.

‪#‎CFBCLiberal‬ ‪#‎CFBCAtheist‬ ‪#‎ProSex‬ ‪#‎ProChoice‬ ‪#‎ProAbortion‬
2016-01-02 22:33:24 UTC
I would abort
2016-01-03 08:51:12 UTC
I would abort
Me dude..
2016-01-01 17:59:20 UTC
If you feel there is no option than that is the course of action
2016-01-04 06:37:36 UTC
id keep it. cause it would be my husband cause he is the only one i have sex with. now if ur talking about me being raped, id give it up for adoption
2016-01-01 13:30:54 UTC
abortion for sure. the usa is becoming overpopulated. it can support all the new kids as well as undocumented immigrants. the poverty and rising inequality means many cant raise kids. the reduced income. family stability, and resources means childbearing is something only for 2 parent households. They must also be making six figures. abortion for sure
2016-01-01 19:58:56 UTC
You should keep the baby.
2016-01-03 13:44:11 UTC
2016-01-05 03:15:40 UTC
Get your tubed tied so you can have sex all you want and never get pregnant!
2016-01-02 21:55:54 UTC
STOP having sex! how about yall just do other stuf
2016-01-02 17:28:37 UTC
Get yourself a nice, clean coathanger.
2016-01-01 16:27:36 UTC
its your choice to screw the piece of your own human meat that has life and its growing to pay your elderly wrinlky *** bills when your old
2016-01-01 13:53:29 UTC
Abort. In a heart beat.
2016-01-01 23:21:08 UTC
....this is a life......if you cannot take care of your young ones then don't make it so that they can be born,not loved and not cared for by you......
2016-01-04 19:44:50 UTC
Raise it.
2016-01-01 17:40:17 UTC
I would probably abort it, as horrible as it is
2016-01-01 18:26:21 UTC
I would have the baby
2016-01-04 07:03:24 UTC
If you had unprotected sex it's your own fault, idiot.
2016-01-02 08:59:04 UTC
Keep it and raise it,
You Wish You Were Me
2016-01-02 13:34:00 UTC
if abortion becomes illegal then having the farther walk out on the mother should be illegal too.
Terrence J's Future Girlfriend
2016-01-01 13:17:32 UTC
I 'll try to raise it.
2016-01-04 09:11:46 UTC
Abortion is murder. Period. There's nothing more to it.
2016-01-03 04:44:07 UTC
Sense I'm gay I don't have that problem.
2016-01-02 09:59:14 UTC
I will raise the child.Once u angry u see ur child...u will happy and worth it.
Jarelo Kars
2016-01-04 00:14:00 UTC
Adopt it out.
2016-01-01 13:32:46 UTC
abortion. this is especially true if already have a child. birth control measures are not perfect. thats why we have abortion in case the mother feels it would be too much of a burden
2016-01-04 15:07:00 UTC
That decision is totally up to you
2016-01-03 09:30:40 UTC
this happened to me and i raised him
2016-01-03 09:58:17 UTC
Depends on what you feel is right
2016-01-02 11:19:11 UTC
2016-01-02 11:51:15 UTC
Use protection, problem solved
Krista W
2016-01-04 19:59:19 UTC
so subjective depends on the situation.
2016-01-01 16:31:03 UTC
this takes a lot of contemplation but in lthe end it is your choice.
2016-01-02 15:39:27 UTC
Yea i was just trying to bang...screw that
2016-01-01 15:31:14 UTC
Keep it make the daddy pay!
2016-01-02 15:01:42 UTC
2016-01-05 08:58:31 UTC
Put it up for adoption instead of killing it.
2016-01-03 11:04:45 UTC
Put it up for adoption.
2016-01-04 21:44:15 UTC
I would keep it. U made the baby so u should keep the baby.
2016-01-01 18:37:03 UTC
Idk I would most likely not abort it because it must've happened for a goos reason for the future
2016-01-03 04:36:41 UTC
depends on what you and your partner want, you can raise it if you can.
I care
2016-01-06 13:22:50 UTC
It seems like you are asking the before you are planning this event..?????

2016-01-04 11:41:34 UTC
2016-01-04 15:44:51 UTC
no abort
2016-01-06 09:36:02 UTC
I'll keep it
2016-01-03 14:08:15 UTC
Make your own mind up, your an adult.
2016-01-03 10:13:26 UTC
why not give the thing up for adoption?
2016-01-07 03:29:10 UTC
Never do that... You dont know how much maternity is good!!
2016-01-03 14:52:40 UTC
If you are about to get raped tell the rapist you have AIDS.
2016-01-02 12:34:15 UTC
abort it
2016-01-03 12:30:07 UTC
i would do whatever fits my life at that time best
2016-01-01 13:34:14 UTC
I would abort the nasty thing.
2016-01-03 16:40:26 UTC
give it up for adoption
2016-01-05 09:43:08 UTC
i would abort
2016-01-03 19:55:12 UTC
2016-01-03 23:42:34 UTC
Gaia’s Garden
2016-01-05 09:19:03 UTC
2016-01-04 03:19:07 UTC
talk to parents
2016-01-01 15:03:58 UTC
Arian A
2016-01-06 00:13:13 UTC
2016-01-04 19:37:31 UTC
2016-01-03 13:49:59 UTC
2016-01-01 17:14:29 UTC
2016-01-03 17:14:40 UTC
2016-01-01 18:54:36 UTC
Adoption ! Abortion is murder !
2016-01-03 11:48:59 UTC
I would keep it
2016-01-01 19:57:47 UTC
2016-01-01 16:18:21 UTC
Keep it.
Micheal :)
2016-01-03 14:25:30 UTC
2016-01-01 13:34:50 UTC
You stupid cows
2016-01-04 05:33:35 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.